Apple iPhone 4
- P
- Peter
- vwi
- 01 Aug 2010
And let me also add that I think the moderators of this site are doing a terrible job. I often post sensible, useful posts and I get the message "Your post will be published once it is approved by a moderator." If that message comes up, the post never gets published! Most of the time though, the post immediately gets added.
Shouldn't the moderators here delete posts that obviously make no sense and are written by haters? Funnny how the posting rules clearly state: "No bashing - deliberately and repeatedly bashing the same brand".... "Be polite and use common sense"... "Please no foul language"... Oh, and the funniest one: "English only." (I can only dream about that!!!!)
Yeah right! I think the moderators need to do a better job of actually MODERATING this forum so that it actually sounds like a useful place instead of a bunch of 10 year olds fighing over a toy.
- P
- Peter
- vwi
- 01 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010What are you talking about? The iphone's multitasking... moreQUOTE: "What are you talking about? The iphone's multitasking is the smartest one. It knows which apps to run in the background and which ones to suspend, making it very efficient and uncompromising."
Yes! You hit the nail right on the head! See my below post as well. That's what many people here don't seem to understand. And the funny part is that most people just read articles that may say "oh yeah the iPhone 4 does not give full multitasking.." blah blah blah.... and they make these stupid assumptions..
People, the iPhone 4 DOES have multitasking. It's just that Apple controls particluar Apps...that is, certain apps may simply pause in the background if they don't need to go on running. Have you people actually tried "real multitasking" on an Android? Isn't is slow? Doesn't the battery get drained easily? And don't even mention multitasking on Symbian! I had a Nokia E71 (good phone) and the battary life was not bad...but if you tried to run more than 3 apps in the background, it was a nightmare!
The multitasking on the iPhone 4 is more than sufficient.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 01 Aug 2010
Ally, 01 Aug 2010I have a BB Storm and i find it hard to use im not dumb i g... moreiPhone 4's work very well in Australia they sold out pretty quick so you will probably have to wait.
- P
- Peter
- vwi
- 01 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010i would like to ask you really know what is the mul... moreWhat is all this about multitasking? Most of you people here who go on about multitaking, do you even know what it is and do you even use it?
Yes, there IS multitaking on the iPhone 4. It's just controlled to some extent by Apple to improve battery life. For example, if you are running Pandora and you want to open another App, you can do that without a problem. If you are using the net and you want to open another App, no problem. Certain apps may pause instead of simply running in the's better that way because it saves on the battery.
As a result of Apple's system, the phone will crash much less often than Android phones and run faster as well.
The way Android handles multi-tasking is an abomination. It's just plain wreckless. I don't like the phone being totally open to anyone. It's not a PC, it's a phone. I can't afford to have my phone crashing because someone wrote a virus or malware for it. With Apple they control exactly what can be used and sold in the store so programmers have to meet a certain level of coding and a certain level of security with people's information when it comes to getting their apps approved. Apple's model, in my opinion, makes more sense for the phone. The Windows model or in this case the Android model makes more sense for a PC.
Saying that Android is growing by leaps and bounds is fine, but look at what it was when it came out. Of course it's growing there was nothing else for it to do other than get better! I think Android is a great alternative to the iOS, but honestly the battery life of those phones are awful. I have yet to speak to someone who has the antenna problems and I know a number of people who have iPhone 4. I have yet to speak with a satisfied Android customer even among my more pragmatic programmer friends some of whom actually have the Samsung Galaxy S or the Nexus One. Some of those people own Mac computers but Android phones and they complain the battery life is a serious problem for them on their phones.
Yes, complete "mutitaking" is great, but not at the expense of battery life and system problems. At the moment, usiing three apps simultaneously on the iPhone 4 is a much better experience than using the same three apps on a typical Android phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 01 Aug 2010
c.l.i.t, 01 Aug 2010You are so blind, blind that while poorly paid people slave... moreYou do know that iPhones are made in the same Foxconn factories as Nokia phones.
- P
- Peter
- vwi
- 01 Aug 2010
Dani, 01 Aug 2010I'm not surprised they are so many haters on this page. iPh... more"I'm not surprised they are so many haters on this page. iPhone 4 is the best at the moment.
I got to test the Galaxy S, HTC Desire and a few others but honestly they all felt cheap with the cheap plastic materials and the Android OS is a wannabe iPhone OS.
Not saying it in a hatred way. I respect the Android for it's customisability etc etc but i still prefer the iPhone OS for everyday use and quality.
Nokia's Symbian is out of the question completely. The N900 Maemo 5 is hardly available anywhere and is expensive so that's out of reach.
iPhone is still the king. That's why it is selling in it's Millions Worldwide. It's the best"
Haha! Yeah the haters are so funny. But you get these at all messageboards so it's nothing really unique to the iPhone. It's just that the iPhone is so popluar that it gets the most haters. Kinda like sports..just go to an ESPN'll get the most haters on articles on the NY Yankees, LA Lakers, and Manchester United.
And you can distinguish haters so easily because they're posts are so stupid and unintelligent..most of them sound like 5-10 year olds!
And 90-95% of the haters here have never even used the iPhone 4! That's the strangest and funniest part! They just post comments because of what they think they know!
