Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr0
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010'hahahaha well atlest iphone4 has got it nd its damn easy... moreYup it's an achievement. It does after all add a feature and improves the phone, isn't that what everyone wants?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 05 Oct 2010
jane, 05 Oct 2010u must be a outdated nokia fanboy.....u know very well it's... more'hahahaha well atlest
iphone4 has got it nd its
damn easy to use....'
wow must b an achievment for u fanboys dat u hav videocalling finally lmao lol
videocalling has been dere for yrs,wake up dude who's living in a stone age now?? lol lol lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 05 Oct 2010
jane, 05 Oct 2010u must be a outdated nokia fanboy.....u know very well it's... moreno m not a nokia fanboy at all,even i know dat seeing d current circumstances-nokia will b dead soon in d smartphone market,though not in d mobile market.
I hav used symbian,dere is nothing wrong wid it but dere is nothing gr8 wid it as well.
Nokia had n even is dominating d mobile world but its gr8 2 c new platforms lyk bada,android heatin up d os debate eventually benefiting d presumer.
Itunes is passe'
no independence yuck...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr0
- 05 Oct 2010
iPhone sales phenomenal in China, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan.
Looking forward to iOS 4.2, which will make an already great phone, even better! :)
- j
- jane
- K2E
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010facetime,lol wat gud is it??afterall every other person doe... moreu must be a outdated nokia fanboy.....u know very well it's slower nd laggy compared to iphone4
iphone is faaaaaaaaaaaaaar more reliable compared to other brands
nd yeah itunes its not like other pc suites....infact its a great software to keep iphone organised
- l
- leane
- K2E
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010facetime,lol wat gud is it??afterall every other person doe... moresorry dude i don't live in stone age like u...cuz almost all of my relatives nd friends either own an iphone 4 or atleast ipod touch 4....
hahahaha well atlest iphone4 has got it nd its damn easy to whats bad in dat?? huh
- b
- basillisk
- tDC
- 05 Oct 2010
Waiting for iphone 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010Fring for iPhone.
With the newest fring on your iPhone... moretoo bad,safari doesnt even support downloads lol
no flash for web as adobe flash player makes safari crash.
Now those of u who say dat flash is for advertisments r d ones who need a reality check.
- J
- Jay
- n7}
- 05 Oct 2010
Did you see the news Apple received a penalty of 625 Million dollars because they uses patents of other companies.
The original penalty was 1 billion dollars.
They got sued and the judge decided that Crapple was wrong.
LOL bye bye CRAPPLE this happens when u steal.
- v
- vh1
- vG0
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010HTC desire is d most desirable phone on planet , plus its k... moreokey , n wats the glass display pannel vs plastic in the touch display ? which is more responsive ? n bout the i phone display , then i guess the sharpness of the display is brilliant and tat is cuz of the retina display . and the multitasking isnt tat great in the i phone ? and hows the app in froyo ? i act dont have much idea bout it ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxZ
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010Fring for iPhone.
With the newest fring on your iPhone... moreLast time posting in 3gs forum , wat did u bark ? U still remember?
U barked, 'we don't need multitasking , drain batt, we don need 5mpx cos its 3.2 is good enough , we don need videocall cos who need to use videocall ', r u slapping u own mouth now?
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxZ
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010Fring for iPhone.
With the newest fring on your iPhone... moreWat d use? A stuff to have Crapple logo on it is techless n cripple
Crapple never improve, only improve their greediness n selling overprice
Less clever soul like u will not wake up n keep on ur stupidness n worshipping
- J
- Jay
- n7}
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010do you know about the next apple iphone5?? come to http:/... moreThis is old news they are currently testing the Iphone here in the Netherlands like is reported 2 months ago.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Oct 2010
do you know about the next apple iphone5??
come to for news about it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010facetime,lol wat gud is it??afterall every other person doe... moreFring for iPhone.
With the newest fring on your iPhone, you can enjoy FREE video calls, calls, live chat and experiences with friends on fring and other online communities all through one central profile. fring is completely free to download and free to use.
Now, fring gives you
2 way video calls to all your friends on any mobile phone including Android phones, Nokia (S60) and other iPhones wherever you are (3G & Wifi) - Note: performance over 3G is subject to mobile operators' 3G coverage & quality.
multitasking so you can be always on and available with fring running in the background and alerting you to new chat or calls without proactively opening fring (just like on all other supported phones).
new Social Stream: a chronological stream of all tweets, facebook updates, chats and calls, all in one place! Easy cross-community communication and simple sorting capabilities.
