Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- ib4
- 12 Sep 2010
[deleted post]Please..
Main pages is main let you settin g your widgets and widsets in front of your real smartphone..included shortcuts,favourite s..etc
Applications pages is applications let you add folders and your downloaded apps..let me told real smartphone keep me add new folders and more applications for UNLIMITED..and all can be s aved on my 48GB SDHC class 8 external memory you jealous..
So..obviously who is the i-idiot..???
- i
- iphone4
- u{a
- 12 Sep 2010
Iphone4g This version you don't need a case, just like the new iphone4 hardware revision releases 30th this month as well
keep visiting guys the daily intested is only 40%
*post from my iphone4 held correctly proving reception issues are all lies
- ?
- Anonymous
- ib4
- 12 Sep 2010
It seems you are not so understand the knowledge and trend of technology..
So..Im right..
icrap is not real smartphone since it was released from 2007..and NOKIA still maintained their sales till today they are still Number 1 phone company in the global..
What is people prefered today is the greats and convenients way to show your products is smart and efficient wherever in works,fun,business..a standard usb connector let everyone do their syncing in easier way and can short their time in rush..and every usb cable has safety plugging system not juz appl e ok..again nowaday..ever y ph0ne was using super speed micro usb fastest in transfering any data s..people needed today is compatibility.. you means flash or flash lite is made to adv.??? No.
Flash is used to flash movies load faster and save on download time..And flash intelligently ‘caches’ it’s movies so they don’t have to be reloaded..Flash gives the user (the person viewing/using the Flash movie) a more responsive ‘rich-client’ like experience.
With new technology like and Java Server Faces, HTML now can react just like a ‘rich-client’ application. Even without these new tools, properly designed HTML for most dynamic sites can provide a good user experience..
With Macromedia Flash Player, you can view the best animation and entertainment on the Web..thats called FULL WEB..Flash has become a ubiquitous standard on the web for delivering animations. Flash has the ability to deliver sophisticated animations, interactivity and sound within one file. Flash files are scalable. This means that the same file can be resized (e.g. to fill a different proportion of the computer monitor) without loss of quality or increase in file size.Flash has become a universal standard for the delivery of animations on the Internet.
And the real multitasking keep me work juz likes on my pc..running more than one or more than ten applications in 1 quick and easy..and did you think the others brands will f0ol themselv es then crashing their products with which model supported t0 real multitasking till short the battery life time??? The answer is NO too..
The answer is very simple..Im using my real smartphone and sometimes I was use the real multitasking and my phone battery life time is keep goin' fine and good in works..My phone battery keep me using my phone over even 3days..
- i
- iphpne4
- u{a
- 12 Sep 2010
Great seeing all the support for this the number phone
Android is not very popular and will proberly be phased out anyway.
Apple iphone4 is the fastest phone running iOS4
Said the Apple reviewr
Try than Sumsung haha
*Posted from my iphone4 with no need for a case held correctly to prove dropped calls are lies when held properly so a case is not needed when used correctly.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PNf
- 12 Sep 2010
[deleted post]How many Android phone's running Froyo are there?
They are the only phones with proper Flash, the others have Flash Lite using ActionScript 2 which is incompatible with ActionScript 3 used in modern Flash games.
Flash games are as lame as Java games 2D side scrollers, no advanced 3D graphics, you can keep your junk Flash games, go feed your pigs on Farmville or something, the gayest game EVER!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PNf
- 12 Sep 2010
iphonme4, 12 Sep 2010Surround speakers?
Its not a home Cinema, expecting 5.1 so... moreDon't forget the iPhone 30 pin dock connector supports video out which USB doesn't.
iPhone's only need one cable.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PNf
- 12 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2010You are right!!
But not juz these..icrap phone also have... moreOh no, my iPhone has no PTT, what will I do without it.
Your list is a STUPID waste of time, who uses push to talk anyway, I suppose you use a horse and cart because it's better than a car.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4QC
- 12 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2010A g0od thing always have the g0od public praise..
Someti... moreThis is what the " Icrap " like you called it did to Nokia, accept the REALITY of life :
The Canadian-born Elop, the first non-Finn to run the company, will need to challenge a slower-moving, consensus- driven culture at Nokia. Though the company supplies more than a third of the world’s mobile handsets, current CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo has been forced to cut prices to defend its falling market share against Apple.
Stock Drop
That’s hurt Nokia’s bottom line and stock price. The shares have fallen more than 60 percent since Apple’s June 2007 introduction of the iPhone.
I phone is a SUCCESS and Nokia is in DEEP SH**
Will the new CEO save Nokia ?
Microsoft man WILL fail !
- i
- iphonme4
- u{a
- 12 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2010A g0od thing always have the g0od public praise..
Someti... moreSurround speakers?
Its not a home Cinema, expecting 5.1 sound?
Digital stereo on my Iphone 4 is good enough
USB port
No thanks.Apple has a better cable that is stronger and better shielded plugging system.
Apple magazine did a cable pull test on a standard USB
cable versus an Apple one and Apple was far stronger.
Easy file transfer means easy hack as Apple said.
Apple has very good reason not to included things
if you read why.
*Posted from my iphone4 with no need for a case held correctly to prove dropped calls are lies when held properly so a case is not needed when used correctly.
- I
- u{a
- 12 Sep 2010
Apple said they are doing special version to save battery, and is better.Because only Apps i want to can multitask, if it doesn't then i don't want it too.
-Flash is used for ads, i don't want ads, so agree with Apple, i DON'T WANT IT.
*Posted from my iphone4 with no need for a case held correctly to prove dropped calls are lies when held properly so a case is not needed when used correctly.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MiL
- 12 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2010A g0od thing always have the g0od public praise..
