Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • FJT
  • 09 Sep 2010

[deleted post]And how can you say that the iphone is outdated. How many phones out there have a processor higher than 1gz, 512mb of ram, has a gyroscope, has a game center, has the retina display, has hdr for its camera? I'm sorry, but again, you are just hating. The iphone fits the description of a smartphone. Professional reviews puts it under the category of smartphones. You have no credentials to say otherwise. Your n8 has not proved anything yet. I think you're just angry because your n8 is not doing as well as the iphone4's preorder numbers :) You nokia fans have been bragging since the n96, and nothing happened, lol. The high end category no longer cares for symbian. It's between the ios, android, blackberry os, and winmo7.

The iphone's gyroscope has tremendously improved the iphone's map apps and games as well. So you cannot discredit it's importance. Other phones are already trying to integrate gyroscope technology into their future devices.

The users speak. And millions love the iphone4. There's only a few who would go for a high end symbian device. Only die hard nokia fans like you would stick with symbian.

    • m
    • mr vodafone
    • Mx@
    • 09 Sep 2010

    obviuosly the people who slag off the iphone 4 are people who havent been allowed to upgrade yet to have one or cannot afford to buy one outright the iphone 4 is simply the best selling phone on the market i.e. the 3gs made better

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • FJT
      • 09 Sep 2010

      revosa, 09 Sep 2010Man this phone really sucks, it doesnt ve videocalling over... moreI think you're just hating. Iphone4 has video calling over 3g via fring. As for radio, it has Pandora and other radio apps which is way better than fm radio. And I don't know how you can say that the apps for the iphone are not fully developed. Can you please expound on that? The iphone outsold all nokia flagships, so I don't see how nokia flagships could be better than the iphone if more users prefer the iphone.

        • B
        • Bravo
        • Mfx
        • 09 Sep 2010

        [deleted post]Hey Cloud thats the way to go
        You rock mahn....Iam an iphone user as well but i couldnt see the point why we have to judge people for what they own...that is what you call Self Discrimination.....
        Come on Anonymous watch your comment coz boastfulness will only take you down the drain...CHILEX

          • r
          • revosa
          • 2SN
          • 09 Sep 2010

          Man this phone really sucks, it doesnt ve videocalling over 3g network and also no radio and most of the applications are not developed yet. Nokia is announcing better models than this bullshit at some affordable prices. Even Samsung has better fones than this one.
          I ll give it 2 of 10

            • H
            • Henry
            • 2IX
            • 09 Sep 2010

            I just got my iphone 4 a few days ago. Twice it hanged and white apple appears. Is this a known issue? I had to press both buttons to get it reset again.

              • H
              • Hughesers
              • 9xt
              • 09 Sep 2010

              I've been sitting on the fence about iPhones for a long time now - everyone tells me how good they are, but thats also my issue, they are everywhere, I like to be different.
              In saying this however, I would buy one if it was dual SIM, and the SIM slots were accessible.

                • A
                • Allan
                • q{S
                • 09 Sep 2010

                [deleted post]Yet you are more concerned about someone who uses the word pussy then someone who says the bible is a bunch of fairy tales.You certainly dont stand up for what you believe in.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4QC
                  • 09 Sep 2010

                  Best antenna around :
                  from ANANDTECH
                  I was shocked that calls and data worked seemingly unfazed at -113 dBm. It seems as though this increased 8 dBm of range below -113 dBm was meant to show really how much more sensitive the radio stack is - it undeniably is more sensitive. Both Anand and I were able to hang onto calls all the way down at -121 dBm.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 4QC
                    • 09 Sep 2010

                    Best antenna in the industry :

                    Gizmodo reports that iOS 4.1 has reincluded the Field Test mode to iOS. Field Test mode allows you to get a numerical figure for your antenna strength rather than the traditional bar measure. To get to Field Mode:
                    • First, upgrade your iPhone 4—or any iPhone—to iOS 4.1.
                    • Dial *3001#12345#* into your phone [and press Call].

                    Pressing Home will exit you from the Field Test mode. For reference, Anandtech provides a good discussion about bar strength and signal values. Since that article was published, Apple has remapped the signal strength to # of bar ratio. More negative numbers are worse, and Anandtech reports they were surprised they were able to hold calls with signals as low as -113db.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • FJT
                      • 09 Sep 2010

                      Btw, for those looking for an alternative browser for your iphone. Try Atomic browser app. It's a really nice full screen browser for the iphone and ipad. I've pretty much replace safari with it. Check it out.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • FJT
                        • 09 Sep 2010

                        [deleted post]Have you triee Game Center yet? I wonder how that one works, although I'm not really that big on games. How's the speed? Have you tried to take pictures to try out its HDR feature? Can't wait to update when I get home.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • FJT
                          • 08 Sep 2010

                          Anonymous, 08 Sep 20104.1 has been released, 589 MB download for iPhone 4I know. I can't wait to go home and update to 4.1. I've heard that HDR and Game Center are awesome, and that the iphone4 is even faster than it already is. How exciting.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • P%n
                            • 08 Sep 2010

                            4.1 has been released, 589 MB download for iPhone 4

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • uNV
                              • 08 Sep 2010

                              IPhone volume quality bad.heat while charging.cant even play flash.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • FJT
                                • 08 Sep 2010

                                I don't trust reviews anymore. Went to a Verizon store to check out the droids and the galaxy s (or whatever it's called for verizon), and oh my goodness, how can they say that those devices are as smooth to use as the iphone? And the build quality are just way below iphone quality. I don't get those reviews. Makes me wonder sometimes if they're just being paid, or maybe they just feel bad for the others lagging behind the iphone and think that in order to keep the competition healthy, they need to make it seem like the other phones are on par with the iphone, when in reality, they're all so far behind the iphone.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • FJT
                                  • 08 Sep 2010

                                  cruise, 08 Sep 2010If we are comparing technology with Japan and the rest of t... moreIncluding a feature or technology on a device is one thing. Implementing it for general use is another. If Japanese phones are so advanced, how come a good number of Japanese users still bought the iphone4?

                                  Does it make sense for a phonemaker to incorporate 4g or 5g or 6g technology on a device if it's not widely supported by carriers? Who's going to use it?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • y0y
                                    • 08 Sep 2010

                                    ToKEd, 08 Sep 2010USD 1320 for this phone is it worth to buy for my little ... moreThe nokia n8 cost only $545 compared to your ijunk4 which cost twice the price of the n8.
                                    compared with the n8 the n8 is a way better bang for your buckssss.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Rbp
                                      • 08 Sep 2010

                                      ToKEd, 08 Sep 2010USD 1320 for this phone is it worth to buy for my little ... moreThe nokia n8 cost only $545 in the USA and the nokia n8 have no reception problem.
                                      compared the nokia n8 with the ijunk4 on this website and judge for yourself.

                                        • T
                                        • ToKEd
                                        • txj
                                        • 08 Sep 2010

                                        USD 1320
                                        for this phone
                                        is it worth to buy for my little sister?
                                        Need recommendation