Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4QC
- 23 Jul 2010
Bad apple, 23 Jul 2010you are not telling the truth and you know it, everyone kno... moreThe antenna design in Iphone 4 is excellent beaming frequecies in and out of the lower external corner away from your head, much better than inside the plastic case like the other phones, I do not want 1900 MGHZ beaming at my skull !!
Iphone 4 works great, owner are VERY happy and people are not returning it and millions are still in line waiting for it !
- c
- cruise
- i5B
- 23 Jul 2010
Graham, 23 Jul 2010When will iPhone 4 work with regular video calling over the... moreGraham, Nope it won't. You will need a wifi system and then if you use facetime you will need another person with the same iphone 4 to chat with you. Or else you're a loner. Not too sure if skype works with this. Haven't been tested yet.
- c
- cruise
- i5B
- 23 Jul 2010
Alman, 23 Jul 2010Cruise, buy the iPhone 4 with a case like the Otterbox Defe... moreWell I hope that the case will be free if I do purchase an Iphone 4. I guess if there is a major problem hopefully I can get my money back. Just want to have 10 other opinions before I really commit to buying a hefty priced handset. Because if people are complaining that this is really a design fault then its a no go area for me. If someone has used an orange, Vodafone, T-mobile and the O2 signal compared to the rest is good when holding the phone in a different way and there are no drops in the O2 calls then I know its a carrier fault not really functioning with the phone itself.
- G
- Graham
- Sdd
- 23 Jul 2010
When will iPhone 4 work with regular video calling over the 3G network??
- A
- Alman
- 0Y0
- 23 Jul 2010
cruise, 23 Jul 2010What carrier are you on? O2, Vodafone or Orange? When I was... moreCruise, buy the iPhone 4 with a case like the Otterbox Defender Cases or any case you like to cover the antenna displays. Trust me there will be no problem no matter where you go. The previous updates has fixed the Bars and Calls issues. Don't believe on these false stories about iPhone 4. Most of them here don't even have the iPhone 4.
- c
- cruise
- i5B
- 23 Jul 2010
Alman, 23 Jul 2010Buy the iPhone 4 either on contract or unlock, don't believ... moreWhat carrier are you on? O2, Vodafone or Orange? When I was in the Apple store the signal strength was good even when I covered the outer band. It was on O2. I definately know that if you go to San Francisco there is absolutely no signal there with AT&T. Confused.. Has anyone else found that there were signal failures/dropped calls on other mobile carriers?
- B
- Bad apple
- 95H
- 23 Jul 2010
Alman, 23 Jul 2010Buy the iPhone 4 either on contract or unlock, don't believ... moreyou are not telling the truth and you know it, everyone knows the reception on iphone4 is very poor, even when its hold by right hand, the technology for antena its totally different to 3gs, that is why overal the reception is very poor, not manting you hold it with left hand without any exception you would lose signal, and you call this a false story?!! I suggest you wake up and do some good reading, soon you would realize how bad the antena is, the basic function which is making phone calls don't work!!!!!
- A
- Alman
- 0Y0
- 23 Jul 2010
cruise, 23 Jul 2010Is that a fact that it does produce a high level of radiati... moreBuy the iPhone 4 either on contract or unlock, don't believe those false stories and exaggerations about drop calls. I never experienced no problem with my iPhone 4 since I bought it on June 24.
- c
- cruise
- i5B
- 23 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 22 Jul 2010orry, a lot of new users as well, returns ? almost non exit... moreIs that a fact that it does produce a high level of radiation for other phones apart from the Iphone? Its not really proven. I have an Iphone 3G and it works fine. I really was looking forward to purchasing the Iphone 4 but the dropping of calls was something which doesn't appeal to me. If this is a carrier problem then I would buy the phone without a contract, but if its a manufacture fault then I would avoid it. I am not sure whether Steve Jobs is trying to deny that the AT&T carrier is bad because he has contracts with them.
- d
- dynamic_gsm
- fv9
- 23 Jul 2010
Hi , does somone know when the white color going to be available?
- s
- shera
- uCk
- 23 Jul 2010
i don't know about it yet..but maybe some prefer phones with memory slots..
but maybe IF without the card'll run well/faster/efficient?
- A
- Alui
- Am9
- 23 Jul 2010
phones fan, 23 Jul 2010i like nokia phones and i must admit that the iphone is gre... more "i was waiting for any company to produce a phone with a iphone abilities plus the missing features".
Samsung Galaxy S is out since March. I blame Samsung for being so stupid and not marketing better this phone, although they sold more than a million.
But anyway, here is the best place to find your perfect phone. Use "phone finder" and I guess you'll find Galaxy S as I did:).
- s
- steve n0b
- pKs
- 23 Jul 2010
Steve jobs is a very desperate man... hence the dissing and no fixing.. tut tut how sad
Anyway, apart from the apps and slick OS (was slick 3 yrs ago.... look pretty dull, and wow!! they got wallpaper... they are moving on lol)
what else does the iphone offer?? can any 5heeps i meant fanboys give me 5 more reasons (not cosmetic wise or app software) what make this phone so amazing, powerful, magical, revolutionary, a MUST HAVE product.... please enlighten me ;)
my first mobile was an analogue and i used to work for one of Europe's biggest mobile company... No BS pls, cos i know my product :)
- b
- bad apple
- 95H
- 23 Jul 2010
Johan K, 23 Jul 2010I must admit that even with the facts that the iphone isn't... morestick very tight with your 3gs, ALSO look around and open your eyes, there are many phones out there which are far better than iphone 4, ie. Galaxy s, Wave, BRODEN your mind and open your eyes, then you would soon realize iphone 4 has nothing new to offer beside the antena issue is a big problem, drop calls left center and right! read the review and check the utube, then you would realize the scale of disaster for this phone!!! wake up please
- B
- Bad apple
- 95H
- 23 Jul 2010
one question, what do you do with bad apple? I trow it to the bin, and sadly with the phone which drops call every so often that is where it belongs! sorry fans, but I am sure you would soon realize this, nothing against apple as I think 3gs is an excellent phone, but iphone 4 was a total disaster for apple and its too late to fix it now!
- J
- Johan K
- 2ne
- 23 Jul 2010
I must admit that even with the facts that the iphone isn't perfect, I cannot imagine to go for any other divice. I would rather live with the imperfect device than to go for another one because I know NONE of them is perfect. I think it is just a matter of personal choice. I just happen to like the iphone. I know there are other phones that might perform better in certain areas but so what, my choice is the iphone. Value for money is definately not the dicisive factor because no smart phone is really worth its money. Currently I am using a iphone 3G and I can't wait for my ip4 to arrive. Hey folks, relax, don't take life soooo seriously, if your joy of life is dependant on any device you're missing good stuff!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Tu
- 23 Jul 2010
It's been almost a month now that I've had my ip4. It's just an amazing device. The display is just beautiful. I never get tired of looking at it and touching it. It's sleek, snappy, and just a wonderful and amazing device. Apple should really be proud of this device. I'm totally hooked on this device.
- p
- phones fan
- fwM
- 23 Jul 2010
Bert, 23 Jul 2010There have been so many comments about this phone. May the... morethe good sales of apple is due to this type of fans:
- B
- Bert
- s{K
- 23 Jul 2010
[deleted post]There have been so many comments about this phone. May they be good or bad. I believe is that with the marketing hype that a company sets up, they are bound to lose face somehow. Though Apple still sold a lot more iphones now than before.
As they say bad publicity is good marketing!!!