Apple iPhone 4
- F
- Fuji
- tU$
- 20 Jul 2010
Hellow cool I phone 4 guys.... how are ur reception!!! hahahahhah lmfao
- i
- iphone4fan
- u{a
- 20 Jul 2010
Can gsm arena put a hold on voting.
- D
- Davex
- inW
- 20 Jul 2010
Please apple, make a new iPhone, iPhone 5!!! iPhone 4 is fail product!!!
- m
- monte
- PUh
- 20 Jul 2010
Why Apple did not coated the steel frame of the iPhone with some kind of transparent non-conductor material??
I would avoid the use of rubber case and phone would function normal.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PE8
- 20 Jul 2010
If at first you don't succeed, name it iPhone 4...and so they did.
If you are a company that puts all it's eggs in one basket and makes only one flagship device you should be getting it right and releasing a 100% functional handset (or at least something very close to 100% functional.
Today i went and bought an iPod touch and that does everything an iPhone does except it doesn't make phone calls...oh does everything an iPhone does
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxW
- 20 Jul 2010
Voting drop again, wkwkwkwkwkwk
- a
- aiyaaa
- PS6
- 20 Jul 2010
i like sh^t beacause apple says it's good..:D
- l
- lyle
- PS6
- 20 Jul 2010
iphone4fan, 20 Jul 2010Don't defend Apple like that.
We are winning, no need to... more"We have 3g, wi-fi and downloadable Apps"
wow..amazing...didn't notice that until i grab my 5 years old phone and guess what? has 3g, wi-fi and tons of downloadable apps too...and the app installer can even be transferred using bluetooth to/from other phone. classic...
- i
- iphone4fan
- u{a
- 20 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Don't defend Apple like that.
We are winning, no need to tell the haters to go.
We have 3g, wi-fi and downloadable Apps.
- F
- Foley
- uEB
- 20 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Ain't bankrupt but will show REAL value of iPhone4.
Although my opinion is that iPhone4 deserve even less.
5.5 is more than enough.
- F
- Foley
- uEB
- 20 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 20 Jul 2010Really?
Go look on YouTube you'll see videos of this &qu... moreEven so. This makes Apple less sinful in this issue?
Pointing to others will help iPhone users to improve their signal?
SAR must be re-measured because there are indications that during the iOS update transmitting is boosted. Therefore SAR value is probably much higher than before.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PUd
- 20 Jul 2010
The iphone 4 will NEVER be a choice for me not just the fact that it has the signal lose due to antenna issues by the way you hold it
The most significent thing with iphone is that the OS aint open source meaning you can't install/develop apps without the need of going through apple which is a big Shame for the company.
There is no external storage on the iphone too
Where the HTC desire is Open source, you can install any app you like via apk files (you do require (Apps Installer application) from the android market) but when thats installed once u can install ANY apk files without going through HTC/Android
- x
- xxxxxx
- k2n
- 20 Jul 2010
lyle, 20 Jul 2010agreed, other phones, though may drop some bars, still reta... morewell said.
- l
- lyle
- PS6
- 20 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 20 Jul 2010You are confusing dropping signal bars with dropping calls.... moreagreed, other phones, though may drop some bars, still retaining the calls, while this icrap, not only dropping the bars, but the calls as well.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PNf
- 20 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 20 Jul 2010You are confusing dropping signal bars with dropping calls.... moreSo do you have figures to back this statement up?
No, I didn't think so.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mtr
- 20 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 20 Jul 2010Really? Go look on YouTube you'll see videos of this &qu... moreYou are confusing dropping signal bars with dropping calls. It's 2010 and I know of only one phone capable of the latter.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mtr
- 20 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 19 Jul 2010Rather the opposite, the iPhone is one of Apple's bestselle... moreAs of recently, 5 billion people on this planet use cell phones. That's 4.997 billion people who didn't get an iPhone 4.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PNf
- 20 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Really?
Go look on YouTube you'll see videos of this "issue" affecting phones dating back before the iPhone 4 was even released