Apple iPhone 4
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 08 Nov 2010
Look at this way.
The differnce between S^3 & IOS is very simple.
In the IOS building imagine a long corridor full or rooms which look the same with not much going on & some boring people.
In the Nokia bulding imagine a long corridor full or rooms which look difference. In comparison their are many beatiful girls & partying going on wth lots of fun.
This is the difference between having a good time with Nokia or Apple.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Trk
- 08 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010what phone dont have problems? tell me 1 phone (im talking ... moreThis phone Iphone4 has very bad reception and bluetooth conductivity if i use bluetooth forget this phone because the connection between the headset and the phone will cut all time
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 08 Nov 2010
Sorry I forget to mention it depend on how you need to hold your phone with & without bumper cases & whether you want some versaility if it drops more than trice time. Also whether you want your phone to automatically drop calls due to crazy erratic iphone behavior LOL ok. Also your phone if an iphone might also drop calls without the antenna issue, this time it's a sensor that thinks your ear is not actually hugging your phone & call drops btw, this is not antennagate issue but close :)
Also do you want the ability to bluetooth files across to other bluetooth computers or phones, such as PIM information, or other data. Do you want Videocalling to work on 3G as well as WIFI. If you do, then please don't buy iphone, it's no good for you.
Also do you want to be able to have individual ringtones in which the OS doesn't care which one you use whether mp3, wma, wav, aac, etc...
Also would you like an FM Radio on your phone , then please don't go for Iphone4, it won't have it tbh.
Thanks Sonia & pls we Nokia guys welcom your questions, by all mans pop over to hte nokia forums & we'd be delighted to help you.
Alternatively if you must require it here in another DOMAIN, then we would still be delighted to allow you to know of a phone which will do all those things & more.
Engineer Man
"Your GUY for the BEST buying advice, help & support all for free"
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 08 Nov 2010
Hello Sonia,
I see there aren't many helpful Iphone 4 users here willing to help you yet. So I may aswell advertise & help Sonia. Nokia guys are nicer so.. ¬
It depends on what you want to do with your phone really! Please tell us what you would like to do with your phone, your uses with it, then we can give you a general assumption of what both brands & platforms can offer you.
P.s "Typed from the comfort of my armchair with Intel Core-I7 720"
- i
- iphoning4
- u{H
- 08 Nov 2010
my bumper is only for style and it was free
*Posted from my iphone4 held incorrectly in a bumper case to prove any talk of signal loss is a Lie
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01g
- 08 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010They NEVER had an antenna issueNot true. Some of the 1st batch had antenna issues regarding reception but mine bought just a while back is fine.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxd
- 08 Nov 2010
any audio enhancement s/w for iphone4? i'm using srs for winmo, currently, plans to buy an iphone4, two thing unsure..the antenna issue and audio iphone better that srs-packed winmo?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 08 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010i'm planning to buy this phone, but tell me it ... morePure BS I got it day one, two months after I got the free bumper, but I do not use it
works just fine as it is.
The only use for the bumper is to protect the phone in case you drop it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxd
- 08 Nov 2010
i'm planning to buy this phone, but tell me it true about the antenna issue..or if it is it really that annoying? any opinions please, to help me decide whether to buy or not...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 08 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010Yes the issue is to make enough of them due to GREAT market... moreApple stock again today at all time high !
Big issue !
Market rules id!iots write on blogs about reception issue.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 08 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010they always had an issue,a big issue.Yes the issue is to make enough of them due to GREAT market demand,
BIG issue !
- o
- orange
- PS6
- 08 Nov 2010
I love my N8! Thanks NOKIA... ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 08 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010They NEVER had an antenna issuethey always had an issue,a big issue.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 08 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010if u wanna buy iphone 4 go buy it, theres no iphone 5 in ea... moreThey NEVER had an antenna issue
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7C
- 08 Nov 2010
if u wanna buy iphone 4 go buy it, theres no iphone 5 in early 2011, all new batch of iphone 4 have no more antenna issue..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 08 Nov 2010
Here is how Apple is going to be soon the LARGEST company in the world and how Nokia is slowly going down the drain :
We recently updated the Trefis price estimate for Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) from $365 to $400, in part to reflect higher expectations for the iPhone and iPad. While tweaking our model, we thought it might be interesting to see what drivers could justify a $500 stock price based on where we feel potential upside to our current estimates exist.
We considered how Apple currently stacks up versus competitors such as Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), RIM (NASDAQ:RIMM) and Motorola (NASDAQ:MOT), and we considered the outlook of the smartphone and tablet markets. There are two key areas that could drive meaningful revisions to our estimates and drive a new $500 price estimate: 1) iPhone market share of mobile phones and 2) the number of iPads sold.
+$55 from Higher iPhone Market Share of Mobile Phones
IDC recently published that as of 3Q10, Apple holds 4.1% market share [1]. The Trefis community forecasts that Apple’s market should rise from currently around 4% in 2010 to reach 14% by the end of the forecast period. If Apple’s mobile market share were to reach 17% by the end of the Trefis forecast period, that would imply $55 of upside to the current Trefis price estimate.
Given the popularity of the iPhone 4, Apple’s access to large new markets such as China and an expected lift from the iPhone’s widely expected distribution agreement through Verizon (NYSE:VZ) in the US, Apple will continue to gain market share in the mobile phone market.
The company’s share increase could come at the expense of players like RIM and Nokia (NYSE:NOK). We estimate that RIM will have about 8% mobile phone market share by the end of the Trefis forecast period; however, this may prove to be optimistic if business customers increasingly opt for iPhones or Android-based smartphones.
For Nokia, we expect that the company will continue to lose mobile phone market share both in emerging and developed markets. For emerging markets (accounting for about 50% of Nokia’s value), we expect Nokia’s mobile phone market share to decline from nearly 40% today to under 34% by the end of our forecast period.
+$45 from Higher iPad Unit Sales
Following the successful launch of the iPad, the tablet market has blossomed and Apple controls a large part of this market. Despite the flurry of new tablets coming to market, we believe that competitors will have trouble catching up to Apple’s lead due to the iPad’s popularity versus other devices and the support of its well known and easy to use App Store.
iSuppli estimates that iPads shipped will reach 12.8, 43.7 and 63.3 million for the years 2010-2012 [2]. By increasing the forecast below to reach iSuppli’s estimate of about 63 million iPads sold in 2012 and keeping a slower growth rate beyond 2012, our analysis suggests that iPad units sold could reach nearly 90 million by the end of the Trefis forecast period. This would imply $45 of upside to the current Trefis price estimate.
Based on our current $400 Trefis price estimate for Apple’s stock and the $100 of additional upside attributable to the scenarios above, we would reach a $500 Apple stock. In the $500 Apple stock scenario, iPhones would account for about 51% of the stock and iPad would contribute about 18%.
- S
- Steve
- 3dv
- 08 Nov 2010
If you're in the market for an iphone, better wait for the iphone 5 which will come out early 2011. The iphone 4 has plenty of issues.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 08 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010“We are not perfect every phone have problems including iph... moreNo, I live in a land where I don't have reception problems, 4-5 bars all the time.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fw6
- 08 Nov 2010
iphone4ing, 08 Nov 2010no *Posted from my iphone4 held incorrectly in a bumper ... moreCant you go away, no one here likes you. You add no value here because your comments are stupid. Do you still live with mommy?
- S
- Sonia
- nC6
- 08 Nov 2010
Hi to all !!!
Can some one give me the opnion about iphone 4 & Nokia N8 I want to buy amoung these one which one should I go for please do help me & give it to me their best suggestion ??? Thanks in advance I do really appriciate.
Best Regards,