Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • R1Y
  • 22 Jul 2010

angel, 22 Jul 2010I'm laughing at people who hate iPhone and come here again ... moreangel, you sound pretty cute...
although i hope you have a little devil in you cause i wanna be the one to bring it out...
please tell me ur phone is white... you'd get bonus points for that ;)

    • S
    • Sang
    • ke3
    • 22 Jul 2010

    What a technology. Thanks apple for ur innovation .."none can compare with iPhone 4 32gb.." cannot think of another better than this. Keep up! Apple you lead as the rest follow. Edwin Kansas

      • y
      • yuo
      • qQx
      • 22 Jul 2010

      Steve Jobs enves of with would stop with menorisa better than dica than the problem is tepora all we know that Apple is one with pania millionaire one and by erro of its Apple 4G stoops is better to look for the solusino anybody him custa to lose [but steve jobs does not know to lose

        • &
        • ér77
        • qQx
        • 22 Jul 2010

        Apple is a weeping one like " bebe' '

          • a
          • angel
          • 32x
          • 22 Jul 2010

          I'm laughing at people who hate iPhone and come here again and again just to tell how bad it is:)))
          again and again:)))
          poor people:)
          and vote the phone down, again and again... what, almost 29,000 votes and guess who voted the most?:))
          yea, right:)
          anyway, I had all crap, HTC HD2, SE Xperia 10 and so on,
          I even won't talk about Nokia:))
          iPhone is the best phone ever, and I'm pretty sure it will be for long future :)
          nothing more to say here.

            • E
            • Engineer Man
            • n5Q
            • 22 Jul 2010

            So are apple users happy with well apple. Yes they are because the touch interface is simple, quick, easy & consistent & does that well with good smooth actions. Glorious skins.

            Abilities aside & not so good with not much in the way of customizability. I think that is the epicentre of apples problems with end users that want to have more funtionality available to them. The OS needs to be also more complient & controllable by end users actions & particular use of them to be specific to their need of use.

            Technologies that are restricted to apples own proprietary convention system with more apis are being opened up to be more compatible, controllable in some ways but not enough. Cross compliancy also needs to be more compatible & useful.

            Any comments, actions expressed are sololey the opinions of the author & are not meant to cause bias, upsets or sarcasm of any nature.


              • E
              • Engineer Man
              • n5Q
              • 22 Jul 2010

              Apple may once have been the dominant OS provide to provide a simpl, easy, smooth & fast user interaction which does make all the difference to giving the end user with a better experience.

              However functionality wise that is a very different story indeed & many apple uses are either unaware or are not interested in Funtionality & compatibility. The facts simply prove the list of functions that are missing or incompatible from a cross platform point of view.

              For instance when considering a good phone. The touch interface, tactile feedback, simple, good looking GUI is important, so is speed, so is smooth operational transitions.

              However that is only half of the story when considering a successful, immersive, consistent & positive happy experience.

              Functionality & compatbility seem to be something consistently lacking from apple os, so does limiting the possibilities of what the user can personalize, change, achieve. Also limitations right down to using apple compliant & specific programs is what bothers me & makes me hate apple.


              If considering these things you are too advanced or too knowledgable & understand what your needs are.

              If you are not bothered about these key points made then you are an average joe who is a simple user who get's what they are. Simple, everything is fine & this person isn't advanced enough to be wanting anything else better or different because they aren't educated or knowledgable enough to be concerned enough.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 4QC
                • 22 Jul 2010

                You can return the Iphone for a full credit if you do not like it, how come people are not ???
                You could return it and get any Nokia or Android or Samsung you like with ATT,
                how come people are not returning ??? HOW COME ??

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4QC
                  • 22 Jul 2010

                  cruise, 22 Jul 2010Your facts are true and the majority of people purchasing t... moreorry, a lot of new users as well, returns ? almost non exitent
                  Thry could have switched to other garbage phones if they wanted to..........
                  The " problems " are in your sick mind, the design of the external antenna in the lower outfacing corner is a lot better than inside the casing beaming 1900 MGZ in your head, pehaps this the reason why Nokia users say crazy things with their burned out brain

                    • c
                    • cruise
                    • i5B
                    • 22 Jul 2010

