Apple iPhone 4
- d
- dharpan(dini)
- t}y
- 02 Sep 2011
the best product with its quality ios i hv ever came across.... it cant b matched to any other phone and evn ther os .... superb is the only word i can tell u ...!! for real time experience plz do buy this phone !!
u say samsung s2 is the grt phone but c for the reviews in youtube and then u people decide ... ios or android
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nFe
- 02 Sep 2011
Panky, 02 Sep 2011I agree on that. It is a shame about the battery can´... moreOne thing i have come across is last three months apples market share grew 1% yet it has NOT released a new iphone..A lot of stores still say limited to 2 per purchase and its still selling well after 14 months after release date.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJt
- 02 Sep 2011
Panky, 02 Sep 2011I agree on that. It is a shame about the battery can´... moreNo AM radio, no telegraph either
- p
- poging bagsik
- t7X
- 02 Sep 2011 is this true?
- P
- Panky
- svk
- 02 Sep 2011
Julie, 01 Sep 2011You can buy a battery that attaches to the charging port fo... moreI agree on that. It is a shame about the battery can´t be switched.
And still no FM-rransmitter or even FM-radio. WTF
dropping calls is the worst besidesthe price. The look isn´t fresh either anymore
- h
- huuu
- PTx
- 02 Sep 2011
iphne 4 is sexy
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nFe
- 02 Sep 2011
Julie, 01 Sep 2011You can make ringtunes on your iphone 4 with the app that c... moreThanks for your replys,,studying i-phone stuff now in an attempt to catch up with the apple O/S..With me been on symbian since 2003 and windows with a switch to android and even bada apple ios is fairly new to me.For years i have complained and put apple down..Now i am about to change all that so going full steam ahead with learning.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pa%
- 02 Sep 2011
It´s the very best phone that exist, don´t compare with other phone and OS is much better that Android (very virus), Windows (is limited), Symbiam (is dead)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4@X
- 01 Sep 2011
Nilesh, 01 Sep 2011I think,,,either people have Iphone or they use normal phone...Android for the WIN!!!
- J
- Julie
- 01 Sep 2011
AnonD-8044, 30 Aug 2011Can anyone point me to a website or a bit of help to answer... moreYou can make ringtunes on your iphone 4 with the app that came on your phone using your own music, then using itunes you just transfer them over, all the ringtunes you like!
Save your files to your comp & transfer them over using itunes.
I don't think alot of people understand how to use itunes cause you can do loads on the itunes app on your comp, you just have to know how!
- J
- Julie
- 01 Sep 2011
Julia, 31 Aug 2011The hype is over.
None whtsever file browser and no fre... moreYou can buy a battery that attaches to the charging port for when your battery gets low, the battery charges with your normal iphone charger, which is much better than having to take back cover off & charge battery everytime.
If you save your video's, music, pic's etc to computer, you can then put them all on your iphone via the itunes app so you don't loss them.
You can use bluetooth to transfer from one iphone to another by the free bluetooth app.
- s
- saleem
- 9Av
- 01 Sep 2011
dave, 01 Sep 2011what benefits does jailbreaking have?I think its like rooting an android fone.
- d
- dave
- Sgv
- 01 Sep 2011
what benefits does jailbreaking have?
- i
- iPhone
- Yef
- 01 Sep 2011
AnonD-9737, 31 Aug 2011Good remarks/findings . but i have few questions. Android c... moreiPhone does has!
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 01 Sep 2011
AnonD-793, 01 Sep 2011bla .. bla .. bla .. What y all doing is keep talking ba... moreYOur right thats why i am gong to try it.
- D
- AnonD-793
- veT
- 01 Sep 2011
bla .. bla .. bla ..
What y all doing is keep talking bad about the iPhone 4 ..i ve one suggestion here .
why dont u try it first ,just bought it .n if u r not satisfied with it,then just sell it back .im fully sure it still can be sell at high price . if u think iPhone 4 is SOOO BAD .sell it then bought the galaxy s2 with sucks operating system .
btw,did u know that IOS is far better than the android os .?what makes galaxy s2 sell goes higher is cuz its great spec .i admit that S2 spec is far better than iPhone 4.. but the OS is soo sucks ..
i love Galaxy S2 but not its OS .. i preferred iPhone 4 with medium spec with a great IOs .
TQ . Njoy your day :)
- A
- Adam
- vGk
- 01 Sep 2011
Guys if just want a mobile for camera,watching movies,plz dont buy Iphone go for android.But if u want to enjoy the future just go for IPHONE.people who compare android and IOS just compare with playing angry bird on both the mobile that to on S2 and I4.Then u never ever talk about iphone.I saw people comment that u cant send songs or picture through bluetooth guys its for the security becos a mobile get virus affected first through bluetooth so its safe on iphone and same way u can send songs and pic through iphone to iphone.Then display guys super amoled which gives extra contrast and make a video or image un natural colour but retina display just give the natural and original pic or colour retina means the visible of your eye sight (REDINA) so true colour
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJt
- 01 Sep 2011
shi , 31 Aug 2011iphone is gooood but samsung galaxy s2 is much much better ... moreNo it's a copy
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 01 Sep 2011
francomur99, 31 Aug 2011believe me the iPhone 4 is the best device ever, I had 5 ... moreThanks for your reply..