Apple iPhone 4
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 12 Sep 2011
Biggest advantage of Iphone, 3g, 3gs and 4 is high resale value. They are really unbeatable. Even when you go to different countries, you can get good price for a used or even broken iphone. That cannot be said to other phone manufacturers.
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 12 Sep 2011
Girish, 12 Sep 2011S2 is a great phone with great price and customisation. App... moreYes you are correct. With all the power and capability on any smartphone in the market, they are really cheap as compared to the first batch of smartphones a decade ago. Young generation of user don't know the evolution of these smartphones. But sad to say, they are using these smartphones mostly for gaming, videos and entertainment to gauge the performance of the device (which is an irony to call this device "smart"phone). The only weak point of this Iphone 4 is to be in the hands of an angry and jealous wife as they cannot withstand the abuse (unlike Nokia and Motorola "dumb" phones). LOL
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 12 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2011You should address your point to all of the GS2 fans that w... moreRegret to inform you that I don't have any SGS2 phone and have no plan to buy one. I have Iphone 4 and used this phone for medical apps which is expensive and but much better than any Android phone. But I do make analysis based on what I see and experienced. But I am not a fanatic of a particular phone. Technology is for everybody to utilize and aid them in their daily activity. But it's seems you are blinded in your immature opinion. Grow up. I don't buy this SGS2 phone because I don't need dual processor and they don't have the apps that I need. Also, I have my old and reliable Nokia "dumb" phone which I use for my telephony and texting. For presentation and browsing I used Ipad 2 wifi + 3g. And you have no right to tell me how to tell people what to think and bully me. We are in democracy and thus respect each other. I been using apple products since apple 2e up to Mac air so I know how their products works but respect other competitors because this makes every manufacturers to make excellent products. But I also have windows and Linux computers. Competition is good for everyone including you. I am against monopoly because this stops improvements and product development/innovation. What I like about apple products is simplicity of operation even a non-computer literates can use their device with minimal knowledge and skill; While android os encourages open platform/softwares. Maybe you are still in diapers and/or even not yet born when we started this revolution of personal computers; while I am from the same age group and knowledge of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates (except they have very good business sense and foresight). In addition, I am waiting for the release Iphone 5 which I have plan to buy as long as it has a bigger screen. Please also note that I have android, windows mobile and java phones which I used for specific function. I respect these manufacturers because they did the research and design to give us customers the devices that will help us in our daily needs in telephony and IT usages. Hope this will clear up the air.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJt
- 12 Sep 2011
Gil Bald, 12 Sep 2011Please note that I am not an Apple hater. I firmly believe ... moreYou should address your point to all of the GS2 fans that write in this forum
- G
- Girish
- vIx
- 12 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011SG2 Its an expensive plastic copy with a terrible OSS2 is a great phone with great price and customisation. Apple has its own strength.... Why compare???
- ?
- Anonymous
- m5Z
- 12 Sep 2011
which is better on battery htc desire hd or iphone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- gxP
- 12 Sep 2011
AnonD-21653, 12 Sep 2011should i buy an i phone 4? or wait for i phone 5?Go for iphone 4 is perfect!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 12 Sep 2011
AnonD-21653, 12 Sep 2011should i buy an i phone 4? or wait for i phone 5?Dear Wonder Woman, Oracle tells me that the iPhone 5 launch is imminent, so you should wait.
I have the current iPhone 5 prototype, but can't show you, as they are currently looking for me. For now, I will hideout in the batcave, until the official launch. Besides, I am integrating the new unit into my Batmobile.
All I can say for now is, it is awesome!
