Apple iPhone 3G

Apple iPhone 3G

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Allan
  • q{U
  • 16 Dec 2008

Anonymous, 15 Dec 2008and limited 3rd party apps? what kind of selection do you w... moreYou said in post 2008-12-15 03:06 That your not trying to defend the iphone. Sure sounds like you are to this person you replied to, Mobile expert.

    • c
    • chief
    • PTd
    • 16 Dec 2008

    just compared the iphone with the Blackberry Storm. BB in my view much better and less frustrating, intuative keypad better as unable to operate the apple with gloves or cold hands accessing battery a plus and i like the ability to hot swap memory, videoing useful. BB needs a hardware upgrade already, need to turn off 3G to make it thru the day, and I dont understand why they changed to a micro usb but all in all still better than the apple so I bought it. would recommend business pers stay with the BB Bold

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • iny
      • 16 Dec 2008

      Mobile expert user, 15 Dec 2008Missing items on Apple's iPhone & iPhone 3G: 1. no remov... moreLet me just pick out a few faults with your argument...

      1. No Removable Battery - That's why we get chargers, or car chargers... and Apple actually gave us aeroplane mode for those long flights over the Pacific. Sure the battery life isn't immaculate, but when you think about what the iPhone can do, its not an issue.

      2. Maximum Screen Resolution is 320x480 - Your point? It still looks fantastic. I don't give how many pixels it is. Stop worrying about the specs, if it looks good, who cares?

      3. Limited 3rd Party Apps - Um, no. Try unlimited. Seriously, maybe if you were writing this before the app store, I'd believe you, but the however million sales they make per day begs to differ.

      4. No Streaming Stereo Audio Profile - Okay, I'll admit, it doesn't, but you can buy adaptors for it, and before too long, hopefully the January Macworld will see the support added. At least with the iPhone Steve Jobs can give us free updates through iTunes, nice and simple.

      5. Google Maps on 3G Model Only - Show me a non 3G phone that does Google maps anyway. Thats like saying no image on radio, or no bullets in water pistol. And this is the iPhone 3G forum... so it just denotes your point yet again.

      6. User is Locked to 1 Service Provider with 3G model - Since when is that anything new? And the fact is, I have my 2 year contract with Optus, but I can get my handset unlocked for free. Or I could buy it PrePaid, which would then be locked to Optus as well, but thats no different from the Nokia PrePaids we sell. Contractual agreements have nothing to do with the phone, but the service provider, so don't complain about it here.
      Anyway, Optus gave me a free 250MB of data on my Cap just because I'm an iPhone customer, no megabucks MIP here :)

      7. No Windows Live IM Support - Its a Mac... Windows software not running on it isn't anything new, lol. That's Microsofts problem, if they don't make the app, Apple can't support it. There is third party applications that can run it, Palringo being one example, but again, its not the iPhone's problem.

      8. User is Stuck Using Safari Which Doens't Even Support Flash - Safari is brilliant, and Apple are working on Flash Support as we speak. I'm all for waiting for Apple to get it right, then for them to pump out buggy half finished nonsense.

      9. No Onboard keyboard - Its a touchscreen phone... keyboards denote that fact. Far out, pick actual faults, not what you want in your own perfect phone.

      10. Cannot Compare to EDGE Speeds - Um, yes, it can. And the Wi-Fi means that I can use internet without paying money, making that 250MB I mentioned earlier go a long way. When I'm at work or home, free iPhone internet. I'm not complaining. And using 'limited apps :)' such as Wi-Finder I can discover many free hotspots.

      11. Users Can't Put In Flash Memory - Sure, its a tad annoying, but 16 gig is really plenty enough room. You can only physically listen to a certain amount of songs in one day, and I think I have 17 days (Don't quote me, I don't have iTunes open) on my iPhone. I know that it has more than 24 hours, and thats really all you need.

      12. There Is No 3G Video Calling - How many times do you video call? If you really need to see someone that much, go out for coffee with them. And if they are that far away that you can't meet up, then video call rates are too expensive. Exercise patience and use Skype when you get home.

      13. No Skype - The reason there is no Skype is because no Telco is going to sell a phone that they don't make any money off. What's the point of singing you up to a plan when you will just make free calls?
      With that said, you can get Skype support with Fring, so if you really are desparate for the calls, then it can be done.

