Apple iPhone 3G

Apple iPhone 3G

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • RJd
  • 29 Aug 2008

The iPhone is GO a definate NO

    • H
    • Hayden Joleff
    • PP$
    • 29 Aug 2008

    UD{X you are of the mark the battery is poor
    handsets with email like pda are an ideal sollution i have the HTC touch diamond i also own an ipod touch so i know the features the i phone has the HTC is a superior handset it has bluetooth and oh you can actually change the battery any time you eant not when apple tell you people i would look at the htc diamond dubbed the IPHONE KILLER see ya

      • S
      • Security Flaw of iPh
      • 2IA
      • 29 Aug 2008

      For your reading guys

      I felt cheated with my iPhone 3G. Knowing that Apple know's of the security flaw and yet sold it to the public.

        • a
        • abc
        • Uqb
        • 29 Aug 2008

        Hi Guys. I disagree to those who support this crap stuff. I hope you all know that this stuff only supports a Bluetooth headset. Just imagine you have a phone in your hand but not capable of sharing a simple file. Bluetooth is a very basic feature in every phone out there in the market. I had decided to buy this stuff long back but you know it is not worth the money we spend on it. You can't buy a phone just because it has good looks or the UI is something extraordinary than the others. Finally it is we who loose our money not apple, because it's all business to them. I am an Indian. This crap is retailing here for $700. I suggest to all my friends out there think twice before you make a wise decision, later you should not suffer for what you have done. If you want a good phone there are many others that are coming in the market soon like Samsung INNOV8 & Samsung Omnia, Nokia N96. Hope all of take my words seriously. Bye !!!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Mav
          • 29 Aug 2008

          This iphone is a total piece of crap. You pay so much for so little. The reason you people are buying iphone is because it's from apple. I've never really understood the hype about apple stuff, I'll give it credit for its sleek designs, but for everything else, it's just crap, if you have to hack every single apple device to use it to it's fullest potential, I don't understand why you are even buying their stuff, they don't treat their customers well, don't give them what they want, sell overpriced stuff and sue their very own loyal customers when they hack their devices. You MUST use itunes to transfer your music? OH give me a break, I've never seen a more arrogant and oxymoronic company in my life. 2mp camera and not being able to transfer files via bt and lousy batt life are just some of the gripes. They don't ever improve don't you people get it? I'll tell you what apple does, they make lousy crappy stuff with good external designs and tout them as revolutionary devices with premium price tags. You could get any of those functions in other products for less than have the price. Of course, you apple fanboys would protest, but don't worry, that's what makes you who you are. peace =)

            • S
            • Satish
            • P@L
            • 28 Aug 2008

            wonder boy, 28 Aug 2008iphone is the real deal. apple shows everyone what a cellp... moreI fully agree to these comments. I really finds it very convenient to use. This phone meets all the basic requirements.

              • a
              • apple user
              • vGf
              • 28 Aug 2008

              not good at all, i am not happy with it., battery is not at all good .. screen gets black while incoming call. rest you must be knowing but those problems doesn't matter to me infront of battery problem and screen gets black .. atleast they should fix errors and come again with new thing , well i'l b again ready to buy it because apple is apple no dbout., so , better stop buyin this present stuff , lets wait n watch .

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Rxn
                • 28 Aug 2008

                "Best" is a subjective word. If all you need is an Ipod with phone features, then this is the "best". If your the kind who uses MMS, takes occasional videos, and has to use the copy-paste function for your itenerary, then this is obviously not the "best" for you. Your best may be Omnia, SE G900 or Touch Pro.

                Labeling Iphone as "best", like it's a universal constant is just plain asinine.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Rxn
                  • 28 Aug 2008

                  Apple is on the right track. The best UI, good speed and infrastructure to market content. However, I'm not at all convinced on spending money on this one yet, as the specs don't justify it. I'll wait for version 3, maybe then it will have some stuff I'm looking for like video capture, 8mp camera, etc etc. It's a personal choice. Overall, it's a nice start. Hope they keep up the good work.

                    • w
                    • wonder boy
                    • UD{
                    • 28 Aug 2008

                    iphone is the real deal.
                    apple shows everyone what a cellphone should be. it doesnt need many fearures, specially features that does not make sense. what it has is what we really need and what will satisfy the user's needs. instead of putting so many features that you really seldom or never use like other phones do. it focuses on the most usable features and where we always enjoy about in a phone. the multi touchscreen,the screen size, the audio and video player,the phone memory, and the internet device, is were iphone focuses and made that features their best and the best among all cellphones. because apple knows these features will enjoy and satisfy the users needs. and the other features like the camera,the connections like bluetooth and other features are just addtional. you just never use a cellphone as your primary camera! that is why there are real cameras, you just never use a cellphone for your office documents! that is why there is a loptop!
                    these features just doesnt make sense in a phone, doesnt make your phone a smart phone but a dumb phone! iphone is an example of a real smart phone.

