Apple iPhone 3G

Apple iPhone 3G

User opinions and reviews

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  • V
  • Vinnie
  • k2b
  • 19 Nov 2008

iLUVZtehIPOWNZ, 16 Nov 2008Can everyone stop misinforming people about the GPS! Yes... moreHaha, you must be a Jitterbug user with intellegnce like that. I was clearly stating that the GPS will work even without a SIM card over Wifi. It may not be the best solution due to the fact that after you are out of range of wifi you will lose map data if you don't pre-run it and store it into memory but IT WILL WORK WITHOUT ANY DATA CONNECTIONS AT ALL. Also I am a HUGE Nokia fan. However, there is more to the iphone than meets the eye. A program called 'Multitask' allows the iphone to keep apps open in the background which is a huge plus and with SwirlyMMS and Cycorder we now have video recording and MMS support. So there is no copy and paste, so what? I owned an E90 and the copy and paste wasn't available across all apps anyway, espically when you needed it the most. The only regrettable thing now is the camera. If the iphone had a 5MP camera with carl-zeiss optics like on the N95, honestly the N95 wouldn't have a foot to stand on. Unless of course you fancy the A2DP Stereo Bluetooth, but considering the iPod/iPhone Compatable docks and solutions, I think it will hold its own getting its music to your speakers :) I have no need for a Nokia any longer. Every smartphone benefits from third-party apps, so even if it does not come standard, it does not mean that it shouldn't be taken into consideration.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • va1
    • 19 Nov 2008

    Nick, 19 Nov 2008omg it doesnt have a qwerty keyboard! it must be crap. Does... moreThe iPhone doesn't freeze once a day, I think you've got it confused with the Omnia*!

    *and other Windows mobile devices.

      • N
      • Nick
      • PSH
      • 19 Nov 2008

      O and does the i phone slide ?? I THINK NOT!!!

        • N
        • Nick
        • PSH
        • 19 Nov 2008

        omg it doesnt have a qwerty keyboard! it must be crap. Does the n95 freeze once a day like the i phone?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • iny
          • 19 Nov 2008

          nick, 17 Nov 2008of course the n95 has that function. there isnt anything th... moreAhaha, do you even own an N95? There is loads of stuff N95s can't do. Don't go on saying that they are perfect, please.

          Can an N95 have a full QWERTY keypad. No!

            • U
            • Unknown
            • 4p%
            • 19 Nov 2008

            What Turbo Sim means? when you search in ebay to find an unlocked I-Phone some includes turbo sim. Thanks in advance for reply.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • mp2
              • 18 Nov 2008

              sri, 18 Nov 2008Inferior to i phone! My foot. Omnia is better than Iphone i... moreOmnia is very bad and ugly. Windows mobile does not work and looks good ether. Iphone can do much more than Omnia was ever dreaming about. No mms but who need it if you can send email in notime. Omnia looks bad and feels bad it no fun to use boring and just very bad copy of IPHONE . Even 10 MP cam will not make it up for omnia it is dead already.......

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • P%n
                • 18 Nov 2008

                sri, 18 Nov 2008Inferior to i phone! My foot. Omnia is better than Iphone i... moreYou know why they call it Windows Mobile?

                Because you want to throw it out the window when it crashes on a call.

                  • s
                  • sri
                  • SbW
                  • 18 Nov 2008

                  ViL, 18 Nov 2008expensive? kidding me? i don think iPhone is that expensi... moreInferior to i phone! My foot. Omnia is better than Iphone in many ways. For example it has a 5 Mp camera, video recording, video call, MMS, Widgets, picture quality, video quality, FM Radio. Apple phone is living on borrowed time & will have a natural death sooner than later.Having said that,I should admit that Apple phone is better looking,has the best touch screen,LCD does not suffer under direct sunlight & the best interface.I do own an Omnia & my eldest son has an Apple 3G.

                    • L
                    • LBM user
                    • MJT
                    • 18 Nov 2008

                    this phone is a good handset it feels and looks really good and its also made by apple i think that says it all really ....

                      • m
                      • mad
                      • SXc
                      • 18 Nov 2008

                      iPhone is NOT a good phone, may be good minicomputer.
                      Please, do not buy it if you expect it to work like a professional mobile phone !

