Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • TqC
  • 30 Sep 2010

n900 user :), 29 Sep 2010dear friend , we know iphone is good phone :) but not bette... morenokia stops supporting meego and that will explain ur ques

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • TqC
    • 30 Sep 2010

    Crystal, 29 Sep 2010What is a gyro sensor, and how is it different to a acceler... moregyro sense 3d movement and acce in 2d!! look some gyro iphone 4 games which are awesome. iphone always ahead of game in smrtph

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • TqC
      • 30 Sep 2010

      n900 user :), 29 Sep 2010you are right , but my friend - please try to use one day ... moren900 use resistive screen?? If so it is failure then

        • i
        • iPhoner
        • 04R
        • 30 Sep 2010

        Iphone is great! I love 3 GS! I bought 4 and it is not like any iphone before - best performances but awfull edgie design!
        Even the antenna issue is not so big compareing to this.
        - Apple, go back to previous design do not make scars on our hands!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4s4
          • 29 Sep 2010

          el drogados, 29 Sep 2010man, you know how this Apple fans are.. they think they got... morewho really cares ? the only real problem of apple is to make enough of its products read what I phone4 did in China:
          IDG News Service reports that China Unicom has sold out of its initial shipment of nearly 100,000 iPhone 4s in the four days since the device launched in that country. With the company having taken 200,000 pre-orders for the iPhone 4, the carrier has been unable to meet demand and has stopped taking new online reservations as it awaits a second shipment due to arrive by the end of the week.
          The massive demand for the product outpaces last year's official launch of the iPhone 3G and 3GS in China. During that period, it had taken over a month before China Unicom had announced it sold 100,000 iPhone units.

          The iPhone 4 was officially launched in China last Saturday, with the popularity of the device causing retail outlets in the country to sell out of the product.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • P%n
            • 29 Sep 2010

            need help iphone, 29 Sep 2010thanks for yr reply. Another thing, i have all my contacts ... moreOpen a Gmail account and sync your contacts to Google.

            Then you can access them from any phone or computer with an Internet connection from anywhere.

              • e
              • el drogados
              • nsG
              • 29 Sep 2010

              n900 user :), 29 Sep 2010dear friend , we know iphone is good phone :) but not bette... moreman, you know how this Apple fans are.. they think they got the best products on the market. unfortunatelly, apple is well know for their products issues.. should we remember the signal problem of the iPhone 4, because the "smart guys" of Apple cannot anticipate the problem of the external antenna interfering with the human body. They sent free cases to buyers to avoid the problem.. right :)) Dream on guys! I will never spend my money on such a thing!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • xGr
                • 29 Sep 2010

                n900 user :), 29 Sep 2010dear friend , we know iphone is good phone :) but not bette... morewell thats not really complicated. The screen, camera, apps are all better on the iphone.

                  • S
                  • S.Sri
                  • nxN
                  • 29 Sep 2010

                  Alui, 29 Sep 2010So I see you use the best phones around: iPhone 4, HTC Desi... moreIt is a difficult question to answer. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the I-Phone’s operating system is the best out there in the market at this point in time. “App stores” definitely contain quality applications, comparatively. It does not hang or lag. Camera with flash is a plus point pitted against Galaxy S. I-Phone scored a perfect 100 in the” Acid 3” test and it is a pleasure to browse with an I-Phone. MP3 sound quality is near perfect. Retina display is sharp and pleasing to the eye. On the down side, the screen is smaller compared to Galaxy S and though it is not a show stopper, lacks blue tooth file transferring which has given room for much tongue wiggling from obvious quarters. (Elected not to be specific)
                  HTC Desire is like Galaxy S minus that gorgeous screen and that smooth screen response. “HTC sense” user interface is sinuous and it does a lot to the home screen and the widgets. Browsing is as good as I-Phone and it scored 93 in the” Acid 3 test”. Personally I am a bit disappointed with the camera performance and the music quality.
                  Galaxy S, I would compare to the I-Phone without batting an eye lid. However, Samsungs “Kies” is nowhere near I-Tunes. They left much to be desired with the build quality and it is plasticky finish is a humble apology. Having said that, I truly admire its 4 “super Amoled screen with it’s bright color scheme, its smooth touch screen responsiveness, it’s improved “Touchwiz” UI, it’ superb browsing capabilities and the near perfect music quality. Galaxy too scored 93 in the “Acid 3 “test. Though Galaxy’s music quality is the best among these three, Samsung Wave is a clear winner in this area. By the way I have encountered minute lags at times with Galaxy S.
                  In my humble opinion, as it is, I-Phone is No 1, followed by Samsung Galaxy and Desire. Nonetheless, Samsung is in close pursuit and with the impending “Froyo” firmware upgrade and will be a serious contender to the crown.
                  These are my humble opinions derived from my first hand experience. By any means I am not a pundit and there is no need for any to get hot under the collar or burst a blood vessel after reading my views. Let us be satisfied with what we have without hurting others choice and their feelings by being aloof.

