Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max

User opinions and reviews

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Ali--Raza, 30 Jul 2020If Apple chips are more optimised with their software and a... moreI don't know who you are but God bless you for giving such a mature reply. You nailed it!!!

    SizN80, 01 Aug 2020So to summarize what you just said: Android is an inefficie... moreWell I just said android's software and hardware are designed differently and they work a bit differently. Likewise iPhone's hardware and software are different and that's the reason that drawing a comparison between both isn't meaningful. That was my point.

    Both of them perform well enough in all situations either daily usage or gaming. So two softwares having different approaches, one being a closed end and the other one being a bit opened ecosystem. I just don't want to start a debate that which is better so it will be better for you as well to stop that.

      Ali--Raza, 30 Jul 2020If Apple chips are more optimised with their software and a... moreSo to summarize what you just said: Android is an inefficient resource hog of an OS, while iOS is an efficient OS that is well optimized.

      Thank you. Exactly what I have been saying.

      This is why Google wants to focus on Fuchsia OS because they know android is a huge mess.

        DrummerAJL, 30 Jul 2020Reports have shown Apple was actually cheating on benchmark... moreThere actual reports of Samsung caught cheating on multiple benchmarks,lol.Apple don’t need to cheat they genuinely build the best hardware out there.

          SizN80, 29 Jul 2020It probably won’t beat the A14. The SD865 came out shortly ... moreIf Apple chips are more optimised with their software and are a bit faster then so what ?
          What will happen if iPhone loads a game in suppose 10 seconds and its Snapdragon competitor loads the app in 12 or 13 seconds, will it make a huge difference ?
          Obviously the thing is that the speed differences are very small and not noticeable for users.
          I am not defending any chipset here, just saying that the differences are not that huge that somebody will be compelled to say that his phone is slower.

          You said "Apple's hexa core CPU beat the Snapdragon octa core CPU". Well buddy, it is not like that how you think. Apple may have a very small lead over snapdragon but saying a hexa core cpu beating an octa core is wrong. Apple's software is designed in a different way and it does not need a lot of specs to run it smoothly. But android's software is designed in a different way so it needs some heavy specs to run it smoothly. So actually a hexa core does not beat an octa core, it is because android's software works differently than Apple's.
          So for the androids an octa core CPU would be as powerful as a hexa core for the iPhones. Apple has the lead but it does not mean that Apple's hexa core cpu is more powerful than snapdragon's octa core cpu.

            I see here people fighting that Apple A13 is better or somebody saying Snapdragon 865 or 865+ is better. Even if any of the two chips is faster than the other then the thing is that how much difference is in their speeds in daily usage ?
            Obviously nobody is gonna notice these tiny differences when opening and using daily usage apps because the difference is not so huge or noticeable.
            As far as gaming is concerned both Snapdragon 865 and Apple A13 chips can handle heavy games smoothly around 60 fps comfortably. Both of them are fast and reliable for heavy usage as well.
            So practically speaking the point is that the difference between them is very small and not noticeable for users. Both chipsets are powerful enough to handle heavy loads smoothly.

              SizN80, 29 Jul 2020It probably won’t beat the A14. The SD865 came out shortly ... moreReports have shown Apple was actually cheating on benchmarks, and in some cases developers measure them differently.

              - The Exynos S10 scored around 19K on passmark, iOS has a completely different version of passmark making the 11 pro show almost 700k. The differences between CPU cores, clock speed, and RAM make this obvious.
              - The MIDRANGE 765G can handle 90fps just fine, iOS still limited to 60fps.
              - In balanced speed tests I found, iOS has only won in PUBG.
              - For CPUs, pro builders usually say to non-tech people to multiply GHz by cores to find which is actually good. In this case, SD865 is 2.84, 3x2.42, 4x1.8, adding up to 17.3. A13 would be 12.5, A12Z catches up to 16.4. Therefore, Qualcomm is still leading.