      14. - Sorry? You can only pick 13 faults with the iPhone and most of them aren't valid anyway?

      Conclusion - Stop making up rubbish lists complaining about stupid things that the iPhone was never intended to do. Next you'll be saying it doesn't have 'Nokia' on the back, so it mustn't be good, lol.

      Please, please, please let this be the last of these annoying lists. This isn't user opinions, its people complaining about Apple. So please, stop. Go to an Apple shop and talk to a Genius about it.

        • J
        • Jones jUNIOR
        • kcT
        • 16 Dec 2008

        this phone is really good but people just hate it.. i dont know why? it has basically all functions of other phones. btw for those of you that dont get it.. apple doesnt really care much about the iphone being unlocked... cus if they do care they wouldnt launch the sdk for the iphone... =P which leads to hackers to build unlocking tools.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3Y5
          • 15 Dec 2008

          Currently Viewing Tag "Disaster" in Board "BlackBerry 9500 Series Smartphone - BlackBerry Storm"

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • v0g
            • 15 Dec 2008

            MaD-MaN, 15 Dec 2008My opinion for this phone (crap),it has slow internet.IT`S ... morehahaha the storm is the worst blackberry to hit the market EVER, the OS is a joke but not nearly as funny as their attempt at touchscreen, i want a touch screen so i can touch my way through my apps not so i have to select and hit another button

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • v0g
              • 15 Dec 2008

              Mobile expert user, 15 Dec 2008Missing items on Apple's iPhone & iPhone 3G: 1. no remov... moreand limited 3rd party apps? what kind of selection do you want? there are literally thousands available for download, alot of them free, and alot of the extremely useful for both entertainment and proffesions. My fiance is a nurse and she has several apps that help her do her job better and faster, including a medical dictionary, a dosage converter/calculator among others

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • v0g
                • 15 Dec 2008

                Mobile expert user, 15 Dec 2008Missing items on Apple's iPhone & iPhone 3G: 1. no remov... morethats funny, i seem to use both skype and msn on my iphone and the internet speed has been on par with any other handset wirth the same capabilities, but ok

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3Y5
                  • 15 Dec 2008

                  MaD-MaN, 15 Dec 2008My opinion for this phone (crap),it has slow internet.IT`S ... moreRelax they sold 14 million pieces anyway .

                    • M
                    • MaD-MaN
                    • QVr
                    • 15 Dec 2008

                    My opinion for this phone (crap),it has slow internet.IT`S full of bugs.MSN MESSENGER is whaaackk!!Actually there is no msn messenger i should say.There is no video recording+the picture quality is not very good.Like the mobile expert said you cant even take out the battery(you can but you will literaly destroy your Iphone=not good).It will take you 5 mins ti send 1 phrase in Sms or email etc...Let`s see what else im running out of thouts;well it does have a good responsive screen but it could be better.Enyways the phone is sexy,nice,all that,but,dont judge a book by it`s cover it is nasty PEOPLE please stop bying that phone cause your neightber has it.Even my blackberry bold is way better OBVIOUSLY if yo absolutely want a touch phone be patient and wait for the storm it`s a mix of iphone and blackberry trust me it`s going to own iphone.If yoru just too har headed and you absolutly want it I hope you can get it cracked cause or else your going to be very sad LOL

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • pKb
                      • 15 Dec 2008

                      This is a good handset for people who want something simple to use and where the touchscreen is responsive but if your a phone geek this handset is a big NO! Would choose a HTC handset over an iPhone.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • v{Q
                        • 15 Dec 2008

                        macworld is on 4th n 5th jan.
                        apple may cut the price of the iPhone as it was done last year - straight away slashed 200$ n may introduce 32GB model.

                          • s
                          • somebody
                          • TIE
                          • 15 Dec 2008

                          Hey hi everybody. im am planning to buy iphone 3g. At the same time i am confused because of all the comment i have read and heard what do you guyz think? is it worth buying it or not??

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • P%n
                            • 15 Dec 2008

                            Anonymous, 15 Dec 2008so what are you saying that iphone 3g will be discontinued ... moreStop exaggerating, Nokia only has about 100 different models at the moment, most of them cheap one's because that's where they make most of their money which they spend on hype to fire up their fanboi's.

