Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7C
- 13 Jul 2011
i just sold my ip4 32gb, now im considering sgs2, but apart of me still wants an iphon, maybe ill get an iphone 16gb as my previous 32gb i cant barely fill it half way lol..
- D
- AnonD-9694
- vwu
- 13 Jul 2011
I have ipod4g which i cant make calls is the only difference with iphone4...i love it...but frankly speaking android is better as i use android desireHD.also...its tough competition but ANDROID two steps ahead...
- H
- Heng_S
- wiy
- 13 Jul 2011
Please tell me how to delete all contacts from iPhone 4. Thanks in advance.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3ZI
- 13 Jul 2011
Arma, 11 Jul 2011i just recently got the Iphone4 and loving it :-) i just wa... moreU go to iTunes and u go like sync photos / pictures /what ever and then u choose the file that ha uor pics and u apply or sync and then u go to foto galleri and u got uorself another album other than the camera roll
- b
- bayasaa
- PEi
- 13 Jul 2011
i phone 4 is good, but i get a lot of call drops, network failure... otherwise its a cool phone... its like a trend... you have i phone you are cool...
but in the end you just want to make calls and reply messages, and browse the internet... for me im too busy to be touching my phone all day long... iphone 4 is a fun phone... if i was in high school i would buy it... if i was in college i would buy it... but when now im working i began expecting more battery life, network reliability, ease of use.. and outlook availability...
it depends on your demands really...
if you like to play games all the time then iphone4 is perfect. good picture quality too... oh the HD video recording is the best.... but anyways if you buy iphone4 just try to enjoy
- r
- rhony
- 13 Jul 2011
[deleted post]its not the LG who produces retina display.... retina display is the name given to the finished product made by engineering the glass displays viz the sharpness, contrast and pixelation... its IPS technology which you are saying which is used by LG... and same display technology is used by apple and is modified to produce better display which is called retina display..... retina display is the best technology which gives apple a superior class compared to other phones.....
- b
- boo boo
- v6u
- 13 Jul 2011
android is far better than apple,,, i os is a load of rubbish
- ?
- Anonymous
- vuI
- 13 Jul 2011
cracked my iphone screen :[ . the 3GS , my previous phone , was so easy to fix , but now the iphone 4 has so many screws & is so complicated . i think i will pay to get the screen fixed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LEq
- 13 Jul 2011
LOL is so funny to read opinions. Why there is so much disgust about the iphone? it is because yoy can´t afford it?
- x
- xoxo
- t3j
- 13 Jul 2011
maddy, 11 Jul 2011Hey buddy u r wrong.... Samsung galaxy S2 made a new record... moreMaddy , your numbers about Samsung are very true....but it looks like u only read about Samsung when you compare with Apple....
If you go in Asia- China, Hong kong , Singapore, Japan ....the Apple products "disappear'' from the racks within minutes , i m referring on Iphone or Ipad ...
On the numbers, Apple sell over 12mill. iphones 4 in 3 months , ...and this because the manufacturer cannot produce more ...think twice before make comparison on sells Samsung Galaxy with iphone 4 ....
- x
- xoxo
- t3j
- 13 Jul 2011
Mauritz coetzee, 11 Jul 2011Maddy,you are correct however the samsung galaxy s is way c... moreif you know a bit about soft and hard design , you will know that there is no phone lunch yet to compare with iphone 4 touch screen....
- x
- xoxo
- t3j
- 13 Jul 2011
AnonD-13567, 12 Jul 2011i been impress by iphone look, design, color and performanc... moreSamsung win by speed and apps compare with Iphone 4....???...oh ya, Samsung have a few hundreds, when apple over 65k apps ....any other bla, bla , bla .to compare with Iphone4...???
- S
- Steve 'o'
- R52
- 13 Jul 2011
Android might be lagging prior to Droid 2, but now it caught up.
IOS even when jailbroken does not offer the same flexibility as gingerbread.
Samsung galaxy S trounces iphone4 in camera, graphics performance and even actual battery life. Bring on the iphone5 and we'll talk.
Oh iphone fanboys might wanna prepare to bend over for steve jobs...
- i
- iPhoner
- 13 Jul 2011
Oh c'mon. They are comparing iPhone to that lame android?! They can't beat Apple products. Just compare the price of BB torch and iPhone 4. they were released almost at the same price. but what happened? BB torch went down. Almost same price as the iPhone 3gs.
- O
- Opa
- 3iL
- 13 Jul 2011
And btw, smartphones were available way loooong before iphone "era", when noone heard about them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJt
- 12 Jul 2011
gti 9000, 12 Jul 2011Lol i own a galaxy s and occasionally swing past the Iphone... moreSome people like copies of patented devices, as long as they are available before they will shut them down
- n
- nick
- nxw
- 12 Jul 2011
abhi, 12 Jul 2011man i m bought galaxy s2 four days before camera quality an... moresome of us like being able to customise our phones, rather than stevey J telling us how to do it
- k
- kal-el
- 9Cj
- 12 Jul 2011
[deleted post]i agree they're just jealous..i was a previous user of nokia and SE name it. but when i got my iphone4 it's just awesome!!! it's m dream's worth your money
- a
- apple-droid
- 2SS
- 12 Jul 2011
its awsome,gaming graphics are pretty,but the phone is some what heavy than others but its aroyal phone
no other phone gives the royality
apple gives
- a
- abhi
- utn
- 12 Jul 2011
maddy, 11 Jul 2011Hey buddy u r wrong.... Samsung galaxy S2 made a new record... moreman i m bought galaxy s2 four days before camera quality and display is good but android is usess in frot of i os