Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • KxV
  • 29 Aug 2010

Ninja, 29 Aug 2010I want to buy iPhone 4G but how can I know it original or n... more" hold it that way " if signal drop ,YES , it is the original stupid featureless iPhone4 , if the signal don drop, then it is fake

    • g
    • goair
    • Y}y
    • 29 Aug 2010

    Anonymous, 29 Aug 2010How can two tiny crappy phone speakers come anywhere near t... morethere u go,another apple fan boy defending d icrap,all u fans of d ishit,first understand what d crap lacks n den answer to dat,d ques. Is does d icrap hav stereo speakers??d answer is dats d answer to d ques rather dan diverting d issue 2 those silly docks,

      • N
      • Ninja
      • PWa
      • 29 Aug 2010

      I want to buy iPhone 4G but how can I know it original or not original?

        • J
        • Jack
        • 0mv
        • 29 Aug 2010

        Can you use and buy itunes items if your country does not have an app store ? Can i just use my credit card to buy apps ? thanks ( Device is not jialbroken , it is locked on vodafone )

          • J
          • Joshua Trump
          • tWi
          • 29 Aug 2010

          I just bought my Iphone 4 with those free bumper as they claim will fix the antenna problem. I had it for 2 days and then when i charged it, it exploded unexpectedly good thing i was charging it outdoors near the veranda near our house swimming pool.

          I am so disappointed so i returned it to the apple store where my dad first bought it in capertino. then they said that i was not charging it properly because i did charge it outdoors.

          I said its pathetic. lame excuse.

          iphone sucks bigtime.

          i'm from monaco. i speak little english. i hate steve jobs phone. monaco hates iphone4

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PNj
            • 29 Aug 2010

            jeffs brother, 29 Aug 2010How can mono sound from the iphone4 beat stereo sound from... moreHow can two tiny crappy phone speakers come anywhere near the quality of a 150 watt 12" sub and 5 100 watt satellite speakers fed by an iPhone sitting in an iPod dock on a 100 watt per channel amplifier, a six speaker car system or even a set of high end headphones, the sound quality blows you away (and the neighbours).

              • j
              • jeffs brother
              • PUr
              • 29 Aug 2010

              How can mono sound from the iphone4 beat stereo
              sound from a samsung?

              It doesn't even have a radio as well.

              Must suck been an Applefan and say stereo doesn't matter,nor does a radio.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • PNj
                • 29 Aug 2010

                Anonymous, 29 Aug 2010sound is perfect without stereo sounds, you are a for iphon... moreIn the table of figures based on the testing of the sound quality by GSM Arena, what do you think the "Stereo Crosstalk" column represents?

                Keep digging a deeper hole for yourself.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • k2n
                  • 29 Aug 2010

                  Anonymous, 29 Aug 2010"Audio quality impresses It's hardly a secret that al... moresound is perfect without stereo sounds, you are a for iphone4 dummy.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PNj
                    • 29 Aug 2010

                    Adam, 29 Aug 2010Yeah, but if you lose/have it stolen/break your iPhone 4, y... moreInsurance is $10 a month, it takes a week to process a claim.

                    I've got MobileMe so can track my phone and see where it is, send a message making it play a sound even when on silent, lock it and remote wipe it.

                      • J
                      • Jason
                      • 95H
                      • 29 Aug 2010

                      Hey guys here's a great website which gives a lot of info about iphone/ipod touch jailbreaking for those who are interested or confused about the process. I would really recommend jailbreaking to all iphone 4 owners - it's so easy to do and opens up so many doors! Even a regular iphone is so cool, a jailbroken one is even better!

                      Here's the site:

                        • A
                        • Adam
                        • wg9
                        • 29 Aug 2010

                        Anonymous, 27 Aug 2010In Australia iPhone 4's are free on plans, you can't get ch... moreYeah, but if you lose/have it stolen/break your iPhone 4, you're looking at having to pay out your contract and your phone at once, making huge ETC repayments or fees. If you are smart, you'd either take up insurance (which can take up to six months to complete a claim) or have your phone on a mobile repayment option, which allows you to swap to newer plans without penalty and just repay the handset over the remainder of your existing contract.

