Apple iPhone 4
- w
- wolverine
- vby
- 02 Jun 2011
can anyone please tell iphone4 price in the us.. plz.. reply asap..
- n
- nec145
- uC8
- 02 Jun 2011
For erasing a single call from call history you will have to jailbreak your device.
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 02 Jun 2011
AnonD-9957, 02 Jun 2011can anybody tell me the current price of IP4 in USA.. i pla... moreYou would better off buying the iphone 4 in Canada. it's sold unlock in Canada.
In the USA it's lock to AT&T and VERIZON.
- h
- harsh
- s8g
- 02 Jun 2011
m plning to buy this phn..
But i read many cmnts abt this phn,
really thire is problm regarding antina..??
N wht abt battry bkup?
N is it hangs /freezz a lot or sum tims??
Plz plz help me..
- t
- turtleninja
- 3Yi
- 02 Jun 2011
cane download skype on iphone 4?
- k
- kalu
- vcB
- 02 Jun 2011
I M Trying to buy but there is no stock at all how can i get the i phone4 16gb anyhow.................. love the i phone................
- D
- AnonD-9957
- ib4
- 02 Jun 2011
can anybody tell me the current price of IP4 in USA.. i plan to visit USA next month..n plan to but it... the 16G
- p
- puru
- 9AB
- 02 Jun 2011
want to zoooooomed it.
- O
- Oblivion
- mVE
- 02 Jun 2011
Why are there no SAR stats for this phone? Is it because it's stupidly high?
- D
- vwe
- 02 Jun 2011
in i phone all facility in this phone but only one problem i am not buy it
- ?
- Anonymous
- tVm
- 02 Jun 2011
Anonymous, 01 Jun 2011There is no facility to delete single call entry. Request i... morejailbreak, then U can have mobile log from cydia. Mobile log can delete calls log.
- F
- Frank
- 9y1
- 02 Jun 2011
Guys let's use the head i little, iphone is the firt phone from apple, so if you like apple, just take a tour in some apple shop.
- ?
- Anonymous
- njm
- 01 Jun 2011
iPhoner, 01 Jun 2011Is it really worth it to buy an iPhone 4? i'm thinking to b... moreyes
- i
- iPhoner
- 01 Jun 2011
Is it really worth it to buy an iPhone 4? i'm thinking to buy one. i'm using a 3gs btw. It's ok but is it really worth it to upgrade to iPhone4? need your feedback guys. Thanks
- S
- Steffi
- 01 Jun 2011
Hello friends,
I’m also facing this Ringtone problem, I’m using iPhone 4 with iTunes 10 on Windows7… when iam converting it from .m4a to .m4r it gives me this prompt message
(If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable. are you sure want to change it ?) When i clicked on Yes.. it Changed.. but when iam deleting it from iTunes10 it just deletes.. no ‘KEEP FILES’ or any option.. and when iam trying to dragging it, it not shows in iTunes10 music library Please friends help me in this…
- ?
- Anonymous
- njm
- 01 Jun 2011
- R
- Raj
- up7
- 01 Jun 2011
Apple has managed to place the iphone as the best branded phone in its class.......and still it is over priced, few free apps and its useless medicore nature to syn with itunes ......irritates a lot
- A
- Apple's ex-addict
- 4BE
- 01 Jun 2011
Anonymous, 31 May 2011There have been rumours that iOS5 will address at least som... moreI think you should wait because iPhone 5 is coming out pretty soon and it supposed to be a "fixed" version of iPhone 4. Apparently, iPhone has A LOT of flaws, since the first week of release (antena flaw causing ALOT OF DROPPED CALLS which obligates you to put on a stupid rubber cover!) the call log is ridiculous if u dial more than 20 numbers a day since u won't be able to see who called u the day before ( very limited call log without the ability to edit the call log) battery life is the worst unless u turn off your WiFi and 3G data and u make sure all ur apps are completely closed after u use them. The resolution on the phone is fantastic and camera too, but the new iPod and iPad has that feature as well! Oh and not to mention that ur very limited to original ringtones, alarm tones, and only 2 sound profiles: normal or silent!! Very primitive phone experience, but really fun and useful apps. I would suggest u either wait for iPhone 5 or buy u a cheaper iPod (for fun a d compatible apps and Internet and facetime and nice camera) and keep ur old blackberry or nokia for ur phone experience, since u will REGRET it if ur a phone person!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mww
- 01 Jun 2011
Anonymous, 01 Jun 2011Actually the point made was quite good. Maybe you didn't un... moreModerator you can delete my posts but you cannot delete the fact that Nokia shares were down 15% yesterday
- ?
- Anonymous
- njm
- 01 Jun 2011
You can delete my posts but you cannot delete the fact that Nokia shares were down 15% yesterday