Apple iPhone 4
- P
- Peter
- Yab
- 12 Dec 2010
I have just bought the iPhone 4 recently and boy why did I not buy one sooner. Anybody interested, try one please and it will absolutely leave in awe....
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 12 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 11 Dec 2010Amazing, just as I had been saying all along. "Need... moreThe future is android not ios!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxZ
- 12 Dec 2010
Changewave survey, model
specific. Customers who rated
Very Satisfied:
Apple iPhone 4 - 84% (32GB)
Apple iPhone 4 - 78% (16GB)
HTC Evo 4G - 76%
Motorola Droid 2 - 74%
RIM Blackberry Torch - 64%
Samsung Galaxy S - 55%
did changewave say their high profit is bcos they sell low tech phone with high price ???
did changewave say apple customer satisfied without bluetooth file transfer ?
did changewave say apple owner do not want flash ?
how many people or country take part in the changewave survey ?
r changewave transparents ?
they say ip4 owner satisfied with iphone, can u pls tell what,how,why iphone owner like about iphone
did changewave say ifan do not want any card slot ?
but i think changewave survey is apple market stategy to BRAINWASH ifan.
- e
- ettenoj
- v0X
- 12 Dec 2010
people keep on criticizing things they cant afford
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 12 Dec 2010
PC magazine just post a article which state Android is the future OS.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 11 Dec 2010
Amazing, just as I had been saying all along.
"Needham & Company analyst Charlie Wolf believes that the iPhone could emerge as the big survivor as Android and Windows Phone 7 battle it out in a race to the bottom. Wolf expects that Google and Microsoft will be battling aggressively to keep phone makers building devices with their respective software platforms and those manufacturers will probably slash prices in an attempt to get market share. The result is expected to be significantly decreased margins for everyone but Apple. This could mean a scenario similar to the computer market where commodity Windows computers hold the vast majority of the market, Apple uses its highly polished products to stay far and away the most profitable computer maker."
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 11 Dec 2010
Changewave survey, model specific. Customers who rated Very Satisfied:
Apple iPhone 4 - 84% (32GB)
Apple iPhone 4 - 78% (16GB)
HTC Evo 4G - 76%
Motorola Droid 2 - 74%
RIM Blackberry Torch - 64%
Samsung Galaxy S - 55%
- M
- Max
- 11 Dec 2010
Useless phone....this phone is definitely not worth the doesn't even have a card slot.....i really wonder how this became a bestselling phone....i would go for a nokia x6 instead of this and it costs only half of what this costs....
- ?
- Anonymous
- iFq
- 11 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 11 Dec 2010If you can't afford or buy then don't blame iphone, it is o... more"finest" is very extreme word for a device that can't receive signal properly
- ?
- Anonymous
- ucA
- 11 Dec 2010
Xie, 11 Dec 2010how old old desire is n where do u live, ready to exchange ... moreIts 3mnths old, m in Singapore, please contact if interested, thanks..
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sc{
- 11 Dec 2010
it's the best phone i ever seen :D
- X
- Xie
- ucA
- 11 Dec 2010
[deleted post]how old old desire is n where do u live, ready to exchange my iphn4 with you.
- F
- Frankie
- PWa
- 11 Dec 2010
just sold my iphone 4 and got the htc google nexus oh man everybody told me i look so happy of course i'm much more happier then before coz i got android phone
iphone nice design but s...................
- m
- mrs bean
- KxV
- 11 Dec 2010
when u buy iphone is more like doing charity to apple. very proud of apple company bcos is a 300billion company. ifan always talk like their own the company, maybe, bcos they r the main CONTRIBUTOR to the profit. outdated hardware sell like high end product with very good marketing strategy n some brainwash >>> SOLD. simple file transfer using bluetooth also cannot. 5mp camera talk like 50mp camera. 300k app buy mostly must pay. NO FLASH. maybe ifan live in a fantasy world they dont need real high spec phone just simple imagination will do. REALLY STUPID I FAN.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 11 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 11 Dec 2010Did your Nokia have Infinity Blade? That is a game running ... moreking of mobile phone gaming but cant do simple functions such as making a call without some ugly bumper rit??
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 11 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 11 Dec 2010yeah everything is OLD... look at the design???everything ... moreDid your Nokia have Infinity Blade? That is a game running on the Unreal Engine, on a mobile phone! Wow one thing I think most will agree on, the iPhone is the king of mobile phone gaming,
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kx0
- 11 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 10 Dec 2010everything is OLD?try to mention some of it?can u?
r u buy... moreyeah everything is OLD...
look at the design???everything is EXPIRED!!!
retina vs super amoled???
no bluetooth normal use???same as my OLD nokia 3310.
no slot?like my sony k330.
what else???TOO MANY TO WROTE!.u know that.he..
tired n boring.just like i am bored to comment this OLD features mobile.
another smartphone vs iphone??
no need to fight.another smartphone its already won it.LOL
n another smartphone is made for SMARTPERSON.not ugly person :))
try WAVE.GALAXY S.n u wont speak too much anymore...
- J
- JC
- kgA
- 11 Dec 2010
iphonehata, 10 Dec 2010No card slot for real??? Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeee.You stupid iphones never had a card slot . And what is the difference there 16gb just like a Sd card .
- ?
- Anonymous
- L2Y
- 11 Dec 2010
4.2.1 iOS sucks people...... Any body agree as it made mi iPhone 4 very slow and unstable..... Any body agree?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 25L
- 11 Dec 2010
iphonehata, 10 Dec 2010No card slot for real??? Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeee.If you can't afford or buy then don't blame iphone, it is one of finest phone ever made