Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Sakthi
  • sXA
  • 11 Sep 2010

Depiz, 11 Sep 2010hmmm.. well, after reading other opinion.. i guess steve jo... moreWhy hello the godsend for technology, your tech skills amaze me. do enlighten an amerture here. tell me one phone that has 'better resolution display, capacitive screen, better mail sync, better browser" than iphone?

iPhone 4 has the highest resolution ever on a mobile phone, the first phone with a capacitive screen and multi touch was the iphone, iPhone mail syncs with my gmail perfectly without a dedicated gmail app. no android browser can score 100/100 on the acid3 test. so no there are no other "better" phones like you claim.

and the top end samsung galaxy doesn't support flash either you idiot! and it doesn't have a camera flash either, and it lags at times too. and super amoled might have better contrast between colours but it's not as sharp as retina display. (your preference really)

ever since the iphone there have been so many attempts at over taking the iphone called "iPhone killers" and yet every single one has failed. so shut up and get off this website. if you love your phone so much go and comment on your own page and not embarass yourself in other peoples territory.

and no, people don't buy products just for the apple logo, infact i'm not even brand loyal to apple, i just go with what ever i feel is the best at the time. i have many phones at my house at the minute, go on my discontinued website to check if you want , idiot

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • tu6
    • 11 Sep 2010

    Was worried at first but bought an iPhone 4. Wow my advice would be to ignore the negative comments. It's all worry for nothing. iPhone 4 perform fantastically with great games and apps. Battery life is good, and the camera with High Dynamic Range photography is beautiful.

    I download 2Do for organising, which can handle checklist and projects. Amazing games Minigore, Tilt to Live, Chaos Rings.

    This phone is very worth the money. I love it.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • M3s
      • 11 Sep 2010

      Using and loving it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • q{S
        • 11 Sep 2010

        Anonymous, 11 Sep 2010No worry, even unlocked phone work completely same as contr... moreUnlocking it is somewhat different from jailbreaking it.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • pV%
          • 11 Sep 2010

          Anonymous, 11 Sep 2010So you bought an iPhone 4 which was launched in Australia o... moreHave Crapple fixed the proximity sensor and bluetooth problem yet?

          Because the ios 4.1 didn't fixed that on my iphone4.

            • D
            • Depiz
            • Khs
            • 11 Sep 2010

            hmmm.. well, after reading other opinion.. i guess steve jobs is right when he said "how defect/poorly out product but as long as it have apple logo, people will buy it" ^_^

            i guess u people who apple fanatics need to grow up and think with ur brain.. lot of people even apple iphone seller no longer use iphone, why?? well, they said :
            "i buy product with technology, i'm not buying brand.. why i must buying some crappy old tech gadget when there's more high tech with the same price..?"

            well then, u guys need to think.. r u need phone with expensive brand but low tech, or u need high tech phone like other brand have (HTC or SAMSUNG). or did ur mind only knowing that the highest technology phone is iphone? than u need some research b'coz the technology in iphone is used a long time ago in HTC and SAMSUNG phone..other brand have better resolution display, capacitive screen, better mail sync, better browser, flash support...etc u name it

              • G
              • G
              • Ui{
              • 11 Sep 2010

              1)Previously I was using a Sony Ericsson C905. I have some pics and videos on it.

              2)I just bought an Iphone4 today and I can't get its bluetooth to pair with the C905, while the SE is able to link up with the Iphone4.

              3)I badly need to transfer my old stuff over to the new mobile. Could anyone please help?

              4)Many thanks.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • u44
                • 11 Sep 2010

                No worry, even unlocked phone work completely same as contract phone.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • P%n
                  • 11 Sep 2010

                  [deleted post]So you bought an iPhone 4 which was launched in Australia on 30th July (six weeks ago) and have already paid out for a Samsung Galaxy???

                  C'mon mate, pull the other one, sounds like a bit of a porky.

                  Has Samsung fixed the GPS issues yet?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • f3c
                    • 11 Sep 2010

                    Anonymous, 11 Sep 2010i discovered that there is an up coming phone from SE and i... moreAnd let me quess, your 007?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 4QC
                      • 11 Sep 2010

                      [deleted post]Good idea, you will sell it quickly because of the GREAT demand for Iphone4

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • P%n
                        • 11 Sep 2010

                        Anonymous, 11 Sep 2010No need to compare tis n tat, ask urself, this is a HANDPHO... moreI haven't had any signal issues, none, whatsoever, I can't make bars drop on my iPhone or any that I've tried to do it on.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • P%n
                          • 11 Sep 2010

                          [deleted post]iPhone 4, before that iPhone 3G my son now uses it, my other son also has one, both two years old both still going strong.

                          I had an N82 before that, a Motorola V3XX, SonyEricsson K800, Sharp GX25, Sharp GX10, Nokia 3610, SonyEricsson P910, Nokia 7610, Nokia 8210, SonyEricsson T68, Nokia 6110, Ericsson GH688, Motorola Digitac and a few others I've forgotten.

                          Eighteen years worth and iPhones are easily the best, didn't have to buy all my Apps again just sync them to the new phone.

                            • L
                            • Lulzim
                            • 3%1
                            • 11 Sep 2010

                            i never use iphone before , but i dont hate it . maybe one day i will buy iphone . i just cant understand why all are enemy with APPLE . in reality nokia suck they are still making phone running symbian . i like iphone but i use SONY ERICSSON .

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • P%n
                              • 11 Sep 2010

                              Anonymous, 11 Sep 2010He or she is not interested to tell u , just to wake stupid... moreSounds like a Satio with Android, you know the Satio that bug laden Symbian piece of junk Nokia is copying with the N8.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • P%n
                                • 11 Sep 2010

                                [deleted post]Apple has paid out over a BILLION DOLLARS to App store developers in the last two years.

                                No other company can come anywhere near matching this.

                                That's why the App store has the most Apps (250,000) and the best Apps.

                                  • a
                                  • ashay
                                  • fqt
                                  • 11 Sep 2010

                                  a new world

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • wce
                                    • 11 Sep 2010

                                    No need to compare tis n tat, ask urself, this is a HANDPHONE, so what is the most important thing for a phone? SIGNAL

                                    When there ie a signal problem, r u satisfied?
                                    Here is a place to discuss , if u keep on saying this junk is the best , r u sure u do the right job? Do u know how much pp pay for this junk, n what they get in the end?

                                    If worshippers think I-hater keep on bashing, its ok, but in the other way I-hater also think worshippers keep on worshipping

                                    So don't u ever say pp not afford this junk, this junk don't cost u million of dollar ,I'm pretty sure those who don't buy this junk is more clever

                                    I've notice this gsmarena keep on deleting useful comment , if they realy need to do so, why don't they delete those who worship too much comment, gsmarena know very well this junk have problem, don't they?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • wce
                                      • 11 Sep 2010

                                      [deleted post]He or she is not interested to tell u , just to wake stupid I-diot4 worshippers from day dream , his or her point is to open ur blind eyes , don't try to brainwash urself, a dog shizt will remain shitz n don't hope to become delicious food

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • utk
                                        • 11 Sep 2010

                                        the touch is amazing...finally a multi task fone from is good..looks sweet
                                        downside is there are a load o bugs
                                        n cheaper fones offer better reliabilty , more features n value for money..