Apple iPhone 4
- n
- nokia n97 mini
- 4{T
- 06 Dec 2010
I just got the iPhone 4 after having a Nokia N97 Mini for one year. I like Symbian because it is a mature no-nonsense OS that does everything well except in the speed category. The iPhone is so much faster I'm amazed that such speed is possible. Not knowing the speed would be such a drastic difference the display was the main reason for me making the switch.
The display is so good it's startling. With the phone laying on a table, looking at it from an extreme sideways angle the icons are as colorful and sharp as when looking straight at it. It's like the display is printed on the phone like a demo model in a store.
There are some things I don't care for, like no themes, no customization, not even custom ringtones for text or email. The funky "multitasking" just leaves every app you touch running in a dock until you go in there and close it. Apps do not have a "close" button. This is irritating.
It's true what people say about the app store. Even with so many apps available it's easy to find and download them. The apps are all gorgeous and almost every one I've tried has been better than anything I'd seen before.
I wanted to try Android but I'm on AT&T, they're the only choice I have because of where I live. I don't want another Samsung phone, already had one and still hold a grudge. Plus the display is really important to me, as is the overall design.
I'm very happy I got over my dislike for Apple's OS and iTunes and took a chance on the iPhone. I know I wouldn't have been happy with a 3GS but the 4 is blowing my mind.
- D
- Daham
- w9L
- 06 Dec 2010
iphone is the best!!!! and future in u r hand... u don't need to compare with any other phones...
- m
- mytown
- PS6
- 06 Dec 2010
apple is the best...
but can anyone tell me is it iphone only can download music from itunes..?
why its cannot download from other donwloadable like usb port
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3sE
- 06 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Star Wars: Imperial Academy for free anyone? Oh yeah forgot, only iPhone has it, Android users are playing Angry Birds lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 06 Dec 2010
Apple uses much higher quality materials in their designs. Most phones from Android unfortunately while having nice features, feel horrible when held in the hand in comparison to iPhone.
Some phones are now starting to emulate iPhone though, with the use of Gorilla Glass.
By the time they catch up, it is my opinion that Apple will leapfrog them again with more innovative use of materials such as LiquidMetal that they have been experimenting with for example.
Whatever it is, by constantly pushing the envelope in design, iPhone will always remain a high quality product in terms of industrial design, whether you are a fan or not.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7C
- 06 Dec 2010
do urself a favor and buy a case for it, it will only crack if it falls like 22 feet with a case..
- j
- jayjojo
- 06 Dec 2010
putting my 1 week old iphone 4 onto the bed then coincidently shift my blanket then it drop from 1 foot high & the back screen just crack.
So lousy material yet so expensive. told myself this is the first & last apple product i getting for.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tDL
- 06 Dec 2010
[deleted post]first hd recording????
samsung WAVE is the first phone with hd recording.LOL
n is better.smoother than iphone.....
- T
- 2ZY
- 06 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Who sayed that Apple listen what we need in phone? How much it cost U know that? And why is it sooo high range? For Features, Design or Something else? It's ony high range for the BRAND NAME APPLE & that's the only reason Celebrity likes this phone most but celebrity don't know about the features and they only buy for show us that they r STAR and they R so Hi-fi. More Android, Windows Mobile 7 and Symbian Phone R available in market in Hi Features and low range. I recommended to people that whatever UR buy just SEE Phone Features and know the Performance and then buy Phone, not go just the BRAND NAME!
I request to people just look around in market this mobiles Nokia N8 - Nokia N900 and Nokia Symbian Devices, Samsung Galaxy and Samsung Android Phone, Sony Ericsson Xperia X10, Motorola Android Phones, LG Windows Phone 7 Phones and HTC Windows Phone 7 Mobiles. If people r SEE this kind of mobile with this kind of features then I will definitely SURE that people don't go ONLY BRAND NAME mobile, they are go what is best in there RANGE!
(Sorry For My English)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 06 Dec 2010
I started thinking about what a converged device the iPhone is and compiled this impressive list of devices I used to carry that are now replaced by my iPhone. This is an unprecedented level of convergence if you ask me. A quick informal tally shows that the iPhone is replacing $2700.00 dollars worth of equipment and several pounds worth of gear.
1) Blackberry – I used to carry a dedicated Blackberry for email in addition to my phone. Most users will just use their Blackberry as their phone, but I was never really happy with the BB form factor as a phone. The iPhone serves as both my email retrieval device and phone.
2) Phone – See above.
3) iPod – My iPhone has a built in iPod. No need for a dedicated device, though in all honesty I usually carry my iPod Touch or Classic with me on travel as well.
4) Nuvi GPS – With built in GPS (and soon turn-by-turn directions) I’ve had no need for a dedicated GPS device.
5) Sirius portable player – I used to carry a Sirius radio portable player on travel for access to commercial free music and talk radio. With my iPhone I can stream Sirius over 3G or WiFi. Unfortunately, there is no Howard Stern which may be a deal breaker for some users, but not for me.
6) RSA SecureID – With the RSA application, no need to carry a separate token.
7) eBay/PayPal SecureID – Another iPhone application eliminates the need for either of these devices.
8 ) WiFI SIP phone – My iPhone has a SIP phone client that I use to connect to my SIP provider over WiFi from anywhere in the world.
9) PSP – I’m happy enough with the iPhone as a gaming platform to leave the PSP at home.
10) Nintendo DS – I gave this to my daughter after buying an iPhone.
11) Digital camera – I wouldn’t want to photograph my cousins wedding with the iPhone camera, but for out and about daily shots it works great. I can also upload and email photos from the device on the go.
12) Flip Video Camera – The iPhone 3GS replaces my Flip video camera with a larger capacity, built in editor, and ability to upload my videos to the Internet directly from the device.
13) WiFi signal locator – My iPhone can tell me which signals are nearby.
14) Amazon Kindle – For long trips, I’ll still bring the Kindle, but for day to day and short duration travel, the iPhone Kindle reader works just fine.
15) Police Scanner – Several iPhone applications allow you to listen to local police scanners. My favorite is WunderRadio. While you lose the proximity aspect of tuning in what is nearby, most major cities are well covered and can be listened to from the iPhone.
16) Radio – With Internet streaming of most major radio stations available, there is no need for a separate radio unless you trying to pick up a specific signal. I’m usually not and there is something glorious about listening to your favorite NYC radio station while in LA
17) Travel Alarm Clock – The iPhone built in alarm capability has you covered. I don’t even use the alarms in hotel rooms any more.
18) Portable TV – Honestly, I only carried this on a handful of trips, but with my iPhone and Slingbox application, I can watch TV anywhere I can get a WiFI signal. In addition, I can watch shows recorded on my DVR at home.
19) Portable Voice Recorder – The iPhones built in application (or any of the dozens for sale in the App store) handle my voice recording needs.
20) Calculator – Until the iPhone I never could use my cell phone’s built in calculator without extreme frustration.
21) Compass – The battery to the digital compass I had attached to my laptop bag died and I just removed the compass and threw it in a drawer.
22) White noise machine – I don’t personally travel with this device, but we do when traveling with the baby. With the ambient noise application on my iPhone, we can leave this one at home.
23) USB Key – My iPhone works as a drive to share files wirelessly with my laptop when needed.
- A
- Anita
- PU0
- 06 Dec 2010
When is the iphone 4 white colour launching?
- C
- Chris Philipps
- Sdr
- 05 Dec 2010
varen, 05 Dec 2010might be gettin a iphone 4 frm aussie,can i used it in msia... morei have bought my iPhone4 just last Nov.21, 2010 & i love it can't live without it now, actually your question is my very first concern before i bought mine, im currently here in Saudi & will be going back to the Philippines by January, thank God the answer for me is a BIG YES, the salesman from Mobily, a telecom Company here in Saudi said yes it's brand new & i could use whatever Philippine simcards i have, therefore i could also use any simcards from anywhere... I think you better ask the salesman first from where you're going to buy it if you could use your homeland's network's sim :) Good luck!
- ?
- Anonymous
- fwQ
- 05 Dec 2010
I come from Samsung and Nokia, I say that iPhone 4 is really awesome it only need some features "essential but not that deal" just like bluetooth transfer, video calling over 3G and sms delivery reports.
These are the most wanted but of course there are some others but can live without them, however, really I love this phone and I can not image that I go back to other manufactures the technology behaind this phone is from future.
- v
- varen
- ibb
- 05 Dec 2010
might be gettin a iphone 4 frm aussie,can i used it in msia ? do i need to unlock or somethin ??
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Only fear of Apple is to meet Market demand for it's products during the holiday season buy apple share while you can at current price as soon they will jump even more
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Watch Google going down the drain even after stealing from Apple they will NEVER be a 300 billion co like Apple
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Dec 2010
Sumsung is only going to benefit from the sale of components to an Apple iPhone dominated Market
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 05 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Lol yahoo for Angry Birds? Kinda shows the sad state of gaming on Android hahaha! Hilarious!
- s
- sophie
- tWi
- 05 Dec 2010
Hello! I just wanna ask, which do you prefer, black or white? :D Thanks!