Apple iPhone 4
- j
- julie
- pKR
- 17 Jan 2011
Darksun, 17 Jan 2011Ok I want to get an iphone but should I get the iphone 4 th... moreYou can have 12 month, 18 months or 2 yr contract in the uk.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibn
- 17 Jan 2011
you couldn't even finish Tweety Birds in two hundred days and there are more than 999,999,999,999 more Apps to FIASCO!
- M
- Mobydik
- sxv
- 17 Jan 2011
Will it be possible to use a phone that support HSPA on a network that only support HSDPA?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 17 Jan 2011
Anonymous, 17 Jan 2011If I switch the motherboard of my iPhone 4 with one that is... moreYes it will, please switch the motherboard, and post the results here. lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- qBj
- 17 Jan 2011
Anonymous, 17 Jan 2011If I switch the motherboard of my iPhone 4 with one that is... morewas that a question.
yes, i did that on purpose :D
- D
- Darksun
- myA
- 17 Jan 2011
Ok I want to get an iphone but should I get the iphone 4 the now or wait till iphone 5? Do i need to get it on a 2 year contract?
- ?
- Anonymous
- fw6
- 17 Jan 2011
[deleted post]You really are a thick skulled tosser. Who the hell do you think you are assuming you speak for others. You are an insulting little prick. Get a life. Yuor posts are rubbish
- V
- Vivek
- vG6
- 17 Jan 2011
Deno, 16 Jan 2011Recently I saw that my brightness of the phone is not the s... moreI think you got the duplicate ip4 or the display is not original its a changed one check out the nuts at the bottom of ip4
- ?
- Anonymous
- fw6
- 17 Jan 2011
[deleted post]Oh dear, the Wall street hillbilly is back and on about the same thing. Is it true that you and iphone4u2tosser are getting married?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mcC
- 17 Jan 2011
If I switch the motherboard of my iPhone 4 with one that is officially unlocked will my iPhone become officially unlocked.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rbq
- 17 Jan 2011
[deleted post]And apple will never be number one because the price of oil will keep climbing, that's why Apple will be number 158 in the world.
The new motorola atrix is the new superphone of 2011.
- ?
- Anonymous
- TqC
- 16 Jan 2011
[deleted post]galaxy S 16gb is more overpriced. It is same price as iphone 4 16gb with poor build quality. Motorola milestone 2 is better
- ?
- Anonymous
- TqC
- 16 Jan 2011
motorola atrix changes evrything. I liked iphone but now will change to android like others. Iphone is like wall. u can't even set ur music as ur ringtone. Can;t connect to tv usb and play content on phone. can;t listen to broadcast radio. can't upload songs using drag and drop. I'm afraid apple will reach a position like it had in 90's. too restricted made me angry. i will upgrade either atrix next year with netbook dock. bye iphone and ipad
- D
- Deno
- 04T
- 16 Jan 2011
Recently I saw that my brightness of the phone is not the same comparing with other I phone 4g? Mine is diminish! I made the brightness full on both iphones and again mine is not getting better? Any help???
- ?
- Anonymous
- PBc
- 16 Jan 2011
I think iphone4 is the best of all smart phones. Pls go to youtube and see compartive demo. Smooth performance and best resolution.
- B
- Bill
- t7X
- 16 Jan 2011
During a voice call, (incoming and outgoing calls), the person on the other line can't hear me but i can hear them. tried to fix it thru settings sometimes it works but usually didn't work now. Can anyone help me please. Though someone told me maybe i touched or my ear touched the mute button but i tried it thru speakers same problem occurs. What should i do? Thanks for any comments and recommendations.
- d
- dsgdsfgsdfsd
- 3qE
- 16 Jan 2011
great phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGw
- 16 Jan 2011
julie, 16 Jan 2011Asked in the carphone warehouse & they said June in the uk.Thanks Julie, will wait and see what the next baby from iphone has to offer ;-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 16 Jan 2011
[deleted post]It will be ready as soon as the glue is dry, for you $4.99 (S&H $2600.00).
- ?
- Anonymous
- 45@
- 16 Jan 2011
Omnia II user, 15 Jan 2011Hi anonymous, I am seriously considering to buy an iPhone4.... moretheres nothing defective about the iphone.