                          • K
                          • Kristina
                          • whB
                          • 29 Aug 2010

                          iPhone 4 is the best than iPhone 3GS because it has a good feature but then, I dont want it because the shape. I really want to buy if the iPhone 4's shape is like the iPhone 3GS. So, I prefer to buy the 3GS than iPhone 4.

                          Thats all I can say.. Thank you

                            • J
                            • Jason
                            • 95c
                            • 29 Aug 2010

                            Hey iphone 4 is the best! For the past four years I've been using BlackBerry, most recently the Bold 9700. I considered getting the new Torch 9800, but decided against it. Bought the iphone 4 a couple weeks ago and am in love with it man! It's actually my first iphone. Now I don't need to carry my old ipod classic everywhere I go. I finally see what all the fuss is about - everything is just so smooth on the iphone. My friend just showed me how to jailbreak the device - incredible! Guys, if you want to buy this phone, don't hesitate... just do it!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • P%n
                              • 29 Aug 2010

                              [deleted post]When?

                              Link please.

                              Talk about brainless.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • P%n
                                • 29 Aug 2010

                                [deleted post]"Audio quality impresses
                                It's hardly a secret that all the previous iPhones had perfectly clean audio output with relatively low volume being their only problem. However Apple have obviously done the right thing and fixed that here, making the iPhone 4 one of the best music player among the mobile phones that we have seen.
                                In fact the iPhone 4 is identical to the iPad tablet as far as audio output is concerned (volume levels included), which makes us suspect that Apple have somehow managed to squeeze similar hardware inside.
                                But let's cut the small talk and give you the results so you can see for yourselves what a great music player the iPhone 4 is. It might be about time that you retired that old iPod of yours."


                                GSM Arena - Apple iPhone 4 review: Love it or hate it p7

                                "The Galaxy S audio quality is great but not iPhone 4-perfect.
                                For this shootout we decided to do something more than our usual audio quality test and recorded each of the handsets twice. The first two rows of the table below contain the numbers we usually publish - this is the performance of the handset when plugged into an active amplifier (i.e. your car stereo or your home audio system). It's the best the handsets can deliver as there is no additional resistance they have to deal with."


                                GSM Arena - Samsung I9000 Galaxy S vs. Apple iPhone 4: Collision course p6

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P%n
                                  • 29 Aug 2010

                                  [deleted post]"Audio quality impresses
                                  It's hardly a secret that all the previous iPhones had perfectly clean audio output with relatively low volume being their only problem. However Apple have obviously done the right thing and fixed that here, making the iPhone 4 one of the best music player among the mobile phones that we have seen.
                                  In fact the iPhone 4 is identical to the iPad tablet as far as audio output is concerned (volume levels included), which makes us suspect that Apple have somehow managed to squeeze similar hardware inside.
                                  But let's cut the small talk and give you the results so you can see for yourselves what a great music player the iPhone 4 is. It might be about time that you retired that old iPod of yours."


                                  "The Galaxy S audio quality is great but not iPhone 4-perfect.
                                  For this shootout we decided to do something more than our usual audio quality test and recorded each of the handsets twice. The first two rows of the table below contain the numbers we usually publish - this is the performance of the handset when plugged into an active amplifier (i.e. your car stereo or your home audio system). It's the best the handsets can deliver as there is no additional resistance they have to deal with."


                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • P%n
                                    • 29 Aug 2010

                                    [deleted post]Why do they advertise cars as having iPod docks then?

                                    Like BMW's?

                                      • m
                                      • meow meow
                                      • Kx{
                                      • 29 Aug 2010

                                      Jessica, 29 Aug 2010Iphone 4 is the best. Oh and by the way, I also have a Dell... morei also have ipad but is for gf pussy.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Iax
                                        • 29 Aug 2010

                                        Anonymous, 29 Aug 2010Posted from my iPhone 4 with excellent reception and the cl... moreOh gosh, someone boasting about their primitive multitasking which just got officially implemented into iphone.
                                        What happened to excuses that multitaskin isnt needed and wastes battery.?