Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- kJX
- 31 Jul 2010
[deleted post]the date is proper.
month, day , year.
look at the date of posts on here. Month ,day. I've seen year as 3rd more then 1st.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 31 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 31 Jul 2010I find it amazing how some ifans are so elated by the fact ... moreIt means that Apple has plenty of money for R&D, customer support and will remain strong.
Unlike companies who call things open source then hand it over to volunteer slaves to do the work without pay.
- B
- Bill gates
- mEk
- 31 Jul 2010
I upgraded from 3gs to iphone4 and I hate it.... My call cut off all the time because I'm left handed ( why god?.... why did you make me like this? ) just joking it's not gods fault it's my employers apple. I'm not a hater like all you zombies that keep saying hater. (This is not a case of love it or hate it) it doesn't work because of the hardware issue can you zombies not see that? I work for apple and after all the secret meetings that we have been having I would to tell you to just take it back to the store you purchase it from asap before it's to late and get your self a htc with windows on it or something like that... Just joking!! Lol
- x
- xxxxxx
- 4CJ
- 31 Jul 2010
The blackberry bold 9800 will be comming to AT&T on 08/03/2010, the iphone 4 is now dead in it's tracks.
- x
- xxxxxx
- 4CJ
- 31 Jul 2010
the blackberry bold 9800 will be comming to at&t on 08/03/2010, iphone is now dead in it's tracks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCe
- 31 Jul 2010
what is the reason to use the phone with only micro sim???? nonsense.....why not normal sim?
- ?
- Anonymous
- UGj
- 31 Jul 2010
I find it amazing how some ifans are so elated by the fact apple is earning so much with so little revenue. it only means they are paying for a product thats extremely overprice. I find it even more hilarious that ifans actually find it a joy to contribute money to the shareholders of apple. Its like you entering an apple store and present it with a $1000 bill and say, here apple i loves you, im giving my hard earn money to you cause i simply loves you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- UGj
- 31 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 31 Jul 2010Apple’s earnings and revenue growth in mobile have been awe... moreI beg to differ. Apply did not provide a breakdown of its operation by product, how do you know how much its mobile division is earning. It Earns 3.6 Billion last quarter from all its product. Samsung earns 4.3 Billion last quarter from all of its product. How does that make Apple the most profitable company?
- c
- careem sri lanka
- PEd
- 31 Jul 2010
all i can Say is that most of the people here in i phone 4g forum take things personal with apple mostly jealous ETC ETC .i respect all the comments .guys try be mature plz we all know that we loved moto razer then nokia N95 in 2007 now the things changed we are in 2010 here we love another phone .be it Droid X ,EVO,X10, and i phone.dont give a dame about nokia Moto,SE,HTC,Iphone .
- L
- LLegoLLaS
- 3cb
- 31 Jul 2010
i ''played'' on that phone and HTC and some NOKIA is trillion times better
- L
- Lucifer
- f3b
- 31 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 31 Jul 2010Apple’s earnings and revenue growth in mobile have been awe... moreI am certainly in awe! Apple and RIM control only 5% of the worlds cell phone sales. Yet Apple make 32% of the worlds cell phone profits. GREED, that is all. While overworked Chinese labour away making your precious iPhones for $50 a week, you gloat about how well Apple is doing. All they are doing is making a huge profit on their flawed product. GREED is a horrible thing. I bet Steve Jobs has never been to the factory where they assemble his c r a p. Steve Jobs will go to hell, he has to much arrogance and GREED
- P
- Peter
- vwi
- 31 Jul 2010
Umpalumpa, 31 Jul 2010I wont get another Apple product simply because of the arro... more"I wont get another Apple product simply because of the arrogance Steve Jobs shows. I had a 3GS. I have used a ip4 for a week, not bad but not suitable for my needs. I work in an environment with lots of yuppie trendy wannabe's. Honestly 99% of those people who have iPhones are clueless as to what it can do or can't do, I ask why they have one. The usual answer is "oh its the cool thing to have"
Haha yes you're right! Many people just think the iPhone is cool and whatever so they have to have one. They probably have no idea what the other options are! But if you are intelligent (and you sound like you are) you shouldn't worry about the other people! If you know the iPhone 4 is a great phone, buy it! Don't worry about the childish morons who just buy it because it's sexy and cool.
