Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • 09 May 2012

gevey98, 08 May 2012iphone is the best .....i love the glass and the ios moreyes, iphone is the best Iphone 4S

    • D
    • AnonD-28117
    • 7w4
    • 09 May 2012

    updating time takes 5/6 minuts on iphone4 (ios5.1)to get runs well and as well 3g to 2g network change

      • 1
      • 1st_iphone
      • t}H
      • 09 May 2012

      Hello, reader's I'am new to iphone and its my first iphone4 can some one please tell me how can I transfer VIDEOS and PICTURES using iTunes for that matter??? Please it will be of great help to me.. Thank you in Advance!!

        • i
        • itzdaboss
        • 9yN
        • 09 May 2012

        i think the iphone 4s is a terrible phone with laggy responses , a waste of money and a stupid idea ... apple should be ashamed of themselves to bring out such a ridiculous thing

          • g
          • gevey98
          • 0VR
          • 08 May 2012

          iphone is the best .....i love the glass and the ios is the best

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • ubE
            • 08 May 2012

            ritzz, 06 May 2012apple is d best is the best fruit, i must say

              • a
              • abmannan
              • KId
              • 07 May 2012

              opened the camera on my iphone 4 tried to turn on the flash and it said iphone needs to cool down before turning on flash.
              what might the problem have been?
              my wifi is always turned on
              PLEASE tell me what the problem is

                • A
                • Anonim
                • pp@
                • 06 May 2012

                How long will it gate iOS updates?

                  • r
                  • ritzz
                  • Xuq
                  • 06 May 2012

                  apple is d best phone...

                    • S
                    • Salooncar
                    • fqq
                    • 05 May 2012

                    I feel in particular the gorilla glass truly identifies what it really means to have an iPhone 4.

                      • o
                      • okay
                      • 6kA
                      • 03 May 2012

                      I have checked the features its without radio that means can't use FM.

                        • M
                        • Me
                        • wMH
                        • 03 May 2012

                        Anonymous, 02 May 2012OK so this one isn't for you then, as "mature" me... morespeak English please. Check your sentence construction.

                          • i
                          • imi
                          • MGG
                          • 03 May 2012

                          AnonD-52537, 02 May 2012I am a very proud iPhone 4 user and I still haven't thought... moreBest comment ever... I use an Iphone as well as a galaxy tab and I love both of them equally... They both have their differences and thats the best part of owning both...

                            • v
                            • vinz
                            • utV
                            • 02 May 2012

                            awsme phooooneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                              • D
                              • AnonD-52537
                              • t7N
                              • 02 May 2012

                              I am a very proud iPhone 4 user and I still haven't thought of upgrading this beast with a 4s simply because I find no use of Siri and the improved camera. I am very happy and more than satisfied with my phone because it suits me just fine.

                              However, I am kinda annoyed and irritated with the neverending battle between iOs and Android. I saw a lot of shallow, offensive comments in here that mostly states: "Hey, my phone is better than yours....", "Don't dare stoop on our level because my phone is waaaaay expensive than yours....", "Your phone can't do this while my phone can do that blah blah blahs" and some abominations in the eyes like that.

                              I just don't get it why most iPhone users (Please bear in mind that I'm not generalizing here) always has this tendency to look down on other people who prefers another brand and OS (Most specifically Android). I mean, does it make them poor, inferior, outcast or whatever you wanna call them just because they don't want (and it can be another truth: can't afford) an iPhone?

                              Does it ever occur to some of you that other people prefers an Android because they're just being practical, money wise? Does it ever occur to some of you that other people prefers an Android because the idea of taking full control on your device excites them? Does it ever occur to some of you that other people prefers an Android because it is what they want?

                              That is why we have a lot of options to choose from in today's technologically-driven, modern world.

                              People, grow up. You can't determine someone's wealth with the brand of phone that they're using.

                              I know someone who is using a Samsung Galaxy S2 and owns a Ferrari Italia, so to each is to his own.

                              And to some of you who are repeatedly bashing and antagonizing Apple and its products, please also grow up. Sure, our iPhones can't support Flash and all but it doesn't make our phones less useful. For starters, it has a beautiful, jaw-dropping Retina display and a sophisticated, classy design that perfectly defines 'timeless'. It also has everything that you could need in a phone. You can't blame some of iPhone users in wanting to have a taste of luxury from time to time.

                              Please stop bashing each other's products. It's such a very immature topic already.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • fqm
                                • 02 May 2012

                                henry, 01 May 2012hmm..gud fone but poor batery life..nd very annoyin fone..b... moreOK so this one isn't for you then, as "mature" men speak English properly.

                                To the phone, battery life rubbish, nothing worse on a mobile phone.

                                  • M
                                  • ME!
                                  • wMH
                                  • 01 May 2012

                                  still the very best phone in the market. this isn't about raw power or dual core non-sense, it basically works and works smoothly. Apps is what makes a smartphone a smartphone not the raw power, Apple has the best apps paid or free in the market and the iOS is still the smoothest running mobile OS in the market.

                                    • h
                                    • hanshika chhabra
                                    • bC6
                                    • 01 May 2012

                                    I am currently using iphone 4 32gb,,
                                    surely it has amazing features but the battery life could have been better.

                                      • g
                                      • godzillar
                                      • Nmf
                                      • 01 May 2012

                                      das it play music up2 40hours?

                                        • h
                                        • henry
                                        • ftV
                                        • 01 May 2012

                                        hmm..gud fone but poor batery life..nd very annoyin fone..bluetooths is weird..sgs2 is beta or n9 is much cool..go for any of dis fones sgs2 or n9..iphone is for matured men nt for of dere apps are nt free..but iphone is still a great fone..but samsung nd nokia is beta...