Someti... moreWell said.
best comment of the day.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ib4
- 12 Sep 2010
A g0od thing always have the g0od public praise..
Sometimes we no need to having it..0r s0me real user experience but we can do researc h on blog,youtube,website,friends..
O k..If Im not the NOKIA least I know what the NOKIA powerful flagship likes NOKIA N8,N9,E7 is nice..we can found on the specs,operator system or body designs..Im not muc h the Htc fan..but I know the Htc evo powerful..for the samsung I know the new 0s is b ada..and the motorola milestone..droid x 2..all is goo d phone with goo d os..
But the icrap..sorry..I will no buy an icrap to be my phone..the reason is very simple..lame os,bugs,and the point is it was not a real smartphone..
-real multitasking
-third party apps
-bluetooth transfer
(mp3,photo,name card,memo..etc)
-hdmi port
-surround speakers
-more main pages
(nokia have 9pages,htc have 3pages,
samsung have 10pages)
(USB OTG(NOKIA)..copy paste,to connected to laptop,pc,tablet directly)
-Office documents editing
(At the very least a smartphone should be able to open and view Office documents, but any serious smartphone will also allow you to edit them on your phone.NOKIA DOES IT..whateve r in Nseries,Eseries,Xseries,Cseries or Pseries(coming soo n) )
-Web browsing
(It should be able to provide a reasonable browsing experience. This of course means different things depending on who you ask,flash contents,download files espeaciall y MP3,MP4,Video,Pictures/phot os,all again.. and obviously it is not the same thing to surf the web only a 2.0" non-touch display as on a 4.3" touch screen. But the browser engine should at least be able to render reasonably complex sites.NOKIA will announced N9 flagship with 4.1 inch multitouch screen soon..)
-real multitasking
(My phone keep me run over 35 apps in 1 time..and let me switching without lag at all..I playin'my favourite music,msn and skype video call is running,open my text msg,web browsing..etc..again..not juz in original apps likes icrap)
A device that fulfills these criteria is, to me, a real smartphone..
- ?
- Anonymous
- Iy0
- 12 Sep 2010
Sakthi, 12 Sep 2010what is a "real" smartphone? what can your so cal... moreMotorola droid is a real smartphone not your icrap.
It have the lowest return rate for any smartphones.
fast cpu, good reception, great voice call, works as a wifi hotspot for 4 other mobile device.
- i
- iphone4
- u{a
- 12 Sep 2010
Iphone4 is the only smartphone that uses the proper aspect ratio for watching movies.
*Posted from my iphone4 with no need for a case held correctly to prove dropped calls are lies when held properly so a case is not needed when used correctly.
- i
- iphone4
- u{a
- 12 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2010You are right!!
But not juz these..icrap phone also have... moreWe don't want all that stuff anyway.
Celebrities don't either, thats why we like iphone4
I want what the iphone4 has apps and 3g and the wifis.
And facetime poeple is the best
*Posted from my iphone4 with a case and held correctly to prove dropped calls are lies when held properly and a case is used correctly
- S
- Sakthi
- sXA
- 12 Sep 2010
BrianAW, 12 Sep 2010You are wrong.. Not juz NOKIA fans hating the icrap..als... morewhat is a "real" smartphone? what can your so called real smart phone do better than an iphone?
- i
- iphone
- u{a
- 12 Sep 2010
its a great phone
*posted from my iphone to prove there are no dropped calls when held properly
- S
- Sakthi
- sXA
- 12 Sep 2010
[deleted post]i didn't say it was..... oh well you did anyway.
prove it. show me a better phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- ib4
- 12 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2010Your iphone4 have proximity, bluetooth, antennagate & 3... moreYou are right!!
But not juz these..icrap phone also have more crap thing below :
Here is "some" totally cannot be changed after you jailbreak-i n g your iphone 4..I think all people knew that..but Im here to reposted the truth for the people who dont really know..
First,we talk on the HARDWARE cant be change and everything no on iphone 4 even you j b..
-NO 8MP,12MP
only 5 mp with led,no
-NO hdmi port
-NO usb 3.0 (USB OTG,copy
-NO surround speaker 5.1
-NO mass / phone storage
-NO external card slot
(NOKIA N900 up to 48GB)
-NO run out of yellow spot
on screen
-NO exchanged battery
-NO not dropped call
(faulty design)
-NO radio / fm transmitter
-NO camera stabalizers
-NO video stabalizers
-NO led flash 1.9,2.4,2.8
-NO camera shutter button
-NO customize setting on
-NO personalization on
any phone setting
(text sized,text color,
-NO standard sim card
(micr0 sim card)
-NO saving money
(3g call over WiFi only
iphone 4 to iphone 4 but
still paid $ when make
video call..)
-NO qwerty keyboard
-NO Bluetooth transfering
-NO downloading on web
browser "safari"
-NO real multitask
-NO widgets
-NO widset
-NO main pages
(3,6,10 pag es)
-NO office document edit
-NO smart diallin g
-NO 3d ui
-NO more video format
(3gp,mp4,mp4 2,m4a
-NO more song format
-NO animation home
-NO auto focus on cam ui
-NO more themes
-NO more apps pages
I know this article will be repor t by the know why??? Because they are juz dont want admit their lose..In facts..they are the real loser..
*Remember,I will no replying any comment from the idumb if you trying to ge t reply from me..that will make me feel likes low intelligen t when "chat" with you istupi d..
- B
- BrianAW
- ib4
- 12 Sep 2010
[deleted post]You are wrong..
Not juz NOKIA fans hating the icrap..also HTC,SAMSUNG,SONY ERICSSO N,MOTOROLA..
For me,icrap is such as toy phone..
That s NO SURPRISED that analysis said icrap will declining by 2014..