Apple iPhone 4
- S
- Sony and Nokia!
- qLC
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010There are more people buying the iPhone because there are m... moreThey get them on contract for $200 so they don't need to show off that crappy phone trying to gain status. I got the phone because my wife added a line and we both got it for facetime. The phone is nothing special and I would NEVER buy this thing for $800, with that money I would buy the Nokia N8 and a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 which are better phones!
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 30 Dec 2010
There are more people buying the iPhone because there are more I^IOTS in this world! Iphone is popular because it is expensive and people think your classy if you have one. That is so immature and narrow-minded :)
People buy the iPhone so that they can show off that their phone is more expensive than the other. That's it.
Would you praise iPhone if they sell it for just $100 sim-free? NO. Since it is almost $800, people is getting the hype. Hey people. Be a wise-spender!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vFF
- 30 Dec 2010
iphone 4 is awesome.i really want it so bad but i doubt y this phone is so expensive?i said like this cuz some phones on market that have same features as iphone are much cheaper than it. i think apple should think about their phone's price .it gonna be good when a awesome phone match with reasonable price..:)
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 30 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Nice collection of insults, not going to change Iphone success and my Apple shares from going up and up
- a
- aa
- HCh
- 30 Dec 2010
Which One Shall i have the iphone or HTC Evo, the HTC has a Better Specification.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010Seek mental help, iphones success don't mean sh1t to 99.7% ... moreYou are not entitled to measure success, the world markets are,
Iphone is the best success ever for a product, as far as the 99 % of the population that do not have one, they belong where you belong, nowhere as far as judging a product like the Iphone 4 on this forum.
The more you write and the more you are looking like you know what !
- ?
- Anonymous
- f3c
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010Thank you Apple for keeping Iphone Flash free, so i do not ... moreYou must really think the sun shines out your a$$ because you own a iphone. But remember you special just like everyone else
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 30 Dec 2010
Thank you Apple for keeping Iphone Flash free, so i do not get twice a day, like on other devices the following warning:
" Flash Player internet plug - in quit unexpectedly "
In the land of lower standards this is the norm.
- ?
- Anonymous
- f3c
- 30 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Seek mental help, iphones success don't mean sh1t to 99.7% of the worlds population.
In other words they are not fazed by the billions Apple makes from their overpriced products. Make no mistake my Macbook pro is the best I've ever had as far as laptops go. But Apple products are overpriced, so the direct result is major profit, but remember nothing good comes from greed. But anal people like you that carry on about the success of others are really sad
- ?
- Anonymous
- f3c
- 30 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Yes you are right, of you don't like American products then don't buy them. But as far as American cars go, don't buy them full stop, they are rubbish. Americans can't build decent cars yet.
- G
- Geroge
- w98
- 30 Dec 2010
clare, 28 Dec 2010i really want an iphone is it as good as they say it is? an... moreYOu can buy it from 3mobile for 35GPB contract but you have to pay 69 at the begining
- J
- Jacyntha
- 30 Dec 2010
Is this phone nice to use???????? what are the disadvantage??? thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 30 Dec 2010
So haters can now stop bugging about video calls over 3G:
Skype unleashed version 3.0 of the Skype App for iOS this evening. The new version brings the long awaited video conferencing for iPhone and iPod Touch over 3G and WI FI
- ?
- Anonymous
- sUr
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010You obviously haven't held an iphone if you say that :)If you ever get the chance to try SGS or DHD, you might be surprised that my question makes quite a sense. I don't own SGS or DHD, but iphone 3gs. Wanna go for iphone4 but it's not that good. Changing!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010What do you guys see in iphone? What are its success???Go to the Apple Store and experience it yourself :)
- J
- PX9
- 30 Dec 2010
JRF, 30 Dec 2010I was just going to post the same thing! It's great that we... moreOf course, you need iOS 4 for it to work.