Apple iPhone 3G

Apple iPhone 3G

User opinions and reviews

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  • V
  • ViL
  • uED
  • 29 Sep 2008

geek , 28 Sep 2008i don't mind if u say that, but iphone is and bwm never La... moreiPhone is not just another design to tell u..
it is the REVOLUTIONARY design that makes the phone market demand shift..
and it is just the truth

    • V
    • ViL
    • uED
    • 29 Sep 2008

    Anonymous, 29 Sep 2008you obviously have never heard of htc before. the iphone is... moreI have, but can HTC produce touch screen as good as iphone's?
    HTC's phone's always need stylus be4 iphone out on the market just after they sees iphone they start to copy it.

    that is just the truth and what all other phone developer does,
    try to think objectively besides apple os more stable then WM,,

      • N
      • Natasha
      • 0UZ
      • 29 Sep 2008

      Well nobody really answered my question?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • e6U
        • 29 Sep 2008

        ViL, 28 Sep 2008Iphone is the lamborghini of cellphone to tell u.. diamond... moreyou obviously have never heard of htc before. the iphone is not the first touchscreen phone. i have an att8525 that has been out for somethin like 4 years. the only thing that a lot of companies tried to copy was the "look" of the iphone. honestly, its an inferior phone but is very good at what it does, nothin more. there are better phones that do more, but they prolly dont do some thigs as well as the iphone. but overall the iphone lacks alot of things that alot of people have gotten used to and reley on in their phones. when the x1 comes out, that will be my next phone. the reasons are obvious i think :D

          • n
          • nick
          • nxw
          • 28 Sep 2008

          kinda agree with comment below. that is true. without the animations the phone would look a lot slower.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Acp
            • 28 Sep 2008

            come to think of it ppl complain about the speed of other devices compared to iphone. they say it is more responsive and faster. they r wrong. it takes more time to dial a number (basic use of a phone) on the iphone than most other phones. iphone has lots of animations which basically just buy it some time to process the information. also other phones can multitask iphone cant. multıtasking makes other phones slower but it is unfair to say that since iphone cant even multitask.

            this phone is defintely over hyped.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Acp
              • 28 Sep 2008

              nik, 28 Sep 2008that vil guy shauld read that diamnond was relased in may a... morei agree. according to specs they r probably one of the best if not the best. altho wat i think stops ppl from buyin more htc stuff is windows OS. i rly think htc shud just create their own. they already hv an appealing design: touchflo just instead of coating windows with it make up another or use a more popular OS.

                • P
                • Prime Tech
                • bf8
                • 28 Sep 2008

                I have had many Smartphnes that were Windoes based such as Samsung Blackjacks 1 and 2 and Symbian Based such as Sony and Nokias. This Iphone 3G was very good once I got used to the short battery life and limited options but welcomed the consistancy of operation. The Samsungs have known bugs (So I am told from ATT) that caused me to reboot the phone every time I needed to access the Internet browser. After just upgrading to the 2.1 OS version I have to say the battery life has almost doubled and all is well at iPhoneteria. I just wish tey would keep a local copy of MS Exchange contacts to it would speed up.

                  • n
                  • nik
                  • n0Y
                  • 28 Sep 2008

                  that vil guy shauld read that diamnond was relased in may and iphone3g one month later, so diamnod can't copy much better than all phones put toghether.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mD6
                    • 28 Sep 2008

                    second update is coming soon.

                      • g
                      • geek
                      • SH9
                      • 28 Sep 2008

                      ViL, 28 Sep 2008Iphone is the lamborghini of cellphone to tell u.. diamond... morei don't mind if u say that,
                      but iphone is and bwm never Lamborghini or ferrari forget it, this ones takes to other dimension , just u to know about , few years ago Htc (qtek) sonyericcson and others are using touch screen . So iphone dind't brings anything new .
                      I know what i'm saying .
                      I work at mobile phone store , i can test every phone i want .
                      Iphone is just another phone with design but never will THE PHONE.

                        • n
                        • nick
                        • nxw
                        • 28 Sep 2008

                        i hope they make a new iphone which actually has the ability to not freeze every minute.

                        its terrible! the lag sometimes. if they have a 624mhz proccessor in it, why do they underclock is so badly!!!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • RK3
                          • 28 Sep 2008

                          Choice of cellphone depends on the user's demands and requirements. most would prefer to have most if not all the features available for a phone. for me i just need the talk and little texting. i find texting on the iPhone3G exciting. i just tap and tap on the keyboard and the predictive text inputting function of the phone goes to work. its fast...

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • w6L
                            • 28 Sep 2008

                            The Iphone 3G basically a "experience" phone.

                            the interface and how apple actually persents what the Iphone can do is truely unique. but like earlier said, "having a BMW that has 500HP and can only run at 100MPH is crap" is rather true. to a certain point.

                            if u just get it for the looks and cause its a Iphone and U simply hates microsoft, get this.

                            otherwise, ignore this and get on with life.

                              • V
                              • ViL
                              • uED
                              • 28 Sep 2008

                              Ezebit, 27 Sep 2008I just wanna know about the headp. while you're usig the Ip... moreIt work great
                              no big difference , or maybe no difference then the iPod touch itself..

                                • V
                                • ViL
                                • uED
                                • 28 Sep 2008

                                Geek, 27 Sep 2008i agree with u , but why i'm going to buy an bwm when i can... moreIphone is the lamborghini of cellphone to tell u..
                                diamond, xperia other phone is copying iphone if u don't mind i tell u this..

                                why bother using full touch screen UI b4?
                                its all because apple's iPhone,,
                                if it is true they are the ferrari of the phone they won't bother copying iPhone advantage,,
                                the facts that all phone developer starting to copy's iPhone's features is a clear thing to show that it is one of the best phone on the market

                                  • J
                                  • Joeson
                                  • kMm
                                  • 28 Sep 2008

                                  I just visit online apple store in Hong Kong

                                  It says "iPhone 3G purchased at the Apple Online Store can be activated with any wireless carrier. Simply insert the SIM from your current phone into iPhone 3G and connect to iTunes 8 to complete activation." does that mean it is an original unlock iphone? any idea?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4bv
                                    • 28 Sep 2008

                                    Can you access other texting messages
                                    from your phone

                                      • w
                                      • windows mob user
                                      • PWY
                                      • 28 Sep 2008

                                      no fm radio,no stereo speakers, no flash,no auto focus,no memory card -- iphone is a waste of money. O2 flame or se xperia x1 are better and worth the money.

                                        • V
                                        • Vegita
                                        • nH7
                                        • 28 Sep 2008

                                        iPhone and its real concurency: