Apple iPhone 3G
- ?
- Anonymous
- MJ0
- 27 Aug 2008
What ever your negative reviews are.
The IPHONE is the best phone,internet ipod device in the market at this moment.
I do not have any problems useing it nether my frends. The HOW CAN I THINKS are rediculis
- S
- SuS One
- v0g
- 27 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 27 Aug 2008Ummmm, why do you use two names (jim and sus one). Do you ... moreThe best thing is we have not even touched on is the reception of your um amazing cant go wrong, nothing missing phone. Um yeh please tell us how the reception compares to others genius? OH ITS THE BEST YOU DONT NEED BETTER RECEPTION ITS GOT THE BEST BECAUSE IT IT HAS THE APPLE LOGO ON IT(this is you) hahahaha
- J
- Jim, Jeff & SuS One
- v0g
- 27 Aug 2008
SuS One, 27 Aug 2008Ahaha Jim is my workmate here who happens to agree so yeh u... moreEven we think you work for Apple because of your defense sense of the icrap. Its an OK phone none of us have not said that but just a few things that are available in todays handsets are missing from this unit so relax champ period hahaha.
- S
- SuS One
- v0g
- 27 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 27 Aug 2008Ummmm, why do you use two names (jim and sus one). Do you ... moreAhaha Jim is my workmate here who happens to agree so yeh um who is pathetic and still taking his Apples obsession to heart. LOL Try bananas you monkey hahahaha your petty insults dont phase me but merely amuse me to write back because you are sooo defensive of this product lolol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nyj
- 27 Aug 2008
Well in the case of the missing Bluetooth File Transfer Protocol, u keep telling that better send files thru email. Yeah, iPhone can always do that, but what if the files you want, like pictures are coming from other mid range phones which dont have instant email available? It means you just can't do file transfer right away. Bluetooth FTP means sharing flexibility, and its just one basic feature of all modern phones that should've been in iPhone in the first place.
- i
- iphone_newbie
- 25P
- 27 Aug 2008
I knew you guys would attack me for my last post. Here in New Zealand, we have got iPhone 3G earlier than anybody in the world.
As soon as iPhone was available in the July 11th, I bought it. It cost $579 with $80/month contract. I really loved it and was so cool.
I had to activate my phone using iTunes, set up iTunes Store account (not really appreciate to give out my credit card numbers to Apple for nothing). But it was still ok.
After about 2 or 3 days I started to realize there are lots of things, I couldn't do with it because I am Windows Mobile user and iPhone for me is simply a joke.
Well, that's right, there were work around but it's a pain.
Therefore, I sold it out for $900 to somebody else and went back to my P3600. One good thing is that it gave me some profit. ha ha...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nyj
- 27 Aug 2008
Here are my iPhone 3g pictures that I promised that I would put up on my blog a few days ago. I must say that this phone is clearly the worst I have ever used and I sold it after only 2 days.
The 5 things that disturb me the most on iphone is:
Cannot send or receive MMS
You can not forward SMS
Cannot copy and past texts
Very poor 3G coverage. The coverage indicator shows max “2″ compared with my N95 and N78, which always shows full coverage
you cannot receive calls when you surf on the GSM network (via EDGE). The calls were sent to voice mail. And this is on a phone that’s made to be “connected” to the Internet all the time. What a joke!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TA
- 27 Aug 2008
Jim, 27 Aug 2008 4. How can I do cut and paste? You use a pair of scisso... moreUmmmm, why do you use two names (jim and sus one). Do you actually believe that we wouldn't find out. You really are pathetic =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TA
- 27 Aug 2008
SuS One, 27 Aug 2008Oh gosh your soo petty with that response to iphone newbie.... moreWhatever. Petty questions deserves petty answers =)
Don't worry, that newbie is nothing but an iphone antagonist. But of course you're too dumb to even realize that, lol.
You're just sad that your phone, whatever it is, does not perform as smoothly and as beautifully as the iphone. And you're just upset that you cannot afford to get an iphone and pay the monthly fees =)
- J
- Jim
- v0g
- 27 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2008I really would like to help you. So here's my answers to y... more 4. How can I do cut and paste?
You use a pair of scissors to cut, and Elmer's glue to paste
Yeh yeh great comeback man, that was a real bad comeback as bad as the features in the iphone, just say it this phone is half good :)
- S
- SuS One
- v0g
- 27 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2008I really would like to help you. So here's my answers to y... moreOh gosh your soo petty with that response to iphone newbie. Hey Newbie dont worry because this guy obviously works for apple or is an apple because see how his come backs to all your objections are pointless and are the things that most people want...he is just happy with his half good phone :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- abF
- 26 Aug 2008
iphone_newbie, 26 Aug 2008Hi Please Help Me...I am new to iPhone...
