Apple iPhone 3GS
- a
- araxireixian
- t7y
- 29 Jun 2009
here in my country.. there are a lot of technicians who are can turn your iphone 2g to 3gs. except of course for the 3.15mgapix camera.. my friend had his iphone 2g converted to 3gs.. and now enjoying 3gs features...
So buying that 3gs is no longer necessary...
- p
- phone user
- i8{
- 29 Jun 2009
i'm actually quite disappointed not much of a diffrence my previous iphone :(
- O
- OPTUS prime @_@
- 29 Jun 2009
CH, 29 Jun 2009On iphone 3g and 3gs you can forward messages the way you s... morelike what i've said, transferring files via bluetooth aint never gonna happen with apple.. they'll lose fortunes with piracy. people'll just share music and muvee files via bluetooth than pay at the appstore or itunes..
hope some haxor out there comes up with a bluetooth hax so everyone can share files the haxor way lels @_@
- C
- CH
- mqE
- 29 Jun 2009
Sheikh, 29 Jun 2009Hi Guys,
IPhone 2G and 3G didnt allow sms forwarding. In 3... moreOn iphone 3g and 3gs you can forward messages the way you say or if you press edit - forward.
No you can not transfer files by bluetooth, Hope this helps.
- S
- Sheikh
- Mx@
- 29 Jun 2009
Hi Guys,
IPhone 2G and 3G didnt allow sms forwarding. In 3GS you can copy paste sms and forward them. If I upgrade IPhone 3G will it allow me to copy/paste/forward sms?
One more thing does 3GS allow you to transfer files to other phones through bluetooth?.
- M
- Magic Number
- PQ%
- 29 Jun 2009
The iphone looks soo much the same ... i can't believe they didn't even change one look about it ... ewwww ugly!!! My cousing has it and theres nothing really exciteing about this phone!
I'd Rather get the nokia N97!
- O
- OPTUS prime @_@
- 29 Jun 2009
anayser, 29 Jun 2009Helo all,
Is that iPhone 3gs supports send files thru bl... moreregarding the bluetooth..
it aint likely that apple will help in proliferating PIRACY @_@
really sucks innit? @_@
- a
- anayser
- M7Y
- 29 Jun 2009
Helo all,
Is that iPhone 3gs supports send files thru bluetooth? earlier version it was not there. what abt the new one? any suggestions?
- A
- Apple DieHard Fans
- wrj
- 29 Jun 2009
Apple is the best
Iphone is the best
because I'm an apple Fans.
No matter how useless or how expensive... I'll go for apple products.
have u see any fans will do the same for WinMo, Nokia, SonyErricson, & Etc ??? never rite???
coz they're totally sucks.
- d
- dude love
- vxn
- 29 Jun 2009
guys can u help me out? my dad will buy me this phone but i got some question about its battery life and can we change battery when it dies like a normal phone?
- m
- man
- 3Ir
- 29 Jun 2009
Mike, 29 Jun 2009the sony x1 is a far better phone, at least if your phone c... moreYou can have backup for your iPhone using iTunes... what does it mean that you do not loose anything when your X1 crashes??? Off course CRASHING is in scheduled tasks of Winmo!!!!
Well what kind of advantage is that you can replace your batt? nokia 1100 is able too, so??
My friend,
I prefer my phone to have a single Huge memory than having separate Ram/Internal Memory/External Memory ..... like a PC with multiple partitions which I hate. With iPhone you simply know what you're doing with your storage (In most cases your storage is more than enough) and you can fill your Phone with media and other files to the last byte of it without making it slow or unstable.
iPhone manages it's RAM by itself and iPhone OS is not installed on RAM (Winmo is installed on RAM)
256MB of RAM is about 100% for running apps.
Anyway, try a thing before you judge it,
- R
- Ron
- PP$
- 29 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 27 Jun 2009haha nobody gives a damn what you say because you are just ... moreMan,I think you need to see someone about this mental problem of yours, at least have a nice lie down, rest a bit before hitting the forums again. There's a good fellow.
- O
- OPTUS prime @_@
- 29 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 29 Jun 2009Vodafone Australia has the best deal, $A69 a month you get ... moreoptus has the 3GS for 59cap where you get unlimited sms and $680 call value. with the timeless99, the 3GS comes at no extra charge and you get UNLIMITED calls and sms to ANYONE. with the $115 plan you get everything and with a 3GIG data allowance..
sad to say, optus still has the best offer.. yay @_@
- r
- rosaline
- vjX
- 29 Jun 2009
hi! can any kind soul solve my doubt on the currency stated on itunes website? for whichever country i change to, it's always stated the same amt for the same application. i need a prompt reply from u guys. tx a million!
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 29 Jun 2009
john malcom, 29 Jun 2009iphone is the best! it beats anything windows can make! eve... moreYou got it wrong, iPhone is for those who want to just pick it up and start using it.
WinMo phones are for nerds who want to spend fifteen hours hunched over their keyboard, the pale light of the monitor bathing their pasty faces and washing across the floor of their parents basement, as they customize the latest ROM in order to get their hacked up POS into a form that is usable.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 29 Jun 2009
OPTUSmus prime @_@, 29 Jun 2009dame right, who uses video calling but noobz who dont know ... moreVodafone Australia has the best deal, $A69 a month you get the iPhone 3GS 16GB for free, $A400 calls, SMS etc, 1GB data (that you can tether with), free night and weekend calls.
There is also a $A114 unlimited plan with 2GB data.
- j
- john malcom
- 29 Jun 2009
iphone is the best! it beats anything windows can make! even the new windows 7!!!!!!
windows is for n00bs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- k
- kingkalo
- 29 Jun 2009
i love my iphone bigtime go samoa iphone lol
- O
- OPTUSmus prime @_@
- 29 Jun 2009
Foxy, 29 Jun 2009In reply to Iphone>
Who uses video calling?
Pointless w... moredame right, who uses video calling but noobz who dont know where to put their money on?
with telstra.. telstra so far has the best coverage here in asutralia and many other networks even borrow telstras cable and fibre optic lines (like optus, 3, voda, etc), but telstras plans kinda sucks and most of the people who use telstra are geriatrics and WW2 veterans @_@
- F
- Foxy
- yVg
- 29 Jun 2009
iphone, 28 Jun 2009I phone cant make video call Why????????????In reply to Iphone>
Who uses video calling?
Pointless when we have unlimited internet wireless plans and web cams.