Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

User opinions and reviews

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Apple's devices can be charged through USB ports of laptops and computers and hence, Apple's device's battery Voltages cannot exceed 4.2 V because, a minimum Voltage difference of 0.8 V is required to charge a battery with 5V since, the voltages of USB 2.0 and 3.0 of computers/laptops equals 5V. An USB 2.0 port of a computer/laptop delivers 0.5 Amps/500 milli Amps of Current and an USB 3.0 port of a computer/laptop delivers 0.9 Amps/900 milli Amps of Current. Multiplying VOLTAGE (V) and CURRENT (A) gives the Wattage (W) of a charger. Hence the Wattage of the following chargers with the respective Voltage and Current specifications can be calculated as follows:

1). 5V/0.5 Ah = 5V/500 mAh adaptor is 5 X 0.5 = 2.5W
2). 5V/1 Ah = 5V/1000 mAh adaptor is 5 X 1 = 5W
3). 5V/1.5 Ah = 5V/1500 mAh adaptor is 5 X 1.5 = 7.5W
4). 5V/2 Ah = 5V/2000 mAh adaptor is 5 X 2 = 10W
5). 5V/3 Ah = 5V/3000 mAh adaptor is 5 X 3 = 15W

A 5000 mAh mobile battery would require a minimum of 5V/500 mAh charger i. e., 10% of battery capacity. Increasing the charging current increases the speed of charging. From the specification sheets of iPhone 12 line up as given by Apple Inc. it is safe to charge all iPhones with chargers 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 listed above, the fastest being number 5. Any ORIGINAL mobile charging brick of Android mobile phones can be used to charge an iPhone with the charger specifications as stated in 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 but, has to be used with Apple's lightning cable provided with their device. The most ideal chargers would be 2, 3 or 4. Using other fast chargers will damage iPhone's internal charging circuit and battery.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • DkZ
    • 16 Oct 2020

    Voice call recording available all 12 models

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 47t
      • 16 Oct 2020

      Not difference between the 11 and 12

        • S
        • Sunn
        • Nue
        • 16 Oct 2020

        Since Apple can't give us 120hz+ 5g,they should have made different models e.g iPhone 12 4g + 120hz and iPhone 12 5g with 60hz...

        They got all the money in the world.

        Can you imagine,Apple is behind Samsung

        I guess apple already know people don't buy their phones because of the features rather they buy it to show status symbol

          • D
          • AnonD-955101
          • 0sZ
          • 16 Oct 2020

          And dont forget those non recyclable environment friendly airpods.

            • D
            • AnonD-955101
            • 0sZ
            • 16 Oct 2020

            No charger and earphones because of the environment,
            And there are still those completely useless apple stickers.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • md}
              • 16 Oct 2020

              A Galaxy Z Fold 2 is only 60 Euros more than this in Europe, currently. You'd have to be out of your god damned mind to choose the the Apple product ...

                • T
                • Tom Wilson
                • PZ%
                • 16 Oct 2020

                It's not about the design and looks, it's all about a single word,,,,,,"APPLE", in short it stands for "Quality"

                  • A
                  • Aniq
                  • Trj
                  • 15 Oct 2020

                  Guys apple seriously must do something new for their device they remake the old models like iphone 4 time 10’years back apple should grow up making same designing and saying Gorgeous display ETc they should learn from samsung I wish it was 5k display camera recording 8k apple keep on making people crazy but this time very sad and no Stainless steal shame this time thuns up to iPhone 11 Pro Max

                    • U
                    • UmDUH
                    • jsM
                    • 15 Oct 2020

                    Amir, 15 Oct 2020Almost same design...what are the designers of iphone doing... moreCell phones are rectangular boxes. How many possible ways do you think they can differentiate them? Not many. Get over it.

                      203 Asian Uncle, 15 Oct 20201. S865 didn't beat A13 2. The S series chips do not ... moreOh yes it sucks then when iphone puts it on there next device it will become an innovation to sucks because its not on the ipbone ..

                        master of mobiles, 15 Oct 2020Yes, this is what I wanted to say, it is slow when you have... moreYou are here again, so you can re-post what I have posted? What a weirdo you are. You should grow up you know and stop trolling.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3%@
                          • 15 Oct 2020

                          why there is no touch id?

                            • A
                            • Amir
                            • KAR
                            • 15 Oct 2020

                            Almost same design...what are the designers of iphone doing....learn from samsung....note 10 to note 20....what the change....

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • kk0
                              • 15 Oct 2020

                              NewUser07 , 15 Oct 2020Hey, guess what, the zoom is used less then 5% at best all ... moreI would rather be able to do something I don’t normally do than not be able to do it.

                                • D
                                • Droidfansareinsecure
                                • uC8
                                • 15 Oct 2020

                                Mi fam, 15 Oct 2020You're also behind just like apple dude They're b... moreWho the heck even games on android phones. Apps and games suck on the android java lol. Ios ipad os games and apps are in swift and C++. Heck broke guy get an ipad pro with A12z bionic which has better display at 120 hz refresh rate and 240 hz touch sensing. Ipad pros already had this PRO-Motion since 2017 and now toydroids got it in 2020 and their insecure bitch fans acting be like as if it suddenly became necessary. And btw who games on phone. Get an ipad or console or a gaming pc.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-955101
                                  • 0sZ
                                  • 15 Oct 2020

                                  annoying customer, 15 Oct 2020Tell me what company have 5 year upgrade no one, Android is... moreBro sorry but you really need to improve your English.
                                  Your comments are almost unreadable, i cant understand a world you're saying.

                                    • I
                                    • Imran
                                    • PT7
                                    • 15 Oct 2020

                                    Missing doc and hand free just joke apple

                                      • N
                                      • NewUser07
                                      • nx{
                                      • 15 Oct 2020

                                      [deleted post]Hey, guess what, the zoom is used less then 5% at best all the time. So what’s the point of zoom anyway. It should be removed for good as it got no real use. Tell from all the users of smartphones how many actually use all the camera options just for taking one simple picture at that moment. I tell you, less then 5% , because when you are taking a picture you don’t want to mess with all nonsense settings and loose the moment, so all you need is just a point and shoot capable smartphone that is able to capture the moment fast and precise without any loss of the timing and IPhone is the best at doing this very precise and timely.

                                        nisanz, 15 Oct 2020I would buy Note 20 Ultra instead or any other phone with 1... moreJust so you know , note 20 ultra and S 20+ are , if you put them togther one pile of sh..t

                                        If you want speed on samsung phone , enable developer , put animations down , and shut the f...k up with your 120hz refreshing rate