Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • R
  • Rudeboi
  • qTr
  • 04 Dec 2010

Apple is a good phone with the same os and better camera and display and video recorder. It's nowhere king of phones but have a good ecosystem that cost you quite a bit of money. Their face time video call does look good and yet so limited it's unreal. The N900 have the best video calling features out of any cell phones on the market hands down. You can video call a person via phone to computer or to another phone and also computer to phone rather edge, 3g, hspda,and wifi. The N900 has a better messaging client then the rest of the cell phones on the market as well and destroys them with it's multitasking. However, the Iphone is just a very nice and simple to use phone and you can't hate on it for that and that's why it's so successful. Apple and Nokia are not hating on each other cause if that was the case Apple would be suing Nokia for their new music cover flow designed and Nokia would have kept the pressure up on suing Apple for all types of infringements and late payments for certain technologies.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 3JD
    • 04 Dec 2010

    [deleted post]Lol apple just decides to go into smartphone business and blows all competition away, no wonder haters came out from everywhere mwahahahahaha! Sad to be you with a huaweu copy phone lol

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3JD
      • 04 Dec 2010

      Samsung chairman just admitted that Apple iPhone is far superior and they have a long way to go before catching up to Apple tech hahaha. Take that! What do you have to say now haters? Lol!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • P%n
        • 04 Dec 2010

        Apple just threw another twelve patent infringement claims up against Motorola, bringing the total to twenty four.

        I wonder if Motorola is starting to regret starting the ball rolling by suing Apple in October last year.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Y}x
          • 04 Dec 2010

          [deleted post]yes we now have more phones having similar issues like our iphone.
          we like call dropping.

          -posted from my iphone4 held correctly with a bumper case and the WiFi's ON to prove any signal issues are true and started by Nokia to show the serious antenna issues in apple.

            • i
            • iphone 4
            • fvG
            • 04 Dec 2010

            i found good reviews about iPhone 4, games, wallpapers, applications and sell/buy your iphone at:

              • i
              • iphone4u true user
              • ibm
              • 04 Dec 2010

              use lia ma chow fa hai!!!

                • a
                • apple
                • ibm
                • 04 Dec 2010

                No bluetooth file sharing??? Oh fuck ... Modern era dinosaurs!!! But it's ok because the Lala Nation love it even if without signal!!! A great phone for the lala zai, lala mooi, lala aunty and lala uncle!!!

                  • N
                  • Nokia N8 Fan
                  • q{6
                  • 04 Dec 2010

                  I came here from the Nokia forums of gsmarena and I would like you guys to consider buying the Nokia N8 instead of this crap with reception issues. If you guys have any doubts about the iPhone 4's reception please take your time and get to know the wonderful phone that is the N8. IMO, it is way better than the iPhone and it's much more durable too!

                    • m
                    • mahesh kargwal
                    • uCr
                    • 04 Dec 2010

                    spacialy talk time hours is batter than other appla mobiles..

                      • D
                      • David, London, UK
                      • mxG
                      • 04 Dec 2010

                      Hi all,
                      I have now joined the family and purchased an Iphone 4 (16GB). Initially when Nokia were dominant, I was a hardcore fan. I still think they are decent and their top end models including the N8 are tremendous. Their OS system is average and needs to be overhauled. I've had numerous Nokia models and then in September got an Android (HTC Desire).

                      That phone was very good but I as a gamer, I needed the best for gaming hence me trading it in for the Iphone 4. (Games downloaded so far - Real Tennis 09, Need For Speed - Hot Pursuit, Chess, Real Racing GTI, Real Football 2010, PES 2011 & Xplane 9). I got my Iphone on Wednesday.

                      I arrived back from Las Vegas on Monday and even saved some vacation money to ensure I got this phone.
                      Android devises are good especially the top end ones. Gaming wise, they will eventually catch up to Iphone4 as Google have worldwide power and influence.

                      My Iphone4 has no radio which I hope they put in the Iphone 5. Also how do I use Bluetooth on this device?
                      I got my Iphone without a contract as I change phones once a year. I probably will get the Iphone 5 if it is a massive improvement.

                      Those of you who upgraded from the 3GS, did the games you installed transfer or did you have to buy the games again?

                      What I would put in the Iphone 5 if I was part of the design team - Rear Camara increase to at least 8MP, front camara to at least 5MP, more powerful battery, stand alone FM radio, Bluetooth without the need for external devises, 64 GB memory, 4 colours - black, white, red/green (the colour of the apple fruit).

                      Thanks, David.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • P%n
                        • 04 Dec 2010

                        [deleted post]Mate, my neighbours call the police and lodge a noise complaint, when I dock my iPhone on my home theatre system and crank it up.

                          • T
                          • Tim
                          • n%J
                          • 03 Dec 2010

                          Oh how about this Mircosoft Director was just spotted using a iphone 4 (with bumber case) Apple is just the best with the wifis and 3gs. Even mircosoft have to use it.

                          Check the for the photo proof!!

                          *Post from my Apple Iphone 4 with gold case. Its for style not signal issue lies!

                            • I
                            • Iphone 5 Beta User
                            • pKd
                            • 03 Dec 2010

                            The Iphone 5 will be similar to the 4 but with a faster procecessor, 8MP camera with dual LED flash, and yes, the 64gb version will be here. Of course the antenna has been redesigned and now has the best signal of any smartphone. You will see it in June.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • P%n
                              • 03 Dec 2010

                              "Quality in industrial design is of key importance to HTC. To ensure the best possible signal strength, antennas are placed in the area least likely to be covered by a person's face or hands while the phone is in use. However, it is inevitable that a phone's signal strength will weaken a little when covered in its entirety by a user's palm or fingers. We test all of our phones extensively and are confident that under normal circumstances reception strength and performance will be more than sufficient for the operation of the phone when network coverage is also adequate"

                              Source HTC.

                              Only a few months ago HTC was saying this was a Apple only problem, oh well karma is a beach.

                                • b
                                • blah blah blah
                                • u7n
                                • 03 Dec 2010

                                stop complaining abt iphone , apple or steve if u guys is using it or his product.itunes is from apple iphone is from belongs to steve so the way how it works all come to 1.u guys have to accept it and be happy with if u guys is not happy just throw away the phone thats all...settle.

                                  • j
                                  • julie
                                  • pKR
                                  • 03 Dec 2010

                                  [deleted post]My son went to the apple store to buy the white version, they have taken them off the shelves cause the white is going of colour to yellow, thats what he was told.

                                    • j
                                    • julie
                                    • pKR
                                    • 03 Dec 2010

                                    Richard, 03 Dec 2010Does anyone have the iPhone 4 and not seeing the facetime o... moreYou have to go to setting, phone & turn it on there

                                      • R
                                      • Richard
                                      • LxG
                                      • 03 Dec 2010

                                      Does anyone have the iPhone 4 and not seeing the facetime option when making a call? Can you tell me why?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Re2
                                        • 03 Dec 2010

                                        Anonymous, 03 Dec 2010take back the phone where you bought itMy problem is that I bought it from an online dealer what you think something is wrong with it tell me please