Apple iPhone 4
- m
- mick
- svH
- 28 Mar 2011
Abbey, 27 Mar 2011Why dont you buy a radio then instead of a phone,....I gues... morethe have advance software of multy stations of world over net or 3g but andriod has no a smiple thing of nottifications or heart beat rating as iphone can measure it
- m
- madusky
- M%8
- 28 Mar 2011
Please when the apple release ios 4.3.1? I ve ios 4.3
- a
- adoo
- 28 Mar 2011
i luve it but cant use it since its locked :(
- A
- Alex
- wdR
- 28 Mar 2011
Nokia N8 is far better. I used this phone for quite a long time. Except for the scratch resistant surface and back panel, it has nothing impressive. I have been using Nokia N8 since a month. Awesome! Symbian^3 still rocks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3x8
- 28 Mar 2011
[deleted post]Read properly. The problem NEVER existed is what he said. Reported, for unnecessary insults.
- D
- AnonD-2146
- 2FY
- 28 Mar 2011
IOS 4.3.1 has released!
- D
- AnonD-977
- va9
- 27 Mar 2011
Michal, 27 Mar 2011Exactly! I remember burning 50 bucks on iTunes and not bein... moreYou are outright lying.
You have ALWAYS been able to burn iTunes purchased music to CD, for years this was the only way Apple could get around the restrictions DEMANDED by the music industry.
Now all iTunes purchased music is DRM free, besides which you have always been able to import whatever you want into iTunes and sync it to iPhones.
- k
- king
- TL5
- 27 Mar 2011
is it usable in india or not? Cuz i think india doesnt have micro sim facilities. Doesnt it work with a regular sim?
- A
- Abbey
- 43g
- 27 Mar 2011
shagger, 23 Mar 2011Andriod all the way, ok all you iPhone users... hook into t... moreWhy dont you buy a radio then instead of a phone,....I guess u got no class...this is same as getting a Full loaded Honda Accord instead of a Lexus...Apple is not meant for guys like u....Buy some 30-40 dollar cheap mobile with
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 27 Mar 2011
Please do not waste people's time by putting the weaknesses of the iPhone 1 on the iPhone 4 page. Everyone starts somewhere, and your rant looks like another attempt to just lambast the iPhone 4.
- M
- Michal
- qbe
- 27 Mar 2011
Anonymous, 23 Mar 2011I fail to understand why people like apple divices . Is it... moreExactly! I remember burning 50 bucks on iTunes and not being able to put those MP3's in my car, on CD, or on my Nokia 95-3 (back in 07). It said I needed an iPhone or iPod cause of the DRM. Apple is crap, everything is oriented so the company has MORE CONTROL over you, and makes MORE money. YOU CAN'T REMOVE OR REPLACE the battery, web browser has no flash, EVERYTHING has to be registered through iTunes (deleted it off my computer still has spyware on it from Apple), no tethering out the box. But it is still a big improvement over the old ones, ie., no 3G, then it was no video recording, no auto-focus, no MMS (WTF?!?! That has been standard since 02-03), NO CAMERA FLASH (HUGE), no third party browsers, no UMTS Video TELEPHONE, and low res screen. Sure most of those issues were address in number 4 but how long did it take? It is a toy plane and simple, and an over-priced under performing one at that. I've disliked iPhone since before Android, I used to suggest WinMO, now I say go ANDROID all the way. Get the new Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc, Pro, or Play if you want a REAL phone.
- e
- ewok
- PTc
- 27 Mar 2011
Anonymous, 26 Mar 2011Ok yeah so the iPhone4 is easy to use, BUT... you have to u... moreand I bet you are a PC user too. LOL
- e
- ewok
- PTc
- 27 Mar 2011
Anonymous, 23 Mar 2011I fail to understand why people like apple divices . Is it... moreagain. another bitter android user. The funny thing is. I dont often hear apple users bitchin how crap android is. They are simply content.
- e
- ewok
- PTc
- 27 Mar 2011
shagger, 23 Mar 2011Andriod all the way, ok all you iPhone users... hook into t... morewho the hell listens to the radio...on their phone anyway. People with android are usually just jealous they aren't running ios
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7jV
- 27 Mar 2011
shagger, 23 Mar 2011Andriod all the way, ok all you iPhone users... hook into t... moreWhy Dont You Try iPhone. Android is at the base and Apple Is At Top.
- D
- AnonD-3063
- sSQ
- 27 Mar 2011
google for iphone ringtone maker. you can convert any music files to iphone ringtone file. and it automatically transfer the output to itune. just sync your iphone and you are done.
hope this help
- D
- AnonD-1748
- 0BB
- 27 Mar 2011
how to use the downloaded message tone? and why only 1 appear in my ringtones in custom ringtone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0BB
- 27 Mar 2011
how to use my downloaded tones as text tone? and why only 1 custom tone appear on my downloaded ringtones...
- D
- AnonD-1748
- 0BB
- 27 Mar 2011
i have no idea bout you guys...but im happily satisfied with my ip4!!! buy one and see for your self!
- p
- phoneaddict
- tVt
- 27 Mar 2011
apple, samsung, lg, motorolla, kyocera, htc and the rest are all copycat of alexander graham bell.