Apple iPhone 4
- D
- AnonD-21333
- bCX
- 09 Sep 2011
Display Quality, Camera Quality too Bad & Price is too High...Operating System also bad.....Screen size too Small rather than Other. No external Storage...allover too bad phone...
- v
- vishu
- vwe
- 09 Sep 2011
hi.i just bought iphone 4.i have a problem; i cant hear anyone while phonecalling the sound is too low i have to open the mic. does anyone kow how to get higher sound.thanks
- I
- IP
- vw6
- 09 Sep 2011
I have installed Cydia without computer directly on my iphone,
is my phone jailbroken or my waranty void?
- M
- Mark
- 3IK
- 09 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2011and wot part of apple inc do u work in??? u miss understood i know that u're trying to be funny but beleive u make fun of urself cz i am a new iPhoner & the reason behind all that is that i appreciate that company (apple inc of course) cz they made such an incredible phone and i can compare it with samsung galaxy SII and phone that (the galaxy SII of course) terrible compared to the great iPhone 4.
admit it u want to have an iPhone the truth is that u can't take back what u said about it & u'll always be stucked with the samsung company that steals other designes and ideas.
good luck with that.
PS:the samsung galaxy SII is baned now in EUROPE.they baned stores from selling it cz they knew about the stolen designe hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGC
- 09 Sep 2011
Even tho the IOS v Google argument goes on Google are still involved with Apple.This is just one of the many proofs that they all work together really,,
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGC
- 08 Sep 2011
Just sent first picture by email,,it moves the picture just out the way to reveal email screen.Input address then send but first it asks if you want to send it at full resolution or other size,,DONE..Never seen anything so easy ever,,simpler than laptop and any other smartfone ive tried since 2002.Remember its my first day with IP4 and first ever I-phone..I ridiculed apple for 4 years and critisized apple but thats changed...
I was so engrained in android to look at Apple but the stress of variable battery life everyday and POOR applications failed me.I would getstressed at the FORCE CLOSE screen and many apps just dont do what they say or rubbishly coded..I am up and running and if you dont have a credit card you can by itunes vouchers..Simple..
Also folk keep saying its Apples marketing department but many folk are buying I-phone 5 without any uestions or advertising..They like the product and its simplicity and its already sold.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJt
- 08 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2011and wot part of apple inc do u work in??? Spelling department
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJt
- 08 Sep 2011
AnonD-21333, 08 Sep 2011Display Quality, Camera Quality too Bad & Price is too ... more100 million new customers in the past year think different, biggest company in the stock Market in the world, not bad for such a phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- iFr
- 08 Sep 2011
Kevin, 08 Sep 2011Can you tell me which is better...iPhone4 or Samsung I9100 ... moreGalaxy S2 is newer and superior in every aspect, can't be compared to old generation iPhone 4.
If you want to compare it to something wait for iPhone 5(4S) even though Nexus Prime may steal the light from any next-gen iPhone.
- E
- Engr
- 08 Sep 2011
price of iphone4 is out of control so bro all over the world that send mail to apple man that low apple price as like other company
- D
- AnonD-21333
- bCX
- 08 Sep 2011
Display Quality, Camera Quality too Bad & Price is too High...Operating System also bad.....Screen size too Small rather than Other. No external Storage...allover too bad phone...
- ?
- Anonymous
- M31
- 08 Sep 2011
Mark, 07 Sep 2011hi everyone,i want to share my experience with u guys so u ... moreand wot part of apple inc do u work in???
- j
- jozef
- fvx
- 08 Sep 2011
hi.i just bought iphone 4.i have a problem; i cant hear anyone while phonecalling the sound is too low i have to open the mic. does anyone kow how to get higher sound.thanks
- s
- spidey
- Pxi
- 08 Sep 2011
for me, iphone4 is the best..!!! i luv my iphone.. :D
- D
- Danny
- mHn
- 08 Sep 2011
its luckt that the marketing team at apple are outstanding because that way people dont realise that there are better phones out there. Im not debating that the iphone4 is a quality handset although it isnt as good as the samsung galaxy s 2.
- D
- AnonD-10183
- p4c
- 08 Sep 2011
do you know that the app store will erase all these advantages ?
do you know that those disatvantages are not true ? there is bluetooth(store) and mass storage mode
all of those are not true ... why don't you buy it and then talk about it ? My friend bought it and i found it more than impressive / more than galaxy s 2...
But I can see only one problem .. why its price is not going down ? really expensive 700 $ here ...
so there is no disatvantages when jailbreak is available .. i m going for it....
- s
- sampath
- U@Y
- 08 Sep 2011
How can i decide apple is best compare to htc
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nG5
- 08 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2011No Flash support in the web browser
No quick toggles for W... moreNo Flash support in the web browser
No quick toggles for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G
No Facebook integration
No proper widgets for the lockscreen
App folders still are limited to 12 apps tops
No DivX/XviD video support out of the box (though there're lots of players in the App Store)
No USB Mass storage mode for uploading content to the device
No haptics for the touchscreen
No Bluetooth file transfers to other phones
Contacts lack a swipe-to-delete or mass delete feature
whats new notifications hold on phones did that 10 years ago..
Thats what i always said for years but my iphone 4 arrived this morning and been setting it up,so far its very very good.It is so refreshing and simple..More testing tho over weeks to come.Its only 16GB so cheaper and need to select only a few albums to fit on memory.Even the charger is gorgeous and the white socket that slips into the 30 pin jack is beautifull.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nG5
- 08 Sep 2011
[deleted post]The 3gs is still being sold here in UK dont know about other countrys,,so iphone 4 will not go anywhere fast..Android is tweakable,hackable and fully custmisable but many buy iphone for simplicity..Some people buy it for simpleness and that is a stonking amount of people.
- K
- Kevin
- UD}
- 08 Sep 2011
Can you tell me which is better...iPhone4 or Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II? IN OVERALL.