Apple iPhone 4
- D
- AnonD-324
- vG0
- 28 Aug 2011
Who said Iphone 4 is expensive...
The 8 GB verson of iphone 4 is coming out soon, which means anyone and everyone can own an iphone 4.
I hope you all agree with me. Well the ifans do not have any other option apart from just considering to agree with what I have to say, b'coz it'z the TRUTH, lolz..
- D
- AnonD-19718
- LKn
- 28 Aug 2011
Anonymous, 28 Aug 2011It is not the marketing skills but the ecosystem that make ... morelol good materials the only good thing on the i phone is the screen its also the most expensive thing on the phone other than that u can get a well put together phone for less with more features and radio is important for emergency compare the the iPhone 4 wit the last iPhone and see what "improvements" they have made and u have to spend the same overwhelming price for in my opinion the iPhone lacks creativity convenience and support
- ?
- Anonymous
- LKn
- 28 Aug 2011
Adrian, 27 Aug 2011I'm not an Apple fan. But I am curious what's all the fuss ... morelol good materials the only good thing on the i phone is the screen its also the most expensive thing on the phone other than that u can get a well put together phone for less with more features and radio is important for emergency compare the the iPhone 4 wit the last iPhone and see what "improvements" they have made and u have to spend the same overwhelming price for in my opinion the iPhone lacks creativity convenience and support
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3m3
- 28 Aug 2011
gromix, 28 Aug 2011if you are looking for a good phone and about the same pric... moreIt is an illegal copy that violates apple patents
- ?
- Anonymous
- s3u
- 28 Aug 2011
Adrian, 27 Aug 2011I'm not an Apple fan. But I am curious what's all the fuss ... moreIt is not the marketing skills but the ecosystem that make Apple the number one company in the world in all trades and sectors.
Yes they got to be the most valuable enterprise by resolving people needs and delivering products that make your daily life around the web and wireless communication better
Radio is obviously not a priority in people needs
- H
- Harsha
- 7qA
- 28 Aug 2011
AnonD-19477, 26 Aug 2011i just caught a problem with my iphone4,it jst went off n n... moreIf ever i phone 4 freezes and any key or screen doesnot respond and the screen goes dark..., just hold the power and home buttons together for 15 seconds and the phone will restart and springs back to life... To avoid getting freezed., close the open apps more frequently by double pressing the home button... :-)
- g
- gromix
- q{c
- 28 Aug 2011
if you are looking for a good phone and about the same price go look at the samsung galaxy s 2
- A
- Adrian
- 0Cc
- 27 Aug 2011
I'm not an Apple fan. But I am curious what's all the fuss around Apple products :)
I assume they use good materials and fine tune their devices' performance with proprietary software to get the most out of them.
Out of curiosity I checked iPhone prices and it would be overwhelmingly way over my budget. But except the quality display and battery performance, most other missing features would be deal-breakers for me, even if I had the money to buy one, Bluetooth and USB file transfer being #1, lack of SMS delivery notification #2, lack of Radio #3.
Still, I'm not in Apple's target public and probably never will be, but I do have to admire the ideas they had and their marketing skills.
- ?
- Anonymous
- s3u
- 27 Aug 2011
boudy, 27 Aug 2011go and buy a sumsung galaxy SIIIf you like inferior copies
- ?
- Anonymous
- s3u
- 27 Aug 2011
[deleted post]Why do they make copies then, no other manufacturers are coming up with original design
- ?
- Anonymous
- s3u
- 27 Aug 2011
AnonD-252, 27 Aug 2011Do you use a diesel-generator when playing batterydraining ... more100 million new users per year think different
Stay in the past
- b
- boooom
- iIR
- 27 Aug 2011
- D
- AnonD-252
- 392
- 27 Aug 2011
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2011Make sure you carry a diesel generator to top your battery... moreDo you use a diesel-generator when playing batterydraining games or use gps...?
Every real "smartphone" today must have Adobe Flash 10.3, because it must ofcourse be the user, not Apple..., who decide if he or she wants to watch flash-content or play flash-games... If the user do not want to watch any flash-content he or she can simply turn flash off!
- J
- Julie
- 27 Aug 2011
Adel, 26 Aug 2011I tried literally tens of mobile phones and smarts phones b... moreYou can delete contacts by going into contacts, edit, at bottom of that page it says delete contact!
- b
- boudy
- 0kG
- 27 Aug 2011
Anonymous, 25 Aug 2011should i wait for i phone 5 or buy i phone 4?go and buy a sumsung galaxy SII
- v
- vicky
- 951
- 27 Aug 2011
hey frends i want to buy a new smartphone.
As usual i m very big fan of iphone4,but after reading the opinions i m somewhat disapöinted.
So plz help me to got better phone between iphone4 and samsung galaxy s. , . . ,
which is better???
- ?
- Anonymous
- s3u
- 27 Aug 2011
Adel, 26 Aug 2011I tried literally tens of mobile phones and smarts phones b... moreIt is evident that you are a liar
And never had an Iphone
Galaxy is a copy and would not exist
Without Apple design
It is being banned as we speak by courts in Europe for infringing Apple patents
- ?
- Anonymous
- s3u
- 27 Aug 2011
dunbebias, 27 Aug 2011Obsolete flash player? Sure, where did you get that info? H... moreFlash also freezes, HTML5 is the quality standard today,
Web sites not adopting new HTML5 technology are obsolete.
Ever heard of progress ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- s3u
- 27 Aug 2011
manu, 27 Aug 2011After almost two months of waiting and reading various revi... moreRelocate in a civilized part of the world where you will get perfect service don' t blame Apple for your country's problems
- m
- manu
- utv
- 27 Aug 2011
After almost two months of waiting and reading various reviews i have made up my mind the purchase IP. And at last i purchsed my phone and, everything was fine but suddenly small issues started croping up.
1. certain spots on the screen were not respoding which was very very annoying like ... in the search screen i was not able to press the x button.
2. on land scape mode certain characters on the left hand side were not responding (like a and z alphabet)
3. Hanging of the screen. i am not able to cut the connection after i have finished the conversation.
4. And immediately after a call is over the screen freezes for about 5 to 8 seconds.
Totally disappointed with all these. Anyone facing the same issue pls share. I have bought this phone from abu dhabi and when i talked to them over phone they have asked me to send my IP to them. But again the issue is that there are no couriers which accept mobile phones. TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED......... Ever since this issue has cropped up.