Apple iPhone 3G
- p
- pin
- PU{
- 28 Aug 2008
yup there's 3g in singapore..i guess i need to activate it than.. but i cant find the 3G feature in the iphone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 28 Aug 2008
pin, 28 Aug 2008hey dudes out there i need help. im from singapore i just b... moreWell first of all, is there 3g in Singapore? Does your carrier use 3g technology? You do not have to be taught how to use 3g my friend. You just need to activate it in an area w/ 3g coverage.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TL
- 28 Aug 2008
SuS One, 28 Aug 2008"It's a matter of which feature or qualities are more usefu... moreWhat I mean is, that iphone users will not mind losing bluetooth file transfer feature, because a great ipod and great web browsing capabilities are more important and useful for us.
- p
- pin
- PU{
- 28 Aug 2008
hey dudes out there i need help. im from singapore i just bought my iphone 3G 3days ago, but i cant seem to use the 3G. can anyone teach me how? =)
- J
- Jim
- v0g
- 28 Aug 2008
Iphone just like the Nokia arte great hardware nothing inside and pricey.
- b
- black8jac
- ms7
- 28 Aug 2008
SIN - you just lost your bet. I bought my iPhone for cash.
It makes me laugh how many people post their opinions about iPhone when its clear they never even try this phone, how it works, how sleek interface is, how easy to use it is.
You can buy Nokia N96, and use 10% of its functions, I prefer iPhone with pleasure to acomodate 90% if not 100% of those.
And the quality of build. I will not go back to squeaky Nokias.
And the price - £160 for 16GB version, a lot of people can offord that. No more like year ago N95 was for £200 with much worse contract price plans.
There is a flock of people slagging iPhone just for a sake of doing it. Good luck.
- ?
- Anonymous
- abF
- 28 Aug 2008
nick, 28 Aug 2008the screen resoltuion on the iphone is useless the scree... moreThe iphone has the best display, so how can you say it's useless? lol. Most phones out there have qvga screens, so why are you complaining with half vga? Iphone's 3.5 half vga still looks much better than the Diamond's tiny 2.8 vga. As for the Xperia, that phone is not even out yet. Just proves that you are just rambling nonsense. How desperate of you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJe
- 28 Aug 2008
maximus, 27 Aug 2008Everybody made the 3g iphone to be one of the best handets ... moreYou mean every compnay is striving to beat the iphone by packing their phones a bunch of lame extra features that produces mediocre results and quality. What do you mean you can't use 3g with the iphone? I use it everyday when I go online.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJe
- 28 Aug 2008
SIN, 27 Aug 2008
oh man .. u are really stu_pid...
bluetooth transfer... moreIf bt transfer is essential, all those millions of people who bought the iphone would've gotten rid of their iphones by now, so obviously, it's not essential.
If a friend wants a photo or logo from my iphone, I can email it them. As for the songs, they need to learn to download songs themselves. I didn't buy those songs just so my freeloader friends can get it for free. All my friends have email, so I do not have to worry about those people who doesn't. Seriously, who does not have email in the US? Email is part of your internet plan. You will not be charged extra for using email. Why not use it?
Video calls have been an available feature to some phones for a while now, buy I do never saw anyone using it. Why would I cry over that?
Ummm, why do I have to show my friends where I am? I've been to concerts, and I never really saw anyone making video calls. Also, your phone might get confiscated where video taking is not allowed in some concerts. Why would I stress over that? You obviously have not used the camera of the iphone. It takes good pictures. You do not need 8mp on a phone, unless your phone has a display size of 47 inches. You can transfer photos to your iphone. I do that all the time. You obviously don't have an iphone. As for the 16gb memory, that is more than enough for a phone. Get an external hard drive if you need file storage. I had many problems web browsing when I had my N95 and HTC Diamond, so the iphone is still better even without java.
Ummmm, why would I even keep the list of my last calls? I already knew they called.
Ummm, why would I change the battery? I just bought it. Do you change the battery of your phone every day? lol.
What? Iphone is slower than how it is in commercials? Well guess what? Other phones are even much slower in person than in their commercials =)
Feel free to continue mr iphone hater =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- abF
- 28 Aug 2008
SuS One, 27 Aug 2008The best thing is we have not even touched on is the recept... moreI had no reception problems at all w/ my iphone. It's actually better than when I was with Tmobil. I am in LA, I don't know about other locations, but AT&T has pretty good signal coverage here in the US.