                    • n
                    • n900 user :)
                    • 0EY
                    • 29 Sep 2010

                    tysiphone, 29 Sep 2010n900 is good but it looks like nokia is busy campaigning th... moreyou are right , but my friend - please try to use one day nokia n900 - you will feel n900 it is best phone :) i not say it ip better then iphone , in my opinion all phones missing something - please use nokia n900 browser -

                      • t
                      • tysiphone
                      • K2E
                      • 29 Sep 2010

                      n900 user :), 29 Sep 2010dear friend , we know iphone is good phone :) but not bette... moren900 is good but it looks like nokia is busy campaigning the sucky symbian os nd n8.....n900 do have some software issues...its a complete GEEK gadget nd i think nokia should polish this.....maemo feels like its not complete there's something missing though don't know what? n900 build quality is also great feels great in hands......though if u want more superoir overall gadget get the iphone4 nd jailbreak it....then u will say.....

                        • k
                        • keane
                        • K2E
                        • 29 Sep 2010

                        Sabri özarslan, 29 Sep 2010I don't understand, why apple changed standard sim card siz... moreits apple................different

                          • C
                          • Crystal
                          • fXe
                          • 29 Sep 2010

                          What is a gyro sensor, and how is it different to a accelerometre? Can you send files to another phone via Bluetooth?

                            • S
                            • Sabri özarslan
                            • piD
                            • 29 Sep 2010

                            I don't understand, why apple changed standard sim card size for ipad and iphone 4. Is this for 3 or 5 mm? When apple decide to use flash player? Is it difficult?

                              • n
                              • n900 user :)
                              • 0EY
                              • 29 Sep 2010

                              Tysiphone, 29 Sep 2010Both of them sucks in browsing using iphon... moredear friend , we know iphone is good phone :) but not better then nokia n900 :) if you think iphone 4 is better nokia n900 please can you explan one by one ? I am waiting for your reply my friend :) :) have nice day with iphone :) :)

                                • T
                                • Tysiphone
                                • K2E
                                • 29 Sep 2010

                                shahid, 29 Sep 2010HTC desire is the best fr browsing and then samsung galaxy SBoth of them sucks in browsing using iphone4's retina display just kicks them.....I don't know why people compare iPhone4 to samsung galaxy s or htc!? iPhone is iPhone nd no one can match it's build quality nd performance.. Its perfect in every department......those who r looking for iphone4's faults r nothing but apple haters or can't afford one..... Cuz after reading these idiotic comments what can one say??trust me first own one nd then give ur opinion

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 4s4
                                  • 29 Sep 2010

                                  IDG News Service reports that China Unicom has sold out of its initial shipment of nearly 100,000 iPhone 4s in the four days since the device launched in that country. With the company having taken 200,000 pre-orders for the iPhone 4, the carrier has been unable to meet demand and has stopped taking new online reservations as it awaits a second shipment due to arrive by the end of the week.
                                  The massive demand for the product outpaces last year's official launch of the iPhone 3G and 3GS in China. During that period, it had taken over a month before China Unicom had announced it sold 100,000 iPhone units.

                                  The iPhone 4 was officially launched in China last Saturday, with the popularity of the device causing retail outlets in the country to sell out of the product.

                                    • R
                                    • R
                                    • MVg
                                    • 29 Sep 2010

                                    shahid, 29 Sep 2010HTC desire is the best fr browsing and then samsung galaxy Sin your small head maybe iv had both and i no. nobody listen to this fruitcake hes just jelous bcos he got android and he wants the apps we got.

                                      • R
                                      • R
                                      • MVg
                                      • 29 Sep 2010

                                      Random, 29 Sep 2010Can't you cut up your regular sized SIM card to make it fit... morefile it down and then you can put it in

                                        • s
                                        • shahid
                                        • ut1
                                        • 29 Sep 2010

                                        Alui, 29 Sep 2010So I see you use the best phones around: iPhone 4, HTC Desi... moreHTC desire is the best fr browsing and then samsung galaxy S