                    Vassilios, 22 Jul 2010I completely agree. Apple aren't perfect, and this shoul... moreThe Iphone is user friendly but it lacks the functionality to transfer files from one phone to another using bluetooth. It depends highly on Itunes to do that. Also majority of mobile phones can be used as an external drive, whereas the Iphone doesn't allow that. In terms of speed the Iphone is alright with surfing the internet but no flash is added. The Android phones do have a fast response too like the HTC Desire and the HTC Evo 4G. As majority of websites use flash nowadays Nokia phones allow the user to view live streaming so it is a plus. But I think the current issue is with the reception. Do you have the iphone 4? If there aren't any other issues apart from this then I might be a convert. Otherwise I am still stuck with Android.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 4QC
                      • 22 Jul 2010

                      cruise, 22 Jul 2010Your facts are true and the majority of people purchasing t... moreSorry, a lot of new users as well, returns ? almost non exitent

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4QC
                        • 22 Jul 2010

                        Androidy, 22 Jul 2010wow i never expect so many peoples switching to android and... moreJ suggest you read the facts on wall street financials Google is not that great compared to Apple and their BIG numbers

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • NhR
                          • 22 Jul 2010

                          Androidy, 22 Jul 2010wow i never expect so many peoples switching to android and... morethe fact that you switched to android doesn't mean that a lot of people did

                            • A
                            • Androidy
                            • uH{
                            • 22 Jul 2010

                            wow i never expect so many peoples switching to android and ditch iphone away that was great.. iphone wasn't any special remember video call was built in Ericsson T610 or Nokia 7650?? Can say no one uses them or merely some of them. 16millions retina display one word to say it nothing fitting into a 3.5inch small screen of cos in compact it sure nice and bright what about in the daylight with shine. Consumers are getting tired of the app and games in app store android provide wide range of app and games for us to create.. of cos in long run only apple fans will support apple the rest will just ditch and switch.

                              • c
                              • cruise
                              • i5B
                              • 22 Jul 2010

                              Antenna, 22 Jul 2010More on the antenna problems : AT&T today announced it... moreYour facts are true and the majority of people purchasing the iphone 4 were ones who didn't have a clue or either jumped on the hipe that this was the best phone ever. So they took out 2 year new contracts and was sucked in with the problems that recently arose.

                                • W
                                • Wave Rocks
                                • 95H
                                • 22 Jul 2010

                                Helppppp please!

                                please advice me what memory card i should get for wave, I am confused with options out there, what is memory card called? please specify the exact name which fits this phone. thanks very much

                                  • V
                                  • Vassilios
                                  • MVf
                                  • 22 Jul 2010

                                  Anonymous, 22 Jul 2010Whilst you're right that Apple have had more time to work o... moreI completely agree.

                                  Apple aren't perfect, and this should humble them a bit. But compared to Nokia phones, this phone is far better. There is NO comparison. Really.

                                  Im a developer on both iPhone and Android, and I can tell you that it is the difference between night and day between running my app (or any app) on an Android OS and the same app on an iPhone.

                                  The antenna is important, but you just have to avoid causing interference by pressing on the black separater in the antenna.

                                  If you want a smartphone, it is POINTLESS in getting a Nokia or even an Android - they do not work fast at all. Has anyone here compared an iPhone to a Nexus?? The nexus is SO slow and faulty. VERY SLUGGISH.

                                  Despite the flaw on the iPhone, it is still a far more usable product than any other smartphone out there.

                                    • A
                                    • Alui
                                    • Am9
                                    • 22 Jul 2010

                                    iphone @@ iphones , 22 Jul 2010U r mistsken my frnd. Galaxy s doesnt run flash. Also i own... moreTo use flash:
                                    When in browser, press left button go to settings and select allow plugins.

                                      • A
                                      • Antenna
                                      • 4QC
                                      • 22 Jul 2010

                                      More on the antenna problems :
                                      AT&T today announced its financial results for the second quarter of 2010, noting activations of 3.2 million iPhones during the quarter, a new company record. The strong iPhone 4 release at the very end of the quarter, however, skewed sales toward existing AT&T customers upgrading their handsets rather than customers new to the carrier, with only 27% of this quarter's iPhone purchasers being new to AT&T, down from "more than one-third" in the previous quarter and a steady 40% number in even earlier quarters.
                                      On June 24, AT&T began offering iPhone 4, the most powerful iPhone yet. Preorder sales of iPhone 4 were 10 times higher than the first day of preordering for iPhone 3GS a year earlier. For the full second quarter, AT&T iPhone activations totaled 3.2 million, the most quarterly iPhone activations ever. Approximately 27 percent of those activations were for customers who were new to AT&T.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4QC
                                        • 22 Jul 2010

                                        This is real problems, not Iphone4 antenna:
                                        July 22 (Bloomberg) -- Nokia Oyj’s second-quarter profit plunged on competition from Apple Inc.’s iPhone.