- S
- SuS One
- v0g
- 28 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 28 Aug 2008As to wanting a picture taken from a phone that only has BT... more"It's a matter of which feature or qualities are more useful and important to the majority of users" yeh you mean features like bluetooth file transfers which alot of people would not have minded having?
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJe
- 28 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 27 Aug 2008Well in the case of the missing Bluetooth File Transfer Pro... moreAs to wanting a picture taken from a phone that only has BT transfer capabilities with no internet, well that is just too bad for the iphone user, but if you think that because of that situation we would give up our iphone, you are wrong. The iphone offers other more important features that we could care less if you cannot send your picture to us, lol.
BT is only one option. File sharing does not end if you do not have BT. Email is still the main media for sending files. Sending files via BT is not a daily chore for the majority of phone owners. The iphone also has many qualities & features that are not found on a lot of other modern phones. It's a matter of which feature or qualities are more useful and important to the majority of users.
- S
- SuS One
- v0g
- 28 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 28 Aug 2008You are lying. The iphone may only have a 2mp camera, but ... moreNo one said its a BAD phone its just undercut thats all but all the Apple crazed fans went nuts when we started bashing the iphone of its lack of features, reception, up to date items and software issues!!! lol
- S
- SuS One
- v0g
- 28 Aug 2008
Wait im not done please someone add some feedback about how amazing there reception is come on you Apples tell us how good your reception is and are you guys in 3G coverage when in buildings and underground just for example eg. waiting for a train or in a toilet downstairs. You cant even look up your porn to have a bat because of the reception when your in an underground toilet hahahahaha. Amazing that iphone!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJe
- 28 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 27 Aug 2008Here are my iPhone 3g pictures that I promised that I would... moreYou are lying. The iphone may only have a 2mp camera, but it does take decent pictures comparable to 5mp ones.
Here's my take on the 5 things that disturbs you the most with iphone.
"Cannot send or receive MMS" - I think the iphone can recieve mms files but not send. I really don't know why people complain about this with the iphone when they also limit sending mms because of the extra charges and end up emailing photos anyway.
"You can not forward SMS" - Now this would be nice if the iphone has this feature, but really, how often do you need to forward a text message?
"Cannot copy and past texts" - Same thing, this would be nice to have but you don't really copy and paste texts every day.
"Very poor 3G coverage" - But it does work, and it does have faster internet compared to any phones out there. I used to have the N95, and it's not even close to the iphone's great internet browser. And you are wrong, I have the 3G iphone and you can be on a call and on the web at the same time.
Look, the iphone may have not inlcuded some helpful features like sms forwarding and copy and pasting, but it does offer a lot more of other great features that makes it worth it. So, if you cannot live without sms forwarding and copy and pasting, then I guess the iphone is not for you, but it does not mean it's a bad phone.
- n
- nick
- nxw
- 28 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 27 Aug 2008wYEf, well why would you need a laptop man? I understand th... morethe screen resoltuion on the iphone is useless
the screen size is 3.5 inches and it manages half VGA!!
look at the HTC diamond, 640x480 pixels, 2.8inch screen
take a look at the Xperia, 800x400 pixels, 3.0 inch screen.
the iphone, 480x320...3.5 inch screen
stop falling for, as steve jobs puts it 'that gorgeous 3.5 inch screen'.
- ?
- Anonymous
- n16
- 27 Aug 2008
Good marketing.
Horrible product.
The power of suggestion has truly taken it's toll with this one.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lxu
- 27 Aug 2008
ok I been reading the previous posts and omg its so boring everyone that wants an iphone is winning for sympathy from the other like deep down they know its just a phone nothing else
some one said if you want something else go buy sony or nokia, but everyone its like nooo iphone its the best ok ok but everyone knows its fauls too so if you like ok buy it its your money, belive me Im going to sleep tonight just as fine if you do, we all want to have the best but we cant all have the same point of view, anyway there are people that think of mobile phones as unnecesary as for them they only want to recieve calls,
so quit complaining ok, if you want more jus t look for it, there will be the one
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Aug 2008
Any comments out there: has the software been fixed? i.e. any crashes, hangs experienced with this improved model?
Feature set and design don't compensate for crashing SW. Thanks!
- M
- Rxu
- 27 Aug 2008
it looks amazing no wonder it has become a fashion am saving money to get one for myself very soon,hope it won't be a disappointment.