Apple iPhone 4
- d
- dr.ali
- efq
- 23 Apr 2010
Hello all. I was a die hard nokia loyalist for the longest time. Started off with 3310 then 6600 then N80 then N93i then N76(use as emergency phone now) then N95 8gb(the best phone every made in my honest opinion but sadly it was stolen after 2 yrs of use). Now i have the N97. I have used it for a little less then a yr now, still using it as primary phone. In my honest opinion its the worst nokia phone i have ever bought. The ovi store is full of crap apps. More than half don't work or crash the phone when using. The phone is constantly hanging. Needs a hard reset at least twice a day. Its just the worst Nokia phone i have ever bought. Main reasons i am dumping nokia.
I always wanted the iphone but was turned away from its lack to basic features. Some included multi tasking, flash, app orginazation, and a key pad or a key board...etc. But after seeing the new iphone leaked on gizmodo and seeing the new os upgrades for the previous 3g and 3gs phones. I am happy to say that i will be a new and first time iphone user. I think i can sacrifice the full keyboad or key pad with a complete touch screen.
Nokia has just left a bad impression now. I was considering the N900 but with an experience like this i am just turned off from nokia. So lets see how the new and more user friendly iphone will compare. I am excited and can't wait to dump this nokia N97.
Any one else share my views?
- ?
- Anonymous
- p$t
- 23 Apr 2010
no radio again??? stupid phone, will not buy.
- h
- herbert talabis
- t7J
- 23 Apr 2010
This amazing device will revolutionized the way I use a calculator. lol
- J
- JC
- YcZ
- 23 Apr 2010
this phone looks so horrible apple will make no money off of this.
there is no kind of "wow what a great phone"
sad =(
- A
- Anton
- PFy
- 23 Apr 2010
Great phone, I will buy this phone.
Hopely will soon on the market
- a
- aung
- 4g@
- 23 Apr 2010
I think It comes with wifi " N", 1 GHz apple A4 processor. And bluetooth 3.0 ( but don't expect bluetooth 3.0 on this year model). Maybe next year ( 2011 June) it comes with bluetooth 4.0,& that will be for LTE (4G) networks such as Verizon, At&t and T mobile!!! (Except Sprint : use " WiMax Technology (4G)."
- x
- xxx
- k2n
- 23 Apr 2010
It's a nokia copy lolzzz
- x
- xxx
- k2n
- 23 Apr 2010
K, 22 Apr 201095% interest proves Apple have a superb phone in their hand... moreBut those companies that use plastic are the same companies technology that apple use to make the iphone work.
Without GSM, wifi, edge, bluetooth, 2/3/4g & many more.
The iphone is nothing with these technology.
Not because these technology are all universal you don't have to pay, because you do have to pay, it's all license & patent technology.
Get a life y )9!23.
- X
- CpK
- 23 Apr 2010
Tansen, 22 Apr 2010Probably the reason this phone has such low scores for ever... morecan u go to heaven right now, because if you think this new iphone 4G is pretty ugly then you can piss off, it is because the people thinks that it's pretty cool to the people they like.
Seriously, I think that this new iphone 4G is quite cool as well.
- E
- Edvard
- IaH
- 23 Apr 2010
Maybe the next version is 4gs-5g-5gs-6g-6gs........1000000g-1000000gs.It's out of question
- S
- Lb6
- 22 Apr 2010
The iPhone 4G images posted have been proven to be fake. Applesfera reports that the device is a Japanese iPhone counterfeit. They have posted another image of the device in some web site which is claimed to have been purchased in Japan , see this link
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Bb
- 22 Apr 2010
Unofficial preliminary specifications
Unofficial preliminary specifications
Unofficial preliminary specifications
Unofficial preliminary specifications
Unofficial preliminary specifications
This is not the final specifications of the phone! Stop asking questions about the new iphone and be happy!
- T
- Tansen
- xnY
- 22 Apr 2010
Probably the reason this phone has such low scores for everything is that people just spam 1's because they hate Apple, or maybe they are jealous. Everybody voted N85 or whatever straight 10's because nobody hates that phone. Seriously, iphone has been one of the only phones to make people feel so strongly one way or another, and for that it is a huge success. Chances are if you hate it its because you don't have one and have never used one before. And the people that insist on a file manager, well you can go use symbian with their horribly slow, ugly, and laggy interface. Enjoy your file manager.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3A}
- 22 Apr 2010
way 2 go, iphone fans, just look at that rating soar upto the skies n perhaps even beyond, eh? the rating the Nokia N8 aka the N98 got despite being only a rumour was almost 10.0 10.0 10.0, n then the guys at had 2 literally pull it down 2 almost 8.5 8.5 8.5, n compare that 2 this rating of 5.5 5.8 5.9, u iphone fans must be proud, i guess!
- T
- TEe
- nXT
- 22 Apr 2010
When is Apple going to have a card slot in their 'phones'? They still expect people to pay for the brand only. Pathetic.
- P
- Peyman Hafezi
- TuK
- 22 Apr 2010
Does iPhone 4g have an open bluetooth? what are the specs of CPU and RAM?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mcm
- 22 Apr 2010
Innovative features is an option not known to Apple just yet. HTC evo 4G is much better
- ?
- Anonymous
- sm1
- 22 Apr 2010
Isn't it supposed to have AMOLED screen?
- R
- Rebecca
- s81
- 22 Apr 2010
i saw video of the funny guy who lost iPhone 4G in bar.
hehe What unfortunate guy!