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • M0$
                        • 18 Nov 2008

                        ViL, 18 Nov 2008expensive? kidding me? i don think iPhone is that expensi... moreas fun as this phone was to play with I had to send it back because it's impossible to type a text message on that tiny on screen keyboard. I switched over to the Samsung F700 and I think it's a better phone all round

                          • n
                          • nokiapple
                          • TbB
                          • 18 Nov 2008

                          iphone was made suitable for americans bcoz of its predictive texting.. but in general, most people prefer to have an alphaneumeric keypad so they can do one-handed texting..

                          they should have made an alphaneumeric keypad also as a consideration for the 'texting capital of the world'..^^ believe me, people in this country dont prefer predictive texting (tma b mga pnoy?=).

                          some say iphone is not expensive, some can afford to buy one (well i do personally owned one before), but it doesnt mean that most people then can afford also to buy an iphone. thats why most of the people crave to have an iphone, bcoz its EXPENSIVE. not all can afford this phone. i mean, you gotta check our worldwide status for you guys to understand..

                          iphone is COOL, aside from these reasons. also, this phone becomes exceptional only bcoz of its price. geez, a phone for the price of a laptop? hell no. id rather buy a laptop instead..

                          when it comes to features, Nokia comes in. what's good w/ Nokia is they sell phones w/ reasonable.. i mean, more reasonable price. its not 'wise' to to spend your money for just an iphone (laptop would be better). that's the reason i'd prefer nokia phones.. its good to be practical.

                            • Z
                            • Zyien
                            • Re2
                            • 18 Nov 2008

                            ViL, 18 Nov 2008not that far i think.. but i dont think we can compare bot... morepersonally i think this phone is amazing,it has really great features n if ur into music n games like maself,u need to get one,i did!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • MJ0
                              • 18 Nov 2008

                              MR.P, 18 Nov 2008have any body seen the chinese ripoff i68 its nothing like ... moreThis ripoff i68 is longe ago on ebay.
                              It has nothing to do with IPHONE

                                • M
                                • MR.P
                                • M@T
                                • 18 Nov 2008

                                have any body seen the chinese ripoff i68 its nothing like the iphone but its a nice try

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P%n
                                  • 18 Nov 2008

                                  Anonymous, 18 Nov 2008I am not sure whare do you live but the IPHONE is affordabl... moreBefore I got my iPhone I was spending $A70 a month on calls and data for the last 6 years.

                                  Now I have a 24 month contract and am spending $A70 a month on calls and data + I have an iPhone.

                                  I have 60 Apps installed most were free, some cost $1.19 the most expensive cost $A12.99 (Spore, Crash Cart Racing).

                                  When the app store icon is clicked on the phone or iTunes is started you are notified of updates and can install them, you can leave feedback for developers and many improvements in applications have come about because of this.

                                  The games are far better than any Java game I have seen, you don't have to join rip-off "clubs" that charge subscriptions to get ringtones, games and wallpapers and charge your account every month or bleed your pay as you go credit dry.

                                  I don't have to go to dodgy sites with equally dodgy "free"(pirated) software, some of those things crash your phone, the sites crash your PC and registering fills your inbox with spam.

                                  I can get any app either from my PC or from my iPhone (when on wireless) my Visa debit card is debited and an invoice is emailed, it couldn't be easier or safer, if you don't have a credit card you can buy iTunes vouchers all over the place.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • MJ0
                                    • 18 Nov 2008

                                    I own the IPHONE 3G sins it come out and I am very pleased
                                    with it > IPHONE made me buy an new MACBOOK aluminium it is about 1000£ in uk but it is worth evry penny.
                                    APPLE you make the best produsts in the world
                                    keep going ...........

                                      • a
                                      • abcd
                                      • uK9
                                      • 18 Nov 2008

                                      ViL, 18 Nov 2008do you have one?? u CAN customize your iPhone buy a mac... moreyea... i do have imac... thats why I'm thinking of buying iphone.... hopefully I can do lots of cool stuffs with iphone and imac together...

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • MJ0
                                        • 18 Nov 2008

                                        Anonymous, 18 Nov 2008no matter how many applications you put into the iphone, ju... moreI am not sure whare do you live but the IPHONE is affordable in UK. I understand that in some african countries it may be an annually salary to get IPHONE.
                                        Application are free and many are only 60P(1$)
                                        Is that expensive?????????????