                      • n
                      • nag
                      • w4Y
                      • 28 Aug 2008

                      Hi This is nag, I bought Apple i Phone 3g.It created so much sensation in India before launching.But I think all of U find out now it's not that much capable.So try to prefer any other Phone and keep any ipod with's better than to Buy.

                        • p
                        • phar3ll23
                        • nn@
                        • 28 Aug 2008

                        dont say a word in front of THE IP`HONE:::
                        my sean, my wife, my mother, my father, my great mother, my great father, my dog, everybody can use this revolutionnary phone...when i look iphone, the first apple phone, i ask myself "what did the other brand like NOKIA, or SONY, make on this 2 years???NOTHING BETTER!!!!!or No3110 or W580i...thank you very much

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • MJ0
                          • 28 Aug 2008

                          nzebar, 28 Aug 2008My iPhone 3G has changed the way I use a phone for the bett... moreYeah that the good point i egree with you,
                          i am extrymly happy with i phone but the cam is good too and i hope soon will be beter

                            • P
                            • Phone seller girl
                            • M3s
                            • 28 Aug 2008

                            Over hyped and not worth it!!!!!

                              • n
                              • nzebar
                              • MIa
                              • 28 Aug 2008

                              My iPhone 3G has changed the way I use a phone for the better. I used to have a Blackberry Curve which was ok but so much more exhausting to navigate with the wheel and click routine, reading emails were very text based unless I used 3rd party software and menus would go into 3 or 4 deep levels to get what you wanted. With the Iphone 3g if I want to see what time it is where my relatives live before contacting them one touch brings up 4 clocks, if I want to know what the weather is doing in 3 days on touch there it is, if I want to find a contact 2 touches i'm searching, the email client and the internet browser is so clear to read and the zoom function and scrolling via touch fantasically easy to use. It really is the mobile office as all i need is to read eamils to be aware of whats going on and the ability to respond in text or to browse to a site and get the info i need to be genned up. I dont care that the camera is not brilliant as i hardly use it or that bluetooth doesnt connect to whatever as long as i can use a headset in the car to talk its fine by me. All that i need for biz plus a 16GB ipod for when i'm bored or all the entertainment i need on youtube with one touch for tech tutorials or a laugh. I can see how this phone wouldnt suit kids in the playground for social networking via bluetooth or taking hi res images of your girlfriend snogging someone else etc... but for business and ease of use its the near perfect gadget/entertainment on the move for me....

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • MJ0
                                • 28 Aug 2008

                                Anonymous, 28 Aug 2008There is no way that i could ever use my iPhone as a primar... moreget an external battery on ebay for 10£ as a emergency

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mgb
                                  • 28 Aug 2008

                                  There is no way that i could ever use my iPhone as a primary phone, where my nokia will idle for 3 days, my iPhone will last a day. It will only last half a day if i use it as an iPod. Something is not right at all. My other 2 iPhone using friends have exactly the same problem.

                                    • S
                                    • SIN
                                    • iKD
                                    • 28 Aug 2008

                                    Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970

                                    because you dont have to know how to spell if you are using Iphone

                                    Iphone does everything for you


                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4TL
                                      • 28 Aug 2008

                                      Benchmarkers, 28 Aug 2008iPhone users are "Mobile Technology" naive users who are bl... moreIphone users are people of good taste. Iphone users are people who will not compromise quality just so they can get a phone with a thousand features in them even when those features don't make much sense and produces lame results. Iphone's features work great. It is of very good quality. The iphone is in a league of its own that the rest of the phonemakers are trying so hard to match, hence, the birth of the term "iphone killer". People have fallen prey for a long time with phones that have been packed with so many features and think of themselves as smart, not realizing that those phonemakers just use those numerous features as sugar coating for their inferior devices. The iphone does not need hundreds of features. They only put in features that they know would work really well and would make sense on a phone. Thanks to the iphone, hopefully this would open the eyes of consumers and make other phonemakers realize that the consumers deserve products that works really well, instead of just sugar coating their phones with features.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4TL
                                        • 28 Aug 2008

                                        darel, 28 Aug 2008i mostly prefer samsung's new omnia than this. i don't want... moreWhat? The iphone hangs 5 times a day? You are really desperate. The only time the iphone hangs, is when you did something wrong with it, or, you've downloaded an application that is not compatible with it. Don't blame the iphone for your misuse of it. I have the iphone and it never hangs.