Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • G
  • Gurpinder
  • 9x6
  • 23 Oct 2010

How U I get APN setting option in 4G to use Gprs in india of Airtel.?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • TqC
    • 23 Oct 2010

    [deleted post]n900 use resistive and it's end of game

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vIY
      • 23 Oct 2010

      Apple is a classic device and not for those who don't buy and just talk rubbish about the device

        • A
        • Allan
        • q{S
        • 23 Oct 2010

        blueberry, 23 Oct 2010"Also i find the iphone4 isnt comfortable to hold to y... moreA few people at my workplace have the iphone4 and 3gs.

        I showed my co worker who has the 3gs, my new iphone4 and his reply was he hated that thing.Why?

        He doesnt like the new design.

          • A
          • Allan
          • q{S
          • 23 Oct 2010

          blueberry, 23 Oct 2010"Also i find the iphone4 isnt comfortable to hold to y... moreTheres no need for rude replys or taking Jesus name in vain.

          Some 3gs owners dont even like the design cause its kinda sharp edged.

          My N97 is a little more rounded.

          If you would think about what I'am saying its just like some bluetooths feel more comfortable to some people then others for their ear.

            • b
            • blueberry
            • 0Ua
            • 23 Oct 2010

            Allan, 23 Oct 2010It will take me some time to get used to the iphone4. One ... more"Also i find the iphone4 isnt comfortable to hold to your ear or in your hand because of its design."

            Jesus. Not comfortable to hold to your ear?? It is a simple candybar design as 90 % of world phones. what do you want a headphone sticking out of it so it fits better in your ear lol.

              • a
              • anonyMouse
              • t7x
              • 23 Oct 2010

              Hey guys, need some help here..

              Originally, I was planning to buy the Motorola Milestone 2, but until now they haven't released it yet. Now, I'm tired of waiting 'cause I'm itching to buy my first smartphone, so I'm thinking of buying iPhone 4 instead.

              My brother just bought a Samsung Galaxy S and it's amazing. But of course, I don't wanna buy the same phone. So my questions are..

              What are the consequences if you jailbreak your iPhone 4?

              Can you give me an estimation on how many are Apple's free apps? how about those on Android?

              Are apps from Apple better than those from Android?

              Thank you in advance for those who'll reply. I'd really appreciate your help :)

                • A
                • Allan
                • q{S
                • 23 Oct 2010

                It will take me some time to get used to the iphone4.
                One thing i noticed was you have to go into settings to turn your wi fi on and find a network, then press your home button to go back to the main screen and then go into safari for internet browsing.To me that seems like a longer process then just pressing the wi fi widget on the front screen of my n97 and when found press again then press start web browsing, that seems more straight forward to me but I'm also used to my N97.

                The other thing i noticed was if I'm web browsing in Landscape mode and i return to the main screen, The main screen isnt in landscape mode.

                Also i find the iphone4 isnt comfortable to hold to your ear or in your hand because of its design.

                  • A
                  • Allan
                  • q{S
                  • 23 Oct 2010

                  iphoning4u, 23 Oct 2010I'm watching a video on Apple's youtube site showing the N... moreSo what! So some nokia have a problem and some iphone4 have a problem.

                  It doesnt mean they are all bad.

                  People get over this reception issue of any model.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Y}5
                    • 23 Oct 2010

                    Anonymous, 23 Oct 2010Why then did the President met with Jobs yesterday in SF an... morethats simple coz nokia,samsung,htc or lg,none of them is an american registered co.
                    Only apple is.
                    Your question would hav been a little more sensible had u put motorola also in ur options.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Y}5
                      • 23 Oct 2010

                      Anonymous, 23 Oct 2010So what phone comes with something like this:- http://yo... moreeveryone on earth isn't a gamer.
                      What is the most basic func of a phone?
                      To make calls,hav signal,no drop calls.
                      A person can play such games n use apps even in an ipod touch,so wats d need for an iphone?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4s4
                        • 23 Oct 2010

                        [deleted post]Why then did the President met with Jobs yesterday in SF and NOT with Nokia or Samsung or HTC ceo's ???

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • P%n
                          • 23 Oct 2010

                          [deleted post]That's rubbish, I've seen HEAPS of N97 minis returned because of POOR reception and dropped calls.

                          The N97 series are dogs of phones, I wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • P%n
                            • 23 Oct 2010

                            Anonymous, 23 Oct 2010That's a real problem. You need app for almost anything (an... moreSo what phone comes with something like this:-


                            out of the box?

                            You might get some lame demo's with a link to purchase, like QuickOffice on the N8.

                            RDP out of the box?

                            300,000+ Apps gives a level of customisation unmatched by others and thousands of free ones.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Y}5
                              • 23 Oct 2010

                              iphoning4u, 23 Oct 2010I'm watching a video on Apple's youtube site showing the N... morelol
                              have a watch,iphone signal issue.

                                • f
                                • franky
                                • PWa
                                • 23 Oct 2010

                                Hi there after I updated my iphone 4 to ios 4.1 then the speaker on the left not work at all, it's work well before

                                  • Z
                                  • Zahid Younas
                                  • PF2
                                  • 23 Oct 2010

                                  I have never used such a greatest phone this phone is the best in pakistan please get it my dears

                                    • i
                                    • iphoning4u
                                    • PTU
                                    • 23 Oct 2010

                                    Allan, 23 Oct 2010People that own nokia know they dont lose signal.I have nok... moreI'm watching a video on Apple's youtube site
                                    showing the N97 Mini losing signal when the antenna is covered by the palm of what is maybe Steve's hand
                                    showing otherwise.

                                    *Posted with the iphone 4.01 and held incorrectly squeezing the bumper case very tight which is only there to stop scratches so i keep it on to prove any talk of poor signal is all lies and only to try and hide Nokia's signal problems which Apple showed us in
                                    their youtube videos loosing signal

                                      • y
                                      • yousef
                                      • mg5
                                      • 23 Oct 2010

                                      witch one is better :
                                      iphone 4G or iphone 3GS ?

                                        • A
                                        • Allan
                                        • q{S
                                        • 23 Oct 2010

                                        iphoning4u, 23 Oct 2010That's what we like and want as Apple fans. Apps are fun a... morePeople that own nokia know they dont lose signal.I have nokia's and they are fine.I also have the iphone4 and its fine so far for signal but my co worker bought the iphone4 when it first came out and the proximity sensor on his iphone4 doesnt work right and he drops calls if he puts the phone to his ear, so he told me he talks on loudspeaker a lot.So stop with your nonsense.