Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

User opinions and reviews

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  • 30 Oct 2020

cherry, 30 Oct 2020Me too, I expected this year a possibility to take better M... moreWhat?

    Genius , 29 Oct 2020I bought iPhone XS Max for a fortune, just afyer launch and... moreAnd you expect to trade for a newer iphone at a low cost? Come on......

      • c
      • cherry
      • 8XB
      • 30 Oct 2020

      Black dimensional , 28 Oct 2020What a disappoint I was waiting for this for long time I di... moreMe too, I expected this year a possibility to take better MP pictures. I owned an iPhone 11 and while the pics viewed on the small resolution screen looked good, on a 4K 27" monitor they looked very meh when you zoom in a bit. I sent it back and got S20 with 64MP, perfect for landscape pictures to maintain detail. I will wait till 13, I need a second phone but will keep my iPhone 6.

        • q
        • qqqqqqqqqqq
        • j{g
        • 29 Oct 2020

        PH Boy, 22 Oct 2020Comment section here is the new battlefield huh!let us play some Russian Roulette

          • n
          • not az or as
          • j{g
          • 29 Oct 2020

          Amany, 23 Oct 2020Hey gays i need your help which one i have to buy iphone 11... moreYou get the iPhone 11pro max if you want the size and battery. You should get the iPhone 12 pro if you want newer tech, and updated camreas

            • a
            • as said
            • j{g
            • 29 Oct 2020

            FF17, 26 Oct 2020Let him buy whatever he wants. It's not your money, s... moreyou could just upgrade to a note 10, or just move to a place were they sell Quadcom chips

              • a
              • az
              • j{g
              • 29 Oct 2020

              cherry, 28 Oct 2020If they mentain the same nice flat look, make the notch dis... morethat's not apple. They do notch or no notch...

                • J
                • JDK
                • aHV
                • 29 Oct 2020

                Ariana Grande , 29 Oct 2020Google Camera destroys this argument. Especially if the Opp... moregoogle camera won't ever be as good as google's absolute best image processing, because people would never buy their pixel phones anymore.

                  • G
                  • Genius
                  • pef
                  • 29 Oct 2020

                  I bought iPhone XS Max for a fortune, just afyer launch and until today, I winder what tje heck of a ugly thing to have bought for such a big amount of money.

                  Today, the phone is valued so low by Apple when I tried to trade it for a newer model...

                  Then I thought, the iPhone is only for those who have been fooled so much to believe that theirs is the most expensive phones... For just making selfies!

                    Android Rocks, 29 Oct 2020FYI, Apple & Android both are built from Linux Kernel -... moreExactly.

                      NewUser07 , 28 Oct 2020Android phones are cheap because of the Android implementat... moreNot all Androids are cheap, that is the thing I want to correct you...

                        • m
                        • moog
                        • nUn
                        • 29 Oct 2020

                        d, 28 Oct 2020what a battery life you have there 😅 cmon its 2020 but they have lmao?

                          • A
                          • Ariana Grande
                          • LaG
                          • 29 Oct 2020

                          Anonymous, 28 Oct 2020If you are comparing the 64MP of OPPO phone to 12MP of iPho... moreGoogle Camera destroys this argument. Especially if the Oppo is using a Qualcomm chipset.

                          Many devs have tested 48 and 64MP modes with great results, meaning that the Oppo's main camera may be able to surpass the one of the iphone in photos, even in low light.

                            • J
                            • Just an Apple Fan
                            • 7ki
                            • 29 Oct 2020

                            A14 bonic chip is daamn good

                              • A
                              • Android Rocks
                              • iuQ
                              • 29 Oct 2020

                              B4425, 28 Oct 2020I already quit talking to you... you can end up like that p... moreFYI, Apple & Android both are built from Linux Kernel - "both are hackable" LOL. the users that twat Android is worst than Apple is an dumbie in technology. for the same price most Android phone have higher or even double the specs and performance of Apple. Apple are built with easy to use interface so the non-technie grandma/grandad can operate them LOL

                                • r
                                • royal
                                • qmH
                                • 29 Oct 2020

                                B4425, 28 Oct 2020Just get a Samsung, I don't think iPhone will bring th... moreapple has gone down hill there phones are trash and the only big thing they achieved is wireless airpods i mean i gotta admit its pretty impressive but the iphone 12 would be so much better if it had better battery life better mAH and the screens stronger

                                  • N
                                  • NewUser07
                                  • nx{
                                  • 28 Oct 2020

                                  B4425, 28 Oct 2020I already quit talking to you... you can end up like that p... moreAndroid phones are cheap because of the Android implementation is very poor on the phones that are using it. It’s not about the specs, but the implementation of this operating system is very poor and full of bugs and prone to hacking. I’ve been hacked on my bank account on my previous Android phone and not only that, I was experiencing almost constantly poor performance from Android. Crashes, bugs , battery issues after half year of usage, and worst of all being hacked even when I had an antivirus installed on the phone. You can’t expect to just throw an operating system on the phones, because that is the impression you get when using an Android phone, that is universal and everything to be fine. It doesn’t work like that.

                                    • d
                                    • d
                                    • tEC
                                    • 28 Oct 2020

                                    what a battery life you have there 😅 cmon its 2020

                                      Black dimensional , 28 Oct 2020What a disappoint I was waiting for this for long time I di... moreJust get a Samsung, I don't think iPhone will bring the old style back anyway

                                        Sectre, 28 Oct 2020It's not the phone... it's the OS. If you had bo... moreI already quit talking to you... you can end up like that person if you keep arguing with me.


                                        Looks like you're not the only person who thinks Android is cheap. What makes you think all Androids are cheap? For price, an iPhone 11 Pro Max costs $1,449 (Around 1230 Euro) while an ASUS ROG II Phone costs $1,495.49 (Around 1270 Euro). What makes you think that just because some god damned Samsung phones are cheap for it's MSRP Price?

                                        "full of hackers and malware"
                                        Tell me one time you've been hacked on Google websites or Google devices. Never? Congrats, you are a bad liar. I've been using an Android (LG G3) for around 6-7 years, guess what? Have I been hacked? Plus, just because it's Google doesn't necessarily mean it has many malware. It's either you, or it IS you.

                                        "owned by Google"
                                        I think you've never knew this. Old model iPhones such as the First, and the 3G's, have materials ALL from Samsung. If it didn't had help, iPhone wouldn't even exist.

                                        I swear you are basically him on another account.