But hey if the iPhone 4 is not suitable for your need, that's cool too. I know that latest BlackBerry (I think it's the BlackBerry 9800 or something) seems like a really great corporate phone.
- P
- Peter
- vwi
- 31 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 31 Jul 2010In what way is it the best, oh your blinkered Steve says so... more"In what way is it the best, oh your blinkered Steve says so view no doubt. You iPhone fans need to get a grip with reality
Um...huh? IPhone fans? What exactly is an iPhone fan? I already mentioned like a dozen times that I'm NOT an iPhone fan! Before buying the iPhone 4, I had a Nokia E71 and I've tried a bunch of Android phones as well. Be a little mature when you reply please! :)
And are you talking about the iPhone video calling? If so, yes it definitely is the BEST video calling facility for cellphones. Yes, it is only available between iPhone 4s and I agree that sucks! But any smart person would realize the reason is because it is only compatible with iOS 4 and only Iphones have the iOS 4! The older versions of the iPhone don't have a front camera so how can you use video calling on them?
In the future, it may be compatible with other phones, but not at the moment. Name me any other phone with a video calling feature which is actually fun and easy to use! I first used video calling back in 2005 with the Nokia 6680 and it was awful. Sure, I thought it was cool at first but I hardly used it. I probably won't use Face Time much either because I'm not that interested in video calling in any form, but you cannot deny that it is better that what is offered by other phones.
And please stop calling people "iPhone fans/Apple fans" -- it sounds so immature like we're in school or something. I mean seriously, I have an HP computer and I last owned a Macintosh back in 1996!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- bgJ
- 31 Jul 2010
Umpalumpa, 31 Jul 2010I wont get another Apple product simply because of the arro... moreApple’s earnings and revenue growth in mobile have been awe-inspiring to witness. From zero presence three years ago, Apple (AAPL) is now the most profitable cell phone maker in the world.
- U
- Umpalumpa
- f3b
- 31 Jul 2010
Peter, 31 Jul 2010Haha...yeah you're probably right! I feel sorry for those p... moreI wont get another Apple product simply because of the arrogance Steve Jobs shows. I had a 3GS. I have used a ip4 for a week, not bad but not suitable for my needs. I work in an environment with lots of yuppie trendy wannabe's. Honestly 99% of those people who have iPhones are clueless as to what it can do or can't do, I ask why they have one. The usual answer is "oh its the cool thing to have"
- ?
- Anonymous
- f3b
- 31 Jul 2010
Peter, 31 Jul 2010"is facetime only from an iphone to iphone" Ye... moreIn what way is it the best, oh your blinkered Steve says so view no doubt. You iPhone fans need to get a grip with reality
- P
- Peter
- vwi
- 31 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 31 Jul 2010is facetime only from an iphone to iphone"is facetime only from an iphone to iphone"
Yes. In fact, it's only between an iPhone 4 and another iPhone 4 and that too, only on wi-fi. That's probably better because it would use up way too much data on 3G networks and it would be slower as well.
Not that it matters...hardly anyone uses videocalling on any phone anyway becuase the experience is so bad..that may change with the iPhone 4 but I doubt it. It's still the best video call facility available for phones do, you can't deny that.
- P
- Peter
- vwi
- 31 Jul 2010
umpalumpa, 31 Jul 2010Apple have been secretly broadcasting subliminal messages t... moreHaha...yeah you're probably right! I feel sorry for those people who just bought the iPhone for that reason! Some people who buy the iPhone are so stupid!
Which is why I'm so happy I did so much research before buying the iPhone 4. It's an amazing phone and I'm glad I didn't just buy it blindly.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fus
- 31 Jul 2010
is facetime only from an iphone to iphone
- u
- umpalumpa
- f3b
- 31 Jul 2010
Apple have been secretly broadcasting subliminal messages through the media telling people that they are nothing if they don't have the iPhone and even though it has plenty shortcomings it is still the best. It seems to have worked well, plenty feeble minded people are buying the iPhone