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 01 Aug 2010
Max Scott Killian, 01 Aug 2010iPhone don't have Mobile Tracker like Samsung Phones...Once... moreTypical ignorance you have no idea, do you, just mouth off with lies:-
"MobileMe's Find My iPhone Feature Used To Track Down Robbers, Again
Apple’s Find My iPhone feature has once again had a hand in returning an iPhone to its rightful owner after it had been stolen, and thankfully this time the victim decided to turn to the police instead of trying to personally solve the case.
The victim, whose name has been withheld, told the Pittsburgh police that three robbers held him at gunpoint, which later turned out to be a pellet gun, and forced him to hand over his wallet, PIN number, and iPhone. After the confrontation he quickly called police and cancelled all of his credit cards, but he didn’t stop there.
Later on in the day, the victim decided to use MobileMe’s Find My iPhone feature to attempt to hunt down the perpetrators, assuming they weren’t savvy enough to realize the iPhone’s capabilities and simply shut the device off. As it turns out, they weren’t. The Pittsburgh Police were able to apprehend the suspects at a local restaurant after the victim had tracked their location.
The three suspects remain in police custody and they will be charged with two counts each of access device fraud, conspiracy, receiving stolen property and possessing instruments of crime.
The moral of the story is that crime really doesn’t pay, especially when you are trying to steal an iPhone.
[Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]"
The Samsung sends a text message when the SIM is changed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tVs
- 01 Aug 2010
Mark, 30 Jul 2010I am using an HTC phone, I have been using mobile phones si... morehaha u sound like an id!0t tat noes snakes r poisonous yet still sticks his hands in it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nyG
- 01 Aug 2010
narcolepsy, 01 Aug 2010I don't hate the iphone I just don't like the whole apple c... moreThe trick is to get it free of charge/paid for by your network provider:D!
- c
- c.l.i.t
- f3b
- 01 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010Get a life and a real phone IPHONE4 is the best.THE END!!You are so blind, blind that while poorly paid people slave away for a meager salary making your precious iPhone and the devil's little ba$ tard son (Steve Jobs) and his greedy f@cktard shareholders gets all the profit from overcharging you blind wannabe must have the latest gizmo sheep.
You know why I like movies like Independence Day and War of the Worlds?
Because all the humans die!
- n
- narcolepsy
- wvP
- 01 Aug 2010
I don't hate the iphone I just don't like the whole apple control. I'm in New Zealand and this has just been released for $1499 dollars, way to expensive when you can get a Samsung Wave here for $570. They are very similar phones both with there plus and minus, but $900 dollars difference in price. C'mon Steve your taking the piss aren't ya!!
- A
- Ally
- 2GG
- 01 Aug 2010
I have a BB Storm and i find it hard to use im not dumb i get it but not really suitable for me. My husband has an iphone 3gs and loves it. My BB is dying so im off to get a new phone tomorrow. i looked at the iphone 4 it felt alittle funny not as smooth as the 3gs but other than that i think it should be ok. I'm worried about buying it as all the reports about the phone i don't want to buy a dud is it worth getting the ip4 or just get the 3gs and upgrade to ip4 software. I want the iphone 4 cause its the latest one out and it seen silly to buy an older verision. Who is happy with the 4? please if u hate Apple don't reply im not an apple person fan as i have never had one but my hubby has and he has never looked back. I just want real replys back about it not I hate apple people complaining. I also live in Australia so im not sure if that makes a difference.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibc
- 01 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010Getting an iphone4 is not the same as getting real life. ... more100% agreed!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibc
- 01 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010Lol, you do not know what you are talking about. The ... moreCopy cat iphone..
apple juz know copy others brand feature and still lame,outdated..
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibc
- 01 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010What are you talking about? The iphone's multitasking... morei would like to ask you really know what is the multitasking???
go and see the device..
is help you to know what is..
smartphones & real multitasking !!!!!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01 Aug 2010
Max Scott Killian, 01 Aug 2010iPhone don't have Mobile Tracker like Samsung Phones...Once... moreLol, you do not know what you are talking about. The iphone has several iphone tracking apps. It also has mobile me.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010Apple iphone4 can't do a real multitasking... so it's not a... moreWhat are you talking about? The iphone's multitasking is the smartest one. It knows which apps to run in the background and which ones to suspend, making it very efficient and uncompromising.
- b
- bien
- t7P
- 01 Aug 2010
excuse me all samsung omnia is smarphone run windows powered 6.5 upgradable to windows 7.... samsung has a good resolution ultra amoled and super amoled with 1GHZ processor... iphone is not smartphone because is run ios4.. windows powered and android the only OS called smartphone. not iphone IOS4 and Symbian OS for nokia...
- ?
- Anonymous
- uEB
- 01 Aug 2010
Good article....
It's predict the death of iphone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uEB
- 01 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010Get a life and a real phone IPHONE4 is the best.THE END!!Getting an iphone4 is not the same as getting real life.
If you want a good looking (phone) girlfriend to show off, but reliability is not your focus, then get an iphone4.
If you want a good looking (phone) girlfriend that can also act like a good housewife, that can support you, understand you, and doesn't have their own rule (no flash, iStore only), and also not forcing you to be a thief on your own house (jailbreaking), then Nokia, especially N8 is your choice.
Iphone4 is LAME.... no real multi tasking, no flash, apps only from istore (thus being controlled by little brother), must jailbreak if want to do something not blessed by iSteve. Lame phone...