Apple iPhone 3G
- J
- John-Tech
- 2IA
- 26 Aug 2008
Guy's don't get too emotional with your Phones and lose respect for others. I have both OMNIA and i-Phone 1st/3G. Not mentioning other handset brands that, i got. OMNIA packs more advantages on areas of Business and practical use. Especially a wider range of free downloadble freewares. Not to mention "Skype" which gives me the luxury of free IDD calls. One thing I really dislike about Samsung, is their after sales support. They trully suck on this part. They seem not to care for their customers after getting bagging a sale.
But, i-Phone has got more mobile entertainment advantages and seems to be a status symbol for mobile users. It's very user friendy and appealing. I just hope that, software upgrades should be given for free. I've noticed that, Apple always takes something back and once they hit a certain market share. They start releasing upgrades and new software packs for sale.
Now, for mobile users. It all depends on what features we want and how we want to use this features. I work for a Mobile Phone manufacturer so, I do understand technology trend and business gains. Thanks ^_^
- s
- iKt
- 26 Aug 2008
Apple Iphone is too expensive comparing with other brand models.
Do You Think !!!
Only for Slight body and style u will pay more $ ??????
- s
- sanjai
- 2SZ
- 26 Aug 2008
can any one tell me what's such a major diffrence making Iphone and iphone 3G pricing almost double
- P
- Pepsi
- v0g
- 26 Aug 2008
Haha, 26 Aug 2008Also the one thing no one dares commenting on is the actual... moreYou just need to download the updated software that fixes it, duh
- a
- amit
- 2@r
- 26 Aug 2008
The Iphone 3G has launced here in India @ Rs 31000 or $720 with no contract system or it worth it???
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TA
- 26 Aug 2008
SuS One, 26 Aug 2008News flash. Samsung i900 Omnia. Has ALL the features, 5 MP ... moreWhat? omnia got it right? HAHAHAHA. You can't even use that omnia under direct sunlight, ooopppps. And what's up with the QVGA screen? LOL. Even with an 8mp camera, images would still look washed out on a QVGA screen, LOL, and would pixelate when you zoom in. Is that what you call they got it right? And what's up with the plastic display? Haven't they heard of scratchproof glass? And what's up with the stylus? I've heard that on some applications you would need to use the stylus. Is that getting it right? And what's up with the unresponsive touch screen of the omnia? I guess they didn't get it right after all. Also, the omnia's mp3 and web browser is way behind the quality of the iphone's ipod and safari web browser =) omnia could not even beat the HTC Diamond's web browser, how much more the iphone's. So nope, Iphone got MOST of it right, while the omnia is just a wannabe hoping that its extra features can save its life =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TA
- 26 Aug 2008
Haha, 26 Aug 2008Your missing the point it should have been there already no... moreAnd you are missing his point. Iphone buyers know what the iphone cannot do, yet we still bought it. You know why? Because those extra features are not really a big deal, but only nice things to have. And with the iphone's great performance, we feel that it's worth losing those extra features, because we gain much more better ones. But of course we're hoping that Apple would hear us out and include a couple more extra features (ie. copy and pasting and forwarding sms) We really could care less of 5mp cameras, or even video recording. What matters to us the most is the beautiful 3.5 half-VGA glass screen of the iphone (scratchproof), it's fast internet, it's great ipod, and its revolutionary touch UI. Now those great qualities are worth way more than MMS or transferring file via BT, which can be worked around by email anyway.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TA
- 26 Aug 2008
Haha, 26 Aug 2008You obviously you work for Apple or something. I like how y... moreYou're obviously just a paranoid and desperate iphone hater. I don't work for Apple. I'm just a plain iphone user who happen to own many phones in the past, who used to also dislike the iphone and didn't want to be a part of the iphone trend, who now realizes that the iphone is indeed a wonderful device. Look, as I've said, I've had many phones in the past with much more features than the iphone (treo650, N95 (the 1st one), then the Viewty, then N95 black (8gb), and then HTC Diamond. So please, don't lecture me about the usefulness of those extra features because I've been there so many times already. Eventually you do not use those extra features at all. But you do every once in a while just for the heck of it so that you will not feel guilty of buying an expensive phone with so much extra features and not using them. So I know about those features.
