Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 07 Oct 2010
NEED AN ANSWER, 07 Oct 2010I'm using balckberry 9700&8900 and also iphone 3G.. and... moresamsung galaxy s
- N
- PxA
- 07 Oct 2010
I'm using balckberry 9700&8900 and also iphone 3G.. and currently thinking about trade in my bb8900 and iPhone for iPhone about the price in Australia or Hongkong?? in Indonesia this phone costs a lot of money! it's about 9 million rupiah or USD 990! i heard it's only about USD 400 in USA..
and which one is beter samsung Galaxy S ( USD 704) or this phone(USD 990)?
- J
- Jeffy Jeff
- PEy
- 07 Oct 2010
tictoc, 06 Oct 2010it's good to know there are some sensible people out there,... moreTictoc,
I don't think we can store any map. We need to "ON" the location services via the preloaded "Maps" app in the phone itself to determine your current location. Of course this will require you to connect to the internet.
- F
- Frankie
- PWa
- 07 Oct 2010
When Apple produce Iphone with other colors like
Pink, Silver Moon, Galaxy Blue, Venus Ruby that would be great great , black & white quite bored
- ?
- Anonymous
- uEA
- 07 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 07 Oct 2010Actually Facetime is not only great but it is the best of i... more"The great thing about Facetime is that it works universally. You can Facetime with anyone who also has it(currently iphone4 and ipod touch 4g users)"
That's universally? Hate to tell you but u miss the point.
Universally will be if you can call ANYONE. Like this, this is called RESTRICTED. To be even worse, you are restricted, not by your own choice but by Apple. I expect that new iPhone 5 will be even more restricted, to make regular calls to iPhone users only. But that's your way to choose friends. I will never make selection and pick my friends according to what they use. I.E. what kind of phone they have.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u7n
- 07 Oct 2010
leane, 07 Oct 2010blah blah blah blah blah blah blah......ur boring same brok... moreYaaaaa...... best built till signal drop , wkwkwkwkwkwkwk
- D
- De Wet Scheepers
- GtE
- 07 Oct 2010
Hi guys im currently using a BlackBerry 9700 Bold2 and is intrested in getting me the Iphone4 aswell..
Is it really worth it to get a iPhone when i aready have a really great phone?
How is the Iphone on the data usage?as far as i know its a bit heavy on the megabites...
- M
- Mohd
- 07 Oct 2010
wow....gre@@@@@@@@@@t......totally new genereation phone and oh rapchik,,,screen touch resolution given by apple...only one word ((('''Great''')))..
- ?
- Anonymous
- PBc
- 07 Oct 2010
[deleted post]You said "stupid wifi only", why is wifi stupid?
Is it stupid because it's free?
Don't you like money?
I think I'll videocall my mates N97 from my iPhone 4 using Fring over 3G and ask if he thinks you are strange too.
- l
- leane
- K2E
- 07 Oct 2010
[deleted post]blah blah blah blah blah blah blah......ur boring same broken record goin on nd on nd the end of the day there's one thing......its IPHONE nd no other phone can be premium as iphone
even my 1st gen iphone still works like a charm,my ip3g still goin prob...iphones r damn reliable
nd my prevoius n82 went dead within 1.5 years of usage.. nd dats the quality of slows as days goes by...even the body materials nd colors peels nd flakes away....
nd this ip4...well its built with eveen better materials...its the best balanced smartphone one can have...its best in every department... nd for these reasons apple devices cost this much nd its worth each nd every penny..
nd we know very well the quality of samsung nd nokia..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 43%
- 07 Oct 2010
Actually Facetime is not only great but it is the best of it's kind. The great thing about Facetime is that it works universally. You can Facetime with anyone who also has it(currently iphone4 and ipod touch 4g users) practically anywhere in the world for free. And it is far smoother than simply using a webcam or isight and such.
I am not a fanboy by any means. I actually love the Euro/Asia versions of the Samsung Galaxy S. I actually do believe in real world conditions the Super AMOLED is a better choice. I also don't like the fact that there is no true home screen, no widgets or live updates, no instant availability of any info (messages, texts, etc) while in app. And there is essentially no multitasking, no multiple screens or profiles. Kinda getting bored of the litter of apps.