                            I think I'll call my friend in Finland and find out, I'll just use Fring to call via Skype from my iPhone.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • vuM
                              • 15 Dec 2008

                              Anonymous, 14 Dec 2008and why would you think apple would rely on this phone to b... moreso what are you saying that iphone 3g will be discontinued in 12 months time??
                              nothing is wrong with it

                              its better than having 20 million nokias with the same identical features just the model number thats changed

                              nokia is weird along with other phone companies

                                • G
                                • Greg-stah
                                • vuM
                                • 15 Dec 2008

                                Anonymous, 15 Dec 2008Yes they will stop a multi billion dollar business just to ... moreno!
                                apple makes new ipods every year at least three nano video and shuffle

                                and also new macs every year

                                not to mention apple tv's etc etc.

                                get your facts straight we dont need 50 phones its pretty confusing i want an nokia but hter are so many models to choose its really confusing apple has two so you can say i want iphone whith 3g or no 3g? hmmmm...

                                  • S
                                  • Steve Jobs' bitch
                                  • vuM
                                  • 15 Dec 2008

                                  Allan, 15 Dec 2008I know the world of technology doesn't include the iphone t... moreguys guys
                                  stop fighting over iphone we all know how bad it is but that doesnt mean therres a reson to start fighting
                                  just tell us what you think of the iphone no need for fighting

                                    • M
                                    • Mobile expert user
                                    • Tha
                                    • 15 Dec 2008

                                    Missing items on Apple's iPhone & iPhone 3G:

                                    1. no removable battery
                                    2. maximum screen resolution is only 320x480
                                    3. limited 3rd party applications
                                    4. no streaming stereo audio profile aka A2DP support
                                    5. can only use Goolgle Maps for GPS on 3G models
                                    6. user is locked to 1 service provider on the 3G model with contract of course and a data cap of course for big bucks
                                    7. no Windows Live IM support
                                    8. user is stuck using safari broswer which doesn't even support FLASH!
                                    9. No onboard keyboard or additional addons available via bluetooth, clearly not the greatest for inputing text on the fly.
                                    10. It's a good thing that they have wifi onboard because clearly the 3G network on the iphone is close to EDGE speeds.
                                    11. Users can't even input a flash memory card
                                    12. there is no 3G video calling
                                    13. No skype


                                    Apple iPhone in my opinion is not worth the $, periode.
                                    Sames goes with the new unleashed G1 Google Android.

                                      • V
                                      • Vince
                                      • kH@
                                      • 15 Dec 2008

                                      As f0r my opini0n. It was really an awes0me f0ne c0nsidering unique features like 16M c0l0rs, multi-t0uch, safari br0wser, really gener0us large screen BUT... The sh0rtc0mings in features like bluet0oth f0r data transfer, vide0, flash, l0w camera res0luti0n(MP) and external mem0ry f0r expansi0n (alth0ugh 8/16GB is really big en0ugh t0 c0nsume) is really a turn off. Oh well! There's n0 perfect f0ne... I think buying a ph0ne with iph0ne on d ch0ices is a big decisi0n 2 make. Especially f0r me. But im l0oking f0rward f0r an0ther breakthr0ugh fr0m Steve there.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • P%n
                                        • 15 Dec 2008

                                        jackson, 15 Dec 2008lets not talk about n97, n95 8gb can already kill iphone 3g... moreWell, when audio tests are conducted properly using lab equipment as outlined here:-


                                        Which results in whole series of numbers based on measuring various things.

                                        What do these numbers mean?

                                        Basically that anecdotal reports such as the following:-

                                        "n95 8gb can already kill iphone 3g. you can even adjust EQ in iphone 3g but you can adjust 8 band EQ and the quality is way better than itouch and iphone (i compared it with my brothers) n95 8gb killed the music iphone,"

                                        Are wrong.

                                        If you read the test results you will see that the iPhone absolutely wipes the floor with the N95 8GB in regard to music quality.

                                        Now you may think that making lots of noise through a pair of tinny little speakers built into the phone makes up for this but it doesn't.

                                        If you plug an iPhone into a high end stereo system or a pair of quality headphone's, it's then that you'll notice the difference that these numbers make.

                                        The iPhone doesn't need to hide any inadequacies behind a multitude of equalizer presets.