- S
- SuS One
- v0g
- 26 Aug 2008
News flash. Samsung i900 Omnia. Has ALL the features, 5 MP plus bluetooth and more with no hiccups. At least they got it right. The only thing missing is the Apple. This we can live with lolol!!!
- G
- GIO.angelo™
- 26 Aug 2008
It's cool even if I don't have one.. does anybody here can spare a unit for me? (laughs).
- H
- Haha
- v0g
- 26 Aug 2008
Also the one thing no one dares commenting on is the actual performance of the iphone. Its pretty weak and has freezing issues. Iv had it crash heaps of times in my hand too so yeh not the most reliable product!!!
- H
- Haha
- v0g
- 26 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2008You continue blathering on about the lack of bluetooth/mms/... moreYour missing the point it should have been there already not waiting for it in updates because now Apple realize oh they undercut the public a little so thank god for software updates hey!! Thats all you have going for you is the updates, lucky there is such a thing. Otherwise wat crap features hey you gotta admit??
- H
- Haha
- v0g
- 26 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 23 Aug 2008In response to your nonsense 1. No video calling Not ... moreYou obviously you work for Apple or something. I like how you put all YOUR wants and needs into your post, as for other people they may want this stuff in there phone. Haha just because you can live with half a good product does not mean that others dont want the full package. We are in the year 2008. And people want bluetooth transfers, just to name one, period!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Fv4
- 26 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2008Thats denying the fact that it lacks the basic features.
... moreYou continue blathering on about the lack of bluetooth/mms/video as if it's impossible that apple will RELEASE A SOFTWARE UPDATE THAT INCLUDES THESE FEATURES. Christ, there's already homebrew applications that can do mms and bluetooth-related things. As long as the hardware exists in the phone (which it does), it's very very likely that the facilities to use them in that fashion will be included in an update.
All you have to do is BE PATIENT.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJe
- 26 Aug 2008
Revenant, 25 Aug 2008It cut off the first part of my post. what it should have ... more"No MMS" - We don't need to pay more extra charges on MMS. We can email via iphone. " no video recording" - Video recording qualities on a phone is just so-so, we still prefer to use a standalone digital camera. "no settings on the camera" - We don't need so much settings on our iphone camera, we'd rather use a digital camera to have better quality pictures. "no radio" - iphone has Pandora Radio and also mp3, why would we need FM? "no video calling" - why would we need this? People who has this feature right now seldom to none, use this feature.
If the iphone's extra features is not enough for you, then don't buy it. It didn't stop the millions of iphone buyers from buying it, so I don't think iphone needs you =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- vxp
- 26 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2008yeah thats the normal logo on 3g thank you for the reply
- ?
- Anonymous
- Fv4
- 26 Aug 2008
Leah, 24 Aug 2008Was really to place an order until I've read this line on t... moreThe $90 is for the SHIPPING cost, as in what it costs for them to send it to you. Not the cost of the iphone. Lrn2English plz.
- ?
- Anonymous
- abF
- 26 Aug 2008
Revenant, 25 Aug 2008I can't believe they're calling the iPhone a multimedia pho... moreThe iphone is a multi-media phone. It's a web-browser, an mp3 player and a phone. So it is multi-media. And it does so well in those areas that's why it is a VERY GOOD multi-media device for that purpose and need. The reason why the iphone only supports headset for BT is to protect its users from harmful data that can be transmitted via BT that might corrupt the iphone, or hack data from your iphone. How many options do you need to transfer music? Itunes is the safest way to download very good QUALITY music, not to mention LEGAL. You said "the ONLY things the iPhone has going for it is the UI and the web browsing experience". Well maybe because they're targeted market are the ones who only look for those features on their phones and nothing more. I feel sorry for you if your idea of a great multi-media phone is a phone that is packed w/ features just so it can look impressive, but performs poorly and frustrating. A great phone is not just about the extras, but about how good it does in the features it offers. I'd rather have a phone with limited features but delivers all of them greatly, than a phone with tons of features and would just dissappoint me with its frustrating performance.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mEk
- 26 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2008hey iphone 3g owners...need help...i just got my iphone 3g.... moreyeah thats the normal logo on 3g
- ?
- Anonymous
- vxp
- 26 Aug 2008
hey iphone 3g owners...need help...i just got my iphone 3g...i noticed when i turned the unit on i saw a black curve diagonal line inside the apple it normal or not...or i'm the only one who has it...hoping your kind and speedy response on this matter...thanks