Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- bgJ
- 30 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 30 Jul 2010Just keep your eyes open to see how fast apple recall all t... moreCheck out the video of the Hong Kong Iphone 4 launch, tens of thousands on line Iphone inventory sold immediately, sorry I d ! ots, no returns, but BIG sales !
- M
- Mark
- 3{x
- 30 Jul 2010
I am using an HTC phone, I have been using mobile phones since 1991. I will buy the Iphone 4 because it's a nice piece of modern art and technology, I don'd care about antenna's issues, since I use a bluetooth for calls, therefore I dont't hold the phone as most of the users do. I think that most of the people who are writing stupid things about this phone are not in the position to affort it. This is a modern toy, don't hate it just because you can't buy it!
- E
- Ellysa Leah
- mE0
- 30 Jul 2010
The iPhone4 is not fit for purpose. How do you make a SOS call if you have no network? Phones are made to make calls!! not just to lesioning to music (not fit for purpose) recall, recall, recall....
- ?
- Anonymous
- mE0
- 30 Jul 2010
Just keep your eyes open to see how fast apple recall all the iPhone 4. Because it's not fit for purpose. (Samsung Galaxy S is better!) Just check it out in YouTube.
- n
- name_me
- tjF
- 30 Jul 2010
PPL who don't like Iphone4 please leave this page! I hope to get info about people experiences and opinions. may get some useful tips too but not bad mouth on each other phones. No matter what U HATERS say over here will not change the fact! Iphone 4 still sell like hot cakes! Look at other countries pay extra to get Iphone4 on first hand! Love ur own phone and leave other alone! HATERS!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- LxG
- 30 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 30 Jul 2010Do you feel sorry also for these guys ?
The real problem o... moreYou can’t say it is a worldwide success if it don’t sell world wide.
And if it is so great why are sales slowing down now and the Droid X outselling it?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Yd}
- 30 Jul 2010
Bad Apple, 30 Jul 2010I feel sorry for you and clonded fan like you, because you ... moreDo you feel sorry also for these guys ?
The real problem of Apple is ti make enough Iphone 4
Line at the Apple store in Ottawa Canada :
Give up un your silly criticism Iphone 4 is a worldwide SUCCESS
- ?
- Anonymous
- wfB
- 30 Jul 2010
Bad Apple, 30 Jul 2010I feel sorry for you and clonded fan like you, because you ... moreIf a product makes someone happy 'Bad Apple' it's fulfilled its purpose. I worked yesterday at a telo provider for the Iphone release in Perth and found people love the phone for all different reasons. You obviously value a phone based on lack of negatives whereas others base there opinion on the positives.
We sold over 100 Iphones and used our demo phone to make calls all day, had no complaints or dropped reception bars/calls.
Yes, apparently this phone has minor reception problems but if you appreciate the product as a whole, you may see how lovely the phone actually is.
- D
- Danny
- Mx@
- 30 Jul 2010
Hi, i work for vodafone i can see alot of people complainig about the iphone 4 and in one case somebody said the nokia n97 is a better phone!?! i work for vodafone i see the amount of complaints we get about the nokia n97 this phone has more problems than any other i have seen! and the BB again has alot of complaints either the touch pad isnt working or its too complicated! yes i agree the iphone 4 does have an issue with the signal but that is one problem! this is nothing compaired to all that the phone will give you in terms of a mp3/mp4 player! and then u have the ui! im sorry but u can not compaire the n97 to the iphone 4! or a bb! bb is a business man's tool. the n97 is for people who have no sence and cant think for 5 mins that am i making a good choice in handset? no your not your buying the worst nokia! the old 3210 was more reliable than the n97!
the iphone 4 is a great all round handset as the figures show!
i own an iPhone 4 myself i love it is the best phone i have ever owned!
- ?
- Anonymous
- qNu
- 30 Jul 2010
long live the king iphone 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- e
- eastwood
- M3s
- 30 Jul 2010
just got mine from malta,you know back hander there all at it over there you know what i mean. 35 quid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- e
- eastwood
- M3s
- 30 Jul 2010
just got mine from malta,you know back hander there all at it over there you know what i mean
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sft
- 30 Jul 2010
Anyone in the UK having trouble with the iPhone4? I've been offered one as an upgrade by 3UK.
- A
- 2ZH
- 30 Jul 2010
actually some are right and the same time wrong! right because iphone4 really have an antena issue not the network its because they release the first batch too early without checking much bout the quality but dont worry the problem occurd for the first batch release and wrong because some people claim that their iphone4 working fine special in australia, actually the iphone4 that released in australia was second batch! and all the problem already solve before they release it in other country's market! hope this problem solve! dont argue over little things even bill gates have a problem with their products before!
- r
- rana
- vId
- 30 Jul 2010
this is ultimate phone if u compare some other phone
- d
- dilan
- PEd
- 30 Jul 2010
hi is this iphone can make video calls with on 3g network? or only by wifi network?
- J
- John
- p2m
- 30 Jul 2010
F#^K The İphone 4
BB time
- v
- vasu
- uH%
- 30 Jul 2010
shall i go for buying Iphone 4G mobile? Can u help me, how it will work regarding voice, maintaince.options related to present market
- ?
- Anonymous
- vjs
- 30 Jul 2010
iphone 4 cool man!!! antenna is perfect!
- ?
- Anonymous
- wgW
- 30 Jul 2010
Really bad antenna hardware. Hardware!. No software update is going to fix it. The rubber case doesnt fix the problex at all lol. iPhone 4 = fail