In terms of ease of use, I think the iOS is practically idiot-proof. But that in essence is what makes it so great. The robust amount of apps (despite most being garbage) really add a lot to the experience. Because there are some cool ones. Though I wish they would include drop-down menus to break the continuity of the litter of apps.
The phone itself is really a luxury item, not so much by price, but by feel and the tolerances on the phone. It is exquisitely crafted, the type only seen on high end phones (Goldvish, Gresso, Vertu, etc). I really love the way the screen seems to just float on top of the glass. It's really very futuristic looking. The screen angles are the best bar none despite what I said about super AMOLED (which is better for videos, movies and outside).
The camera is better than the 8mp on the Ericsson phones I have demoed, very easy to use and quite responsive. The video camera is good, not great but more than adequate. I notice jumpiness, more than I would want. Oddly enough the iPod touch 4th gen takes better videos.
Voice and call quality is very good though I do wish the speaker was at least as loud as a four year old Motorola v8. Is that too much to ask for Apple? I havent had too many signal issue that werent directly caused by AT&T's inferior service in the NYC metro area (yes it is really that bad). I had the proximity sensor issue when I got my phone in June but that has been addressed in 4.1. The phone is fairly zippy but not much more than the 3gs.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 07 Oct 2010
[deleted post]You can write here for one thousand years, but you are not going to change the Succes of the Iphone4
- g
- genix
- K2E
- 07 Oct 2010
iphone4 vs nokia n8
as usual no one can beat iphone4
as for n8...its still lags like hell
browser completely slow,not snappy like iphone4
why the hell people r comapring iphone4 to n8...for camera...oh man grow up
after seeing this i can say even galaxy s is better then n8
nd with this sucky symbian nokia can't go forward
- g
- genix
- K2E
- 07 Oct 2010
iphone4 vs nokia n8
as usual no one can beat iphone4
as for n8...its still lags like hell
browser completely slow,not snappy like iphone4
why the hell people r comapring iphone4 to n8...for camera...oh man grow up
after seeing this i can say even galaxy s is better then n8
nd with this sucky symbian nokia can't go forward
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 07 Oct 2010
Now with Iphone4 coming to Verizon Apple is going to be NUMBER ONE company in the world by market cap in the next three months and YES without bluetooth file exchange and with " antenna issues "
get lost trolls.
- I
- Interested in IPhone
- m5x
- 07 Oct 2010
3GS user, 06 Oct 2010I used always Nokia mobile pfones, than i found that Nokia ... moreBut it doesn't tell us anything about the IPhone4 which is why I came here in the first place....
- I
- Inaam
- MsM
- 07 Oct 2010
It’s amazing Cell Apple made.... touch screen very good , video also okay but Bluetooth is not working like others cell ….and also messages , contacts, office work transferring or sync facilities to be improved ….I m using in Pakistan with mobil-Jaz sim
- S
- SBSpins
- kce
- 06 Oct 2010
I like the samsung captivate because of the screen because its bigger but mostly because it won't crack a easily and i droped my old phone to much to be trust with a iphone plus my old for was a samsung and work great and was a touch screen and never broke i died after finely in 47ft of water but some how work under water for 20hr's but then finally died, so that proves samsung has really durable phones and are made to last
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Y2
- 06 Oct 2010
leane, 06 Oct 2010sry dude bluetooth is available for iphone nd file sharing ... moreTotally agree with you. Relax, I use an iPhone 4 myself and love it. If you read the question closely, the second part is sarcastic "beyond capability of Apple" so I just gave the troll what he wanted to hear, effectively ending it there. Otherwise, the question would be repeated 100 more times lol.
Tired of Apple bashers harping on about this little feature, or that little feature. Don't like it, don't buy it is what I say, but they're still obsessed hanging about Apple sections instead of the phone they themselves like lol. Sad little losers.
- t
- tictoc
- pKL
- 06 Oct 2010
Jeffy Jeff, 06 Oct 2010Tictoc...i have been using the phone for more than a month.... moreit's good to know there are some sensible people out there, thanks for the info Jeff.
Can you tell me about maps and if you can use the iphone the same as a normal dedicated sat nav with turn by turn directions?
Also can you store the maps (UK & Europe)in the phones memory, because I think, and I might be wrong, that if you use google maps, you have to stay connected to the internet.