Apple iPhone 4
- i
- ipainter
- uUb
- 21 Oct 2010
Loving it!! Best phone around!! simple as that.
- A
- ALonZo
- 9EL
- 21 Oct 2010
[deleted post]Wow did you just type all that out? I hope you copied and pasted it cos I stopped reading after the 1st few lines Lol ha ha
Seriously, Nokia N8 = Excellent camera with a mediocre phone. Apple iPhone = decent camera with a brilliant phone.
Id rather buy a Sony 14MP camera from Amazon than spend £480+ sim free on a Nokia NotSoGreat8.
iPhone = excellent phone with many happy users.
- A
- ALonZo
- 9EL
- 21 Oct 2010
iPhone haters are crazy! I mean they cant afford an iPhone so have to resort to bashing iPhones to justify them not having it.
And how can anyone dream of comparing a Nokia to an iPhone? Lets compare a Ford Mondeo (Nokia N8) to a Porsche 911 Turbo (iPhone). ha ha
And signal issues? Not one person who I know who has an iPhone 4 - thats about 6 people - have signal issues!
iPhone haters, go and spend the same money as you would on a Nokia N8 and enjoy the lags!
- ?
- Anonymous
- MVg
- 21 Oct 2010
Thats one ugly looking thing?
Are Nokia still around?
I thought they went out in the 90's haha.
Last Nokia phone I had was the Nokia N95 8GB thinking back what garbage that was crashing daily then having to take battery back out to get it to work.
Really annoyed me Nokia phones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MVg
- 21 Oct 2010
I wonder if Apple with ever relase a games console. I bet they have already thought of it.
That will be some good competition then between Miscrosoft,Sony & Apple.
Wonder if it came true what on earth would it look like and do.
Apple can possibly take over the world.
- a
- akash
- K2E
- 21 Oct 2010
Andy, 21 Oct 2010Who is this guy who says cripple and crapple.
You just s... moredon't mind he's mental...let him talk abt cripple,crapple,cripplenes...blah blah blah
those r just jealous...or otherwise WTF r they doing in this forum!! let him live with his outdated slow nd laggy N8..
nd why do we care let us enjoy our iphone4...
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG5
- 21 Oct 2010
iphoneing4, 21 Oct 2010Apple are the best and their stock shows it. *Posted fro... morethey not only sell mobile phones, there are many main earning products for them, they are earning more by apps than mobile itself (apps and mobile both are over priced)That's why they don't provide preloaded good and main useful apps in iphone
- A
- Andy
- MVg
- 21 Oct 2010
Who is this guy who says cripple and crapple.
You just sound like an idiot lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u7n
- 21 Oct 2010
[deleted post]Samsung galaxy s I9000 for 100% sure with no regret
First, u can hold it anyway u like
Second , it run on king of all OS , Android
Third , videocall without rely on WiFi
4th, bigger n sharper screen , 4" super amoled
5th, expandable memory
6th, true 1G processor
n many more .....
The most important is its name , Samsung , they serve human in phone industry from Jurassic era , by that time Crapple still doing farming in d village
Atleast Samsung don't sell u cripple phone ,
Samsung is more powerful, advanced n CHEAPER than that cripple from Crapple
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 21 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 21 Oct 2010Nokia sold 110 million phones sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cheap plastic little phones, their market
- ?
- Anonymous
- G1j
- 21 Oct 2010
Nokia sold 110 million phones sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 21 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 20 Oct 2010I'll bet I can send more files to more people in less time ... moreoohh really,u forgot that i had written abt the size of the files.what if the pictures or videos exceed a file size of 10mb,especially wid video recording in many fones at 720p??
- s
- sherif
- NhT
- 21 Oct 2010
David, London, UK, 21 Oct 2010Hi all, If only the first batch of Iphone 4 had antenna ... moreif bentley releases a new car every year with a contract and allows me to exchange my old car with the new one i wouldn't mind :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- fw6
- 21 Oct 2010
14.4 million Blackberry's sold in the last quarter, so whats the big deal Apple??????
Apple is the computer equivalent of communism.
- D
- David, London, UK
- 21 Oct 2010
Hi all,
If only the first batch of Iphone 4 had antenna issues as someone on here said, how did they solve it with batches of Iphone 4's after that? Did they move the antenna to the top like it is on the 3GS? Please don't deny they were issues when the IP4 was first released. How was this solved as it was a hradware issues not a software issue?
Also I think one the major reasons for Iphone 4 having good sales, or any other Iphone is the fact that they only release one phone a year. This is unique. It is like Bentley releasing a car once a year. Everybody would go it. If other phone companies released one phone a year, they would make excellent sales too. Despite this, iphone 4 also is a great phone with amazing apps and games. The video light and front facing 3.0 VGA camara are brilliant. Iphone revolutionised the whole mobile phone industry. I don't own an iphone 4 but wouldn't mind. I own a HTC Desire for the record.
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxV
- 21 Oct 2010
I always have respect for my brain , so each time I come to this site , I will vote 1,1,1 never miss to vote
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxV
- 21 Oct 2010
Don't hold it that way !!!!
Still no signal ?
Last chance , use holy bumper !!!!
Still no signal ?
Then choose ur dream phone HTC, Samsung or Nokia
After that , hold it anyway u want !!!!
Guaranteed ur grandma can call u , no more dropcall
*posted from my dream phone , no need to say anymore , ofcos not cripple4 bcos cripple4 r too cripple to post comment n no signal
- i
- iphoneing4
- 21 Oct 2010
Apple are the best and their stock shows it.
*Posted from my iphone 4 held incorrectly and squeezing the bumper case very tightly to prove any talk of signal loss is all lies.
- i
- iPhone User
- IT4
- 21 Oct 2010
To the founder and/or the producer,
I've been using iPhone for years, staring from the 3G genertion until now--iPhone 4. I'm very satisfied with all the amazing functions and many other things on the fone, esp the last generation. BUT what i'm so disappointed about this iPhone 4 is the battery life. It's super duper short. It's somehow different from what's shown in the specfications. Hopefully, there will be a good solution to this. Anyway, i still LOVE ma iPhone:)