Apple iPhone 4
- i
- iphone4ing
- P@x
- 13 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 13 Nov 2010yep, but believe me that even a rate of 6.0 is too much for... moreYou can hold it anyway you like in a bumper case.
And the voting is haters
-posted from my iphone4 held incorrectly with a bumper case squeezing the case very hard prove a point any talk of dropping signal is all lies
- ?
- Anonymous
- iFs
- 13 Nov 2010
heey Engy Man, did you phoned the iphoners again!!! you little naughty xDDD
don't boooother nooo signal buhehehe
- ?
- Anonymous
- iFs
- 13 Nov 2010
[deleted post]yep, but believe me that even a rate of 6.0 is too much for this "don't hold it that way!"phone ;)
I would give it -0- if it was available.
Nokia rox iJunk sux
right Emgy Man? xD
- ?
- Anonymous
- n9E
- 13 Nov 2010
lilo, 12 Nov 2010Apple iphone 4 or N8 ?N8 of course.
- l
- lilo
- smh
- 12 Nov 2010
Apple iphone 4 or N8 ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 12 Nov 2010
manager, 12 Nov 2010i just got mine only 1 day..N..
what a phone is this.!!its... moreThis was information available beffare you. " bought " it
Since you never did it is not a problem
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGW
- 12 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 12 Nov 2010A recent servey so that iphone user do wanted ADOBE FLASH o... moreQuote "HTML 5 is the go forward plan in browser technology and we are incorporating that into our browser technology for developers and end users" end quote Guess who said that.....?????
RICH GREEN CTO NOKIA "Development Strategy" Guess Apple will always be a step ahead of Nokia. It was the same with screen technology, when Nokia entered the touch screen market they swore by the lousy resistive technology and defended it when industry experts questioned now look where at.
- m
- manager
- KxY
- 12 Nov 2010
i just got mine only 1 day..N..
what a phone is this.!!its only piece of shit!
i even can't.not.bluetoothing my friends mobile??
i pay a lot just got this shit!hell!
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGW
- 12 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 12 Nov 2010too right, people tend to forget
what a mobile phone was
... moreIt would be nice if you could stop this cut and paste nonsense and tell us in your own words why you think the Iphone 4 ain't worthy.
This message has been posted over and over, it's boring now.
Primary functions of a SMARTphone is communication. including emails, telephony, video, audio, sms, e.t.c if your phone only does one then it ain't a SMARTphone.
- i
- iPhone 4
- xnm
- 12 Nov 2010
best phone ever
- g
- god
- KxY
- 12 Nov 2010
cmon everyone...pliss b smart..dont b a fool to get this phone..get another or nokia whatever..this phone aint suit for smartperson.
just dont buy this phone.
for god shake dont buy iphone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGW
- 12 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 12 Nov 2010The iPhone game library is
laughable compared to
Nintendo... moreDo you realise that you are comparing a phone to a games console?
DSI's and PSP's are dedicated games consoles so it's obvious they will have more and probably better games. What kind of crank you smoke these days? This is a phone primary functions are communications.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 12 Nov 2010
The iPhone game library is
laughable compared to
Nintendo's and Sony's. Do you
have God of War, Gran Turismo,
Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
on the iPhone? Nope. With the announcement of the more
powerful 3DS and PSP2, hell
the iPhone 4 doesn't even
compare anymore. And besides,
games are best
played on consoles and the PC, not mobile handsets. Why do
you game on a non-gaming
device, anyway? You bought
the phone primarily for its
phone functions, not as a main
gaming device.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 12 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 12 Nov 2010you know what , i am games lover , and all this time i was... moretoo right, people tend to forget
what a mobile phone was
intended to do and invented in
the 1st place. to MAKE CALLS on
the go. I i wanted to play
games i'd rather indulge in real games with drooling graphics
on my PC! portable gaming? i'd
go for some dedicated portable
gaming devices such as the
PSP. i bet the iPhone games
are like tricking some immature kid or buyer to buy
their product. Salesperson:
"lookie! our
iPhones can install all sorts of
useless junkapps and games!"
Buyers: "oh...oh!! i want 1..i want 1!!!" Why an iPhone? why
buy the
iphone just because you
wanna play games on it?
APPS? tsk..tsk..tsk... Like alot of
people said before, you want to take real photos,
go get a DSLR camera, u want
to play games? go get a
gaming console or a PC. LOL i
feel sorry for those still
defending their "precious" iPhones. Poor souls wasting
their money on a piece of
crap...huhu...hey, why do i
care? go on..go buy ur iCraps!
its a good phone! you all would
make Steve Jobs smile abit more XD
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftB
- 12 Nov 2010
you know what , i am games lover , and all this time i was looking for the Nokia N8 , have good games , but when the Dem Iphone 4 shown up with ratina display i cant belive my eyse , i mean with iphone 4, you have sony ps3 in your pocket ........... but lets stop her without mantion the RAM & Multitasking ......
Very Well Done Apple.......Perfect Device .
- :
- mh}
- 12 Nov 2010
You guys know what? You might say that Samsung and Apple are Nokia killers but you know what? They arent. Then what are? Nokia has lost lots of marketing numbers. (Had 38% now around 30%). Nokia has lost the %:nts in it's primary business (cheap phones selled soo much). In the Asian black markets(The non brand nameles cheap phones. So Apple and Samsung are NOT Nokia killers. Nameles cheap phones are.
- M
- Murali
- IPx
- 12 Nov 2010
manuj , 11 Nov 2010should i buy the i phone i had decided to use my 15000 RS
... moreGo for htc wildfire with ur 15000... its an awsome phone at such price tag...
or else go to HTC Gratia/Aria...
both r the best and affordable phones...
Best of luch
- ?
- Anonymous
- ptJ
- 12 Nov 2010
I have a new iphone4, how to operate it