1. How can i c... moreI really would like to help you. So here's my answers to your questions:
1. How can i change the keyboard layout (annoying when typing .,and numbers and so slow)?
There is nothing wrong with the keyboard layout. What you need to see is a doctor that specializes with hand abnormalities.
2. How can I put music and photos without using iTunes?
Itunes is the best synching interface for the iphone so you really don't need to look for anything else.
3. How can I transfer files using BT?
You don't, you email. It's safer, and if you live far from your friend's house, you don't have to travel and be right next to your friend just so you can transfer a file via BT =)
4. How can I do cut and paste?
You use a pair of scissors to cut, and Elmer's glue to paste =)
5. How can I see context(right click menu) menu?
If you do that a lot, you would need to get a computer. The iphone has a web browser, not a computer.
6. How can I calculate % calculation in calculater without turning landscape?
Easy, you move the decimal two digits to the left. That's common knowledge.
7. How can I delete only one last call record?
Why would you want to do this? Did someone call you and you don't want someone else to know that you got a call from that person? Bad boy =)
8. How can I send MMS?
You don't. You email. MMS can be expensive. You don't have to pay extra with email.
9. Can I get do handwriting recognization (I can't see to do a good hand writing notes)?
There is an application that you can download for free for that from the Application Store.
10. How can I change the battery?
You don't need to after 4 or 5 years. And the wonderful thing is, they do it for you. So you don't have to worry about how to change the battery.
11. How can I do video call? ( I don't see any camera in the front for video call).
The iphone is a mobile phone. It really won't be safe to use that feature when you're walking around. It's really not necessary. Unless of course you don't have a webcam at home or a laptop.
12. How can I reset when it is frozen?
It resets automatically if something went wrong, which is very rare with the iphone.
13. What can I do the battery last longer? (It seems to last barely a day.)
Only use it when needed.
and a million things to be continued.... Don't worry, I have answers and solutions to all of those things =)
- R
- Revenant
- nTq
- 26 Aug 2008
Joe, 26 Aug 2008yeah, you're right. I just wanted to show other people t... moreI know how you feel, regarding stupid questions. Especially when it's a question that was answered already, slightly further down the page. I guess I just try to remind myself that there ARE people out there with only a passing interest in phones, or who perhaps aren't as intelligent as others (and that's not meant as any disrespect to them) so stupid questions are inevitable. I just tend to skip past them these days...
- k
- kris
- jum
- 26 Aug 2008
I bought this phone some time ago. I have to say this is the best cell phone i ever had! all those applications are insane. The phone is so cool i never leave my house with out it: either for music or searching the net. I absolutely love it. I added one review for this phone on too. I just love this phone, the best phone on the market .
- S
- Stephen
- mEk
- 26 Aug 2008
pradeep chand, 25 Aug 2008 It's a great phone but first price is too high and secondl... morethis phone is amazing. I've had this phone for two weeks now and it is so good. The phone has everything a normal has and for a 2mp camera it is quite gd quailty. The testing is good and the ringing volume is very loud overall this is the best phone I've had. Like most people who work for o2 they will need some serious persuasion to get another phone after their contract ends. If anyone is thinking of getting one get it u won't regret it.
- J
- Joe
- 0Y5
- 26 Aug 2008
BTW Iphone bashers, I don't see nokia N version phones or samsung or omnia etc... in the top ten searches on ebay.
- A
- Angela
- T0n
- 26 Aug 2008
As I read at the Iphone 3G will be available in Egypt SOON
I need to know when will be available maybe this month or te next one.
So please if somone can help me cause i want to to email my brother to buy it from USA but if it will be available during september monthes so i'll wait.
- J
- Joe
- 0Y5
- 26 Aug 2008
Revenant, 26 Aug 2008How elitist can you be? So you're saying that you'll only ... moreyeah, you're right.
I just wanted to show other people that there are fakes on here and hopefully to show some kinda validity if they were able to provide a serial number.
- R
- Revenant
- nTq
- 26 Aug 2008
Joe, 26 Aug 2008We (iphone owners) will gladly help those who have an iphon... moreHow elitist can you be? So you're saying that you'll only help people if they prove that they've got the phone? I have a better suggestion - if it's a stupid question, don't answer it...
- J
- Joe
- 0Y5
- 26 Aug 2008
Joe, 26 Aug 2008oops! wrong reply, From what I've heard if you jailbrea... moreand actually run it better than a windows mobile 6 phone can. I had an HTC Touch and it sucked. Very slow and lagging.