Apple iPhone 4
- Q
- Qrius Jasmine
- iGR
- 10 Nov 2010
the iphone 4 is a beautiful phone but my greatest regret is that you are not able to transfer files i.e pictures, music etc with Bluetooth. why make it available if you cannot use it.
Someone please tell Steve Jobs, this is one of the biggest flaws of this once considered beautiful phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 10 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2010Not only have I not replied regarding anything iPhone, I do... moreahh so u dont want to defend ur iphone,anyway u just found the game comment to be hillarious,though i found many many dialouges to be hillarious
For eg-i have multitasking,i can pause my game while my music is still playing and many others.
- n
- naim
- p@K
- 10 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2010Let me know when Samsung will reach 300 billion market cap ... moreiphone uses the samsung processor if you dont know
- d
- 04Q
- 10 Nov 2010
I own Iphone 4, HTC Desire ang Samsung Galaxy S.The best is Iphone 4, second HTC and Samsung the worst mobile phone...
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 10 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2010anyday a psp for games,anyway u couldn't reply to anything ... moreNot only have I not replied regarding anything iPhone, I don't really want to. Like I said, not defending iPhone. I could care less whether you love it, or hate it, doesn't affect me in the slightest. I did find your 'We are the grownups so we do the office works" in your corny made up dialogue hilarious tho.
That's the only part which I actually ever commented about. Which I then found funny that you were mentioning PSP and gaming. Cos in the dialogue, Speaker 1 was saying we don't play NFS as if gaming was soooooo beneath him.
Anyway, we shouldn't be arguing. We are the grownups, we should be doing the office works.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 10 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2010Suddenly now you play PSP? I thought grownups don't play ga... moreanyday a psp for games,anyway u couldn't reply to anything apart from games.
For eg lack of REAL MULTITASKING,bluetooth file sharing n micro sims etc etc etc.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m27
- 10 Nov 2010
Two of the hottest games to look out for. Can't wait!
Infinity Blade (Unreal Engine 3)
Mutant Bash TV (Rage Engine)
Great time for gaming on iOS :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 10 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2010a real smartphone is 1 which is feature rich and has REAL m... moreSuddenly now you play PSP? I thought grownups don't play games, they do the office works? A bit hypocritical don't you think?
Anyway, no one is forcing you to play games on the iPhone 4. As long as it does what one wants, what's the problem?
"We are the grownups, we do the office works"
Y}5c, 2010
- M
- Mallik
- 10 Nov 2010
Video calling only through wifi is a drawback.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ut4
- 10 Nov 2010
[deleted post]If you buy it from India, chances are it will be around 40k without warranty and jailbroken...This might sound stupid but the best thing to do is to get it from Canada apple store because they sell it factory unlocked with warranty that is valid anywhere in the world..
- ?
- Anonymous
- ut4
- 10 Nov 2010
Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to tranfer files from Iphone 4 to other phones using Bluetooth (third party app,which can be found on Google search engine). I dont know how successfull is this app on the iphone. Other than that I think Iphone 4 is a damn good phone. Nokia N8 dosent even have portrait keyboard like Iphone + the Processor is 680 MHz + lack of usefull apps like apple (Who ever designed Nokia N8 is a moron)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3pH
- 10 Nov 2010
JoE, 10 Nov 2010I totally disagree when you say playing games. This is a Ph... more3 BEST things I LOVE about Iphone 4...Retina screen....MAPS....(so smooth) N8 doesn't touch this and the GLORIFIED IPOD!
IF the N8 comes near this....I think that MANY N8 lovers wouldn't be bashing on the Iphone forum!!! What do you think eh!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3pH
- 10 Nov 2010
Engineer Man, 10 Nov 2010Hi. My report was supposed to be a meaningful representatio... moreEngineer man, no offence...yes it was lenghty however you haven't mentioned or failed to mention that the N8 keeps freezing and resetting....and that MOST users find this problem!!!! How do you explain that to Sonia IF she decides to buy THAT!!! Eh....
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 10 Nov 2010
JoE, 10 Nov 2010I totally disagree when you say playing games. This is a Ph... moremultitasking may be in ios at a later stage or may be not,nobody knows about the future,right??
Apple have a habit of tightly controlling their products so i doubt that.what could be possible in next version would be video calling over 3g or 4g to any other fone by default instead of requiring any app to do so.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 10 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2010Im not saying you shouldn't buy an n8 but im trying to say ... moremore apps??yeah right,btw i dint know that ebooks and website shortcuts are also counted as apps!
- J
- JoE
- IaH
- 10 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2010a real smartphone is 1 which is feature rich and has REAL m... moreI totally disagree when you say playing games. This is a Phopne to make calls, Intyernet check, GPS and SMS, if one wants a game machine, there are PSPs available. When you mention multitasking, I agree that iPhone lacks it but it will be in it soon wne their new verions of OS comes in.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Isu
- 10 Nov 2010
Im not saying you shouldn't buy an n8 but im trying to say theres no reason to not get an iphone 4, games + touchscreen is soo smooth, simple design even 6 years old could handle. I mean there has to be thousands more apps than the symbian store right? And you people with the radio talk... Most of us have a data plan which means ONLINE RADIOS! (but it lacks fm transmitter, but who cares! we have 3.5mm cables in our cars!!!)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 10 Nov 2010
[deleted post]Let me know when Samsung will reach 300 billion market cap like Apple
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 10 Nov 2010
[deleted post]a real smartphone is 1 which is feature rich and has REAL multitasking.
For playing games i prefer a psp...