Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 21 Jul 2010
Bad Apple, 21 Jul 2010seems you are not in touch with news and views, galaxy sold... morefirst you guys blast this, then that, now versions. Apple sell 3 million first wave only, yet to launch in other countries, and imagine, that is a phone which you guys blast for being expensive, put together ur criticism and it shows how great Apple is, it will continue selling like hotcakes you guys just jealouzzz hahahaha
- P
- Plastic bumper!
- 95H
- 21 Jul 2010
where are these die hard fans to vote for this great phone? there aren't many because they are busy installing the external antena on their phone to make a phone calls, what a joke, apple totally lost it, and there are going to be thousands of return and unhappy customers.Stick with your 3gs or go and get Galaxy s or WAVE.
- B
- Bad Apple
- 95H
- 21 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 21 Jul 2010Also, as a reverse question: The rating for the Samsung Gal... moreseems you are not in touch with news and views, galaxy sold over million of handset so far, which is far far more than what apple sold when it introduce its first version, remember these are the first version and they selling so well, everything apple can do, galaxy does even better and its cheaper and more reliable phone, beside the antena works meaning you can use the basic function and that is making a phone call.
- M
- Mubarak
- Ld0
- 21 Jul 2010
Correction: Unjailbroken
- M
- Mubarak
- Ld0
- 21 Jul 2010
There are 3 applications must have for unjailbraiked iPhones:
1- DiskAid: it is desktop application ot transfer by USB files ( videos, photos, applications data) between PC and iPhone.
2- FileApp: it is a file manager that opens and save email attachments and safari downloads.
3 Oplyer: it opens and save all most all type of music and videos attachments and safari downloads.
If you have these 3 applicatios you can enjoy opening almost all attachments and download files through safari. And then transfer saved attachments and downloads by USB to your PC using DiskAid.
I am really enjoying these features.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Ua
- 21 Jul 2010
did anyone mention that Galaxy S doesn't have a flash for it's camera :))). start talking about that
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 21 Jul 2010
Alui, 21 Jul 2010Why? Because Samsung is better? You do know that the proce... moreWho is the number one Android phone maker? Just wondering. Aren't they also competing against each other? I feel that Samsung is good, but wonder why Google chose HTC over them to make the Nexus One.
- A
- Alui
- Am9
- 21 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Why? Because Samsung is better?
You do know that the processor from the iPhone 3GS is Samsung?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 21 Jul 2010
Instead of apple pointing fingers at other manufacturers, they should take back all the phones and insert an internal antenna. It will e a waste continuing to make more and more batches of faulty hardware. They should make new batches with the same look but redo the antennas in them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 21 Jul 2010
Alui, 21 Jul 2010Good for you! I can do all those things on my Galaxy S, ju... moreGood for you too. That's the point I'm making, isn't it nice that we have variety? And we can choose? I would not want iPhone to be the only choice available, and vice versa. This competition is making a lot of mobile phone customers happy at the end of the day.
- A
- Alui
- Am9
- 21 Jul 2010
Alui, 21 Jul 2010Good for you! I can do all those things on my Galaxy S, ju... moreI forgot the most important thing:). I do not lose calls.
- A
- Alui
- Am9
- 21 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 21 Jul 2010It's not always about what's on paper you know, although of... moreGood for you!
I can do all those things on my Galaxy S, just i'm not interested in the light saber app from Android market:). I might use the app to find baby patterns (eat, sleep, cry, crap) in the future.
Until then I enjoy a full web experience visiting sites with flash, I can see avi, divx, MPEG4 movies (Avatar divX in native format of 9:16), I can text much better with Swipe, I use Shazam, Google maps navigation, make pictures and videos. I'm happy with my Galaxy S too. Oh wait I forgot that I have also TV out.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 21 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Point remains though right? If voting was what counts, higher rated phone should have sold more. Since that was what the original post was yapping about.
- r
- ryan
- MVg
- 21 Jul 2010
the nokia N8 will be the best phone on the market when comes out looks beta! beta features! beta camera! and most definetly wownt have to buy a case or worry about it DROPPING CALLS!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4QC
- 21 Jul 2010
Bad apple, 21 Jul 2010just a simple question, if this phone is really that great,... moreInstead of voting people are busy purchasing Iphone4
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 21 Jul 2010
Bad apple, 21 Jul 2010just a simple question, if this phone is really that great,... moreAlso, as a reverse question: The rating for the Samsung Galaxy S is way higher than the iPhone 4. It doesn't even have an antenna problem! So where are the millions and millions of buyers rushing to buy it so that it can outsell the iPhone 4?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 21 Jul 2010
Bad apple, 21 Jul 2010just a simple question, if this phone is really that great,... moreThey're out and about enjoying their iPhone. It's that good lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 21 Jul 2010
cloned, 21 Jul 2010you are another dreamer, even if they sort out the antena p... moreIt's not always about what's on paper you know, although of course it is also important. Some people value ease of use, some people go for the brand. Kinda like buying a Mercedes sometimes for some folk. Do you agree with this? Maybe yes maybe not, but who cares, free choice baby.
Some people will not use a smartphone to the fullest of its ability either. Even those who buy Android phones.
Even with my 'limited' iPhone, I check my email, SMS, Whatsapp, sync my database using Bento, take casual photos, upload them to Facebook, send them through email, identify songs using Shazam, listen to my funny voice using I am T-Pain, read what's on my google reader, using Reeder, read comics using Marvel & DC comic reader, I am a Street Fighter by day, and a Guitar Hero by night, drive around and crash on Need For Speed: Shift, pretend my iPhone is a lightsaber using the Lightsaber app, follow Formula 1 races using the F1 Timing App, stitch panoramic landscapes together using Auto Stitch, wake up refreshed and check my sleep patterns using Sleep Cycle, find out the best settings for my DSLR using DSLR Toolkit, and keep track of my finances using PocketMoney.
Whatever it is, I am very happy with my iPhone, and it fulfills my daily needs which may be totally different from the next phone user. That's why when you may say the Galaxy S or this phone or that phone is better than the iPhone on paper, I would even maybe agree with you, but would it serve my needs?
Maybe not.
- B
- Bad apple
- 95H
- 21 Jul 2010
just a simple question, if this phone is really that great, where are these millions and millions of fan voting? the rating is going down the drain, its real people voting and the result is very poor ? have you asked yourself why? bacause people simply don't want a phone with serious antena issue, those who even got it they are returning it back, please just wait for few month and then judge how bad this phone will perform, and sells!
iphone4 has absoloutly nothing new to offer compare to 3gs and compatetors, I love gsm arena by far the best site in the world regarding the smart phone news and views, they will do well, and I am glad they did not remove the voting system for iphone, this shows how professional they are and they reflect people voice good or bad. well done arena.