Apple iPhone 4
- H
- Hash
- Fvk
- 15 Oct 2010
Really Apple? Is this the best you can do? 1GHz processor is fine, but everything else is out of date and you still have the balls to rip ppl off? 5MP camera when the trend is 8MP, video call? My 5 year old samsung can do that. IMO the first iPhone was a breakthrough in terms of interface and style. Everyone after that is just a dissapointment. Apple, stop teasing your customers with little bits of outdated nonesence and give us the full package! After all, we pay for it!
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 15 Oct 2010
Say has apple integrated any useful features yet that aren't lightyears behind. Where the lights are in fact off & nobody is home to take your call. mmmmwhhoooaaaahhhaaaaaa
Sorry practical joke. I should be ashamed of myself. All of my apoligies. Jus send all your broken IP4 to me. I know how to take care of them nicely for you!
- ?
- Anonymous
- TqC
- 15 Oct 2010
Henning Ras, 14 Oct 2010When will IPhone be available with a micro SD Card slot???... morenever. micro sd memory is slower to load data compared to built in.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 15 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010Yup that game is amazing.
By the way guys, Mirror's Edge... moreThanks for the heads up, I'll check it out.
A lot of the Apps get price reductions so they get back in the top lists and are more visible to buyers, there are plenty of bargains.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 15 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010No Apple gets 70%The developer gets 70% Apple gets 30%.
Apple takes care of hosting, payments and promotion, once a developer has an App accepted they get a cheque every month based on 70% of the sale price.
The top ones are making millions, like the companies that made Angry Birds or Real Racing for example.
Why do so many people try to post outright lies about iPhones or Apple?
What's it to them?
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{S
- 15 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010No, Apple gets 30%. Please check the facts properly.It's better to back everything up with a link.
Look under Justin in this link.He says a $10.00 iphone app nets $7.00 to the developer.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 15 Oct 2010
[deleted post]How do you identify winners ?
People holding Apple shares uo $4.4 today in a day when the market was DOWN
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010I got this, it's 750MB installed and a 400MB download.
h... moreYup that game is amazing.
By the way guys, Mirror's Edge is on sale, 0.99.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010No Apple gets 70%No, Apple gets 30%. Please check the facts properly.
- ?
- Anonymous
- G1j
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010Wrong. Developers get 70%, Apple gets 30% of every sale.... moreNo Apple gets 70%
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 14 Oct 2010
stayheart, 14 Oct 2010yes brother u know in general the cost of an symbian applic... moreI got this, it's 750MB installed and a 400MB download.
It's a really good game and sets the iPhone apart from everything else, nothing comes remotely close.
- s
- stayheart
- 3GY
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010Wrong. Developers get 70%, Apple gets 30% of every sale.... moreyes brother u know in general the cost of an symbian application..? it is usaualy 5€, there are very few between 1€ and 3€ and mostly those application's size are 550kb, 600 kb there are very very few whose size are bigger than 5mb. Apple are selling their application at vey low price than any other.. LESS THAN 1€.. and in size they begin from 2mb and go 200mb even 300mb.. for me apple is the best after apple i would like to prefer bada OS they are also creating a lot of applications day by day i think they have created almost 1317 applications..
- ?
- Anonymous
- efP
- 14 Oct 2010
angliaranger, 14 Oct 2010Hi: Is it true that I have to pay £10.00 on top of my... moreCut a regular size sim down to a micro sim!
- b
- bob
- utT
- 14 Oct 2010
stayheart, 14 Oct 2010are you not being gelous with APPLE? yeh they are the best ... morehey stayheart
i m sure u have never herd about the android phones.
if u love applications then go 4 it. if u ever dreamed 4 a million apps the it will come true and most of all u have to pay just once .... when u buy dat phone ...alll the apps r frrreee... yes friend freeeeeeeeeee.u dont have to spend 4 3 days just google it u will be bleased
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010its bcoz most of d apps in symbian r free n even in android... moreWrong.
Developers get 70%, Apple gets 30% of every sale.
Just like the Android Market and OVI store which both copied Apple right down to the payment split.
- f
- fatima
- ijp
- 14 Oct 2010
ok m planning on getting on iphone what i want to reconfirm is that i hope they're no issues faced in pakistan particularly. plus does face time work from here?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 14 Oct 2010
OthaB, 14 Oct 2010Just admit it! Nokia N8 is a Maybach 62 of Cellph0nes! iPho... moreThat might br an unfortunate comparison. I know I'd prefer a Lambo over a Maybach anyday.
- H
- Henning Ras
- 3Hv
- 14 Oct 2010
When will IPhone be available with a micro SD Card slot???
This is the only reason why I WILL NOT upgrade to this one.
Maybe to the newer one when they decide to add the slot there. They shouldn't come with the excuses of there are no space or it can get stuck or such windows excuses.......
- O
- OthaB
- f3P
- 14 Oct 2010
Just admit it! Nokia N8 is a Maybach 62 of Cellph0nes! iPhone 4 is just a Lamboghirni Gallardo LP-560