- N
- Nino
- pX7
- 12 Sep 2011
Gil Bald, 12 Sep 2011Please note that I am not an Apple hater. I firmly believe ... moreI agree with you, this forum is meant to share experiences and find technical ways to help iPhone 4 users and not to defame other mobile each his own ;-)
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 12 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 11 Sep 2011No the Apple haters are in the wrong forumPlease note that I am not an Apple hater. I firmly believe that this forum should be available for evaluation of Iphone 4, personal experiences, problems encountered, solutions and expectations that can help current users and future buyers. This forum or other product forum should not be used to defame other phone manufacturers because they provide alternative or choice for a future buyer. If we are not objective with our opinions then this will not help anyone except satisfaction of own ego. One can be critical of phone's or OS performance but it should be defined clearly for a reader to fully understand the point. Like plastic is cheap but stronger than glass (which is more elegant to look at). If android OS is not good then how come it has almost 50% market share. IOS 4 is so simple to use that even a child could understand and use it. Most iphone apps are very good (but expensive) and better than android apps (but cheaper and mostly free). Let us be objective and show maturity on our opinions so we can help other iphone users and future users to fully analyze and maximize the iphone usage. But please DO NOT TOLERATE JAIL BREAK. This practice steal/rob the intellectual right of apps developers. I am a fan of smartphones and have quite a few of them which fully satisfy my specific need. Please note that there is no smartphone that can do everything for everyone of us because of our individual specific need. For simplicity of operation, elegant appearance and medical apps go for Iphone. For telephony and good browsing good for samsung tab. For Camera and 3d go for HTC and LG. For texting and phone go for any ordinary cellphone, for full coverage anywhere but a satellite phone. ETC. We cannot have everything in one phone. Buy a phone that really meet individual needs. ;-)
- D
- AnonD-21653
- vpb
- 12 Sep 2011
should i buy an i phone 4? or wait for i phone 5?
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJt
- 11 Sep 2011
Gil Bald, 11 Sep 2011Believe you are in the wrong forum.No the Apple haters are in the wrong forum
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGC
- 11 Sep 2011
MaximMike, 10 Sep 2011I got this phone. It works like a dream. Don't even think o... moreAgree with you and i got an iphone 4 and changed my mind..There are a few things i miss but looking into that.
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 11 Sep 2011
MaximMike, 10 Sep 2011I got this phone. It works like a dream. Don't even think o... moreCongratulation for being satisfied with your purchase and making an honest evaluation of the phone without criticizing another phone model. Thank you for not jailbreaking your iphone and support the legit apps developers. Each individual phone has its own advantages and disadvantages and it all depends on ones need and requirement. The problem with us customer is that we want everything in a phone but uses only 30% of its features. It is ironic that we call them smartphone but we use them mostly for games, videos, mp3, camera, etc. but not use them on computations and office functions. The phone is smart but the users are sometime dumb and immature. Just review the opinions and find out for yourself. ;-)
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 11 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011SG2 Its an expensive plastic copy with a terrible OSBelieve you are in the wrong forum.
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 11 Sep 2011
Apple is suing samsung and htc for patents. Same with Samsung and Htc suing apple. Users are upset with these actions. But what are some users doing? Worse than these 3 companies. They are jailbreaking and rooting their phones in order to avoid paying the apps. They are stealing money from the apps developers who designed and developed these apps. Jailbreakers and rooters and its users, are the robbing little earnings from the apps developers. Be ashamed of what you are doing. Pay and support apps developers. Thanks.
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 11 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 10 Sep 2011Finally Adobe is giving into the Apple standard: Adobe yes... moreGood job Adobe. They have satisfied the needs of iphone users. Thanks.
- G
- Gil Bald
- t7C
- 11 Sep 2011
AnonD-8044, 11 Sep 2011Htc have crap microphones ,speakers are weedy as hell and p... moreI respect your choice of getting a BB. Believe everyone is entitled to their own choice of device. We have lots of phone in the market that will meet our needs and requirements. Be happy on what you choose and never bother on opinions of others as long as you are happy with your decision. Cheers.....
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGC
- 11 Sep 2011
Gil Bald, 10 Sep 2011Iphone 4 has very good and wide selection of apps. If not f... moreHtc have crap microphones ,speakers are weedy as hell and poor cameras with choppy video recording..S/E i like a lot and tempted to buy xperia pro..Samsung are plastic fantastic its Nokia who gets all its hardware correct but poor symbian.If someone grabbed hold of me tomorrow and said your going on a mission for 1 year and you can take one mobile with you so choose right now,,i would choose Blackberry 9780 for many reasons so why dont i buy one.Well BB is good workhorse and reliable and secure has good battery and REAL physical buttons but not fun.