                SizN80, 29 Jul 2020It probably won’t beat the A14. The SD865 came out shortly ... moreSamsung sucks ‘coz they only support 2 years of Android major update unlike Apple Devices

                  Jack, 29 Jul 2020Blablabla... Snapdragon 875 will be released december and w... moreIt probably won’t beat the A14. The SD865 came out shortly after the A13 and the A13 wiped the floor with it :) it took a year before Qualcomm could make something competitive.

                  Once again, the A13 is a Hexa Core SoC and yet Qualcomm struggled to beat it with their Octa Core.

                  Let us not forget there is also the A12Z chip which is far more powerful than A13,loool! Qualcomm have not beaten anything kiddo :’D
                  The SD865+ will be in the new Galaxy Tab tablet’s and it’s already far behind the A12Z which sits as the most powerful ARM chip around. :)

                    • J
                    • Jack
                    • NwU
                    • 29 Jul 2020

                    SizN80, 27 Jul 2020It’s taken a full year for Qualcomm to catch up to the A13,... moreBlablabla... Snapdragon 875 will be released december and will beat apple a14 soc. So keep cool man

                      Anonymous, 27 Jul 2020Why no long term review there is of galaxy S20Doesn’t really need one, these phones are consistent and maintain great performance over many years due to great update support.

                        Jack, 27 Jul 2020 snapdragon beats apple this ye... moreIt’s taken a full year for Qualcomm to catch up to the A13,wow,loool! And even then the A13 still had some great wins in Mixed and GPU.The A14 will easily beat this snapdragon then.Heck the A13 could probably beat it in iOS 14 with the new optimization.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uZa
                          • 27 Jul 2020

                          Why no long term review there is of galaxy S20

                            • G
                            • Ghayyur Naqvi
                            • uZa
                            • 27 Jul 2020

                            RG, 26 Jun 2020I need to buy a new phone but I am trying to decide between... morePlease go with iphone Pro Max which is the best phone in the world as on today.

                              • G
                              • Ghayyur Naqvi
                              • uZa
                              • 27 Jul 2020

                              Ali--Raza, 27 Jul 20204 GB ram for iPhone is just like having 12 GB ram on Samsun... moreExcellent to know this, I am user of both Android and Apple.

                                • J
                                • Jack
                                • NwU
                                • 27 Jul 2020

                                M.O, 24 Jul 2020I'm tired of people trying to scrutinize apple ideas a... more snapdragon beats apple this year. Apple is not 4-5 ahead of android but just 4-5 months. Apple a14 will beat snapdragon 865+ and next snapdragon 875 will beat apple a14. Apple fans you only follow geekbench scores you are so funny hahahahahaha sd is better this year

                                  • J
                                  • Jack
                                  • NwU
                                  • 27 Jul 2020

                                  Ali--Raza, 27 Jul 2020iPhones are overall very good for gaming and photography bu... moreYes. At least this year we want 120hz display or 90. Its a must-have.

                                    • A
                                    • Android
                                    • xhm
                                    • 27 Jul 2020

                                    Ali--Raza, 27 Jul 2020Every device has its own pros and cons and every person has... moreYes, I'm agree. In terms of ram management, camera, and games, apple is the winner

                                      Rivsan, 22 Jun 2020I haven't try using iphone. Is 4gb ram enough? Compared to ... more4 GB ram for iPhone is just like having 12 GB ram on Samsung so you won't notice any difference between Apple and Samsung when it comes to ram management. Both have excellent ram management and iPhones generally don't need a lot of ram like androids because their software is different from androids. They are good in ram management even with 4 GB ram. Samsung's 12 GB ram may not have a huge edge over Apple as it seems to compare 4 vs 12 GB ram so, they are more or less equal in ram management.

                                        RG, 26 Jun 2020I need to buy a new phone but I am trying to decide between... moreIf you are a fan of Samsung's super amoled displays and their better colors then S20 is suitable for you. It also has more features than Apple.
                                        If you think gaming performance and software security is your top priority then you should go for iPhone. iPhones are also well optimised when it comes to software comparison.
                                        Cameras and battery backups of both the S20 and iPhone 11 are very good. You won't need to worry about them.