High resolution graphics: for iPhone 4’s retina display. Wow!
a smarter address book: simply manages your buddy list, merges contacts and more
- ?
- Anonymous
- G1j
- 05 Oct 2010
Apple have to pay $208.5 million for infringing on patents technologies such as:
cover flow
- K
- KnightNL
- 3RP
- 05 Oct 2010
demy, 04 Oct 2010To all iphone genius, help me! Somebody entered a passcode... moreI'd suggest you to throw your iPhone away and get a new, smarter phone.
- r
- raj
- utV
- 05 Oct 2010
Listen all the idiots those who use i-Toy4 .This i-toy is for small baby idiots. really I dn't know some child says i-toy is balanced phone (but we dn't mind becoz of the IGNORANCE of the infants.
Apple made this toy this year(2010)and n900 was released in with new technology and 1year can't beat even the old tech with their new ..
must watch the
i-toy Design-6.5,Features-6.4,Performance-6.5
1.Messaging--- If your a Messaging freak or like to text most n stay connected to ur frnz via various Im then its just Wonderful...the conversation feature is so much built beautiful n gives u a wonderful experience...
2.Web Browser--- Nothng to say about the Web of this Device...till datei hav use iphone 4g, Motorola Milestone n other handset but none can be compared 2 the Web Browser of N900...
3.Application Manager--You dun need to go for searchin software,themes,games, on google or buy them.. its just u can find them in Application Manage of N900...all new themes,games,applictions can be upated....wich is gud feature.
4.Music & Video---with 5 Mp camera wat can u expectfor the pcitures taken...its really good.same about the video too...Movies watchin in N900 is grt...i hav stored about 110 videos...including Movies,Video songs.
5. Large Storage-- with 32GB memory n 16GB external think how much can u install n watch movies...
6.Musti-asking--- wat makes n900 different from other device is multi-tasking...i hav never seen such beautiful feature in other handet..even Iphone4 has BUT WITH LIMITATION but not like N900..ONE WRD"AWSME" simply AWSOME..
1.Bulky-- its way too heavy for a gal to carry it...but on the other hand if u want to carry a Mini Lap go for N900 n if smartphone then go for Sony or any other....
2. Only Landscape-- well u can guss wat iwanna say... u need t operate with 2 hands...
thr r more Benefits rather then tell me if its helpd u or not...personally sayin...Go for N900... u gonna love this Device
my take is go for the n900. this is a great and well balanced device. i hv been using it for 3 months now. it has ms office support, ms exchange with html support (mind u, many dont support this), excellent and true multitasking, good web browsing (juz like surfing from ur desktop or laptop), good set of apps to download via download mgr and very stable os. none of the present samsung or sony models can come close to this. the only real competitiom for this would be iphone4 or htc desire. the rest are too poorly spec'd to compete with n900
main disadvantages of i-toy4
Hardware design is prone to reception issues
MicroSIM card support only
No Flash support in the web browser
No true multitasking for all applications
FaceTime video calls work only over Wi-Fi
No file transfer over Bluetooth or USB Mass Storage mode
No hardware shutter key for the camera
No FM radio
No stereo speakers
No microSD card slot
No smart dialing
Too dependent on iTunes for loading multimedia content
Poor loudspeaker performance
n900 not going to beat GOD but definitely beat the toys of apple..
.kahan hain nokia aur kahan hain can't(not going to) touch apple's toy standards!!!u r right MR yemin
PLZ dn"t compare this toy with a powerfull machine.. n900 = iPhone killer
'N900 RoCkS'
- ?
- Anonymous
- G1j
- 05 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 05 Oct 2010Apple is “on a path to overtake Exxon Mobil Corp. as the la... moreBut apple still will not make their products in the USA so those people can have a job.
Over 2.5m people in the USA are out of work.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 05 Oct 2010
leane, 05 Oct 2010don't listen to those idiots...
LOOK IF U WANT THE FULL VA... morefacetime,lol wat gud is it??afterall every other person doesnt own an ipod touch or an iphone4 lol lol.
Moreover facetime works just over wifi,no 3g,such a shame.
Gr8 build quality,wow for a company who in d name of using better materials made many handsets-especially d initial shipment wid a defective proximity sensor eventually leading 2 dropped calls n later had 2 b fixed by dose bumper cases making d device more heavier,bulky n bulgingly
n not 2 forget d ironic statement dat flash makes safari crash wow lmao
now d fanboys would again go back in dere ignorant nature claiming flash is just for adds lol lol
an odinary 5mp camera isn't a gr8 camera.
N yeah each tym using dat shity itunes,kinda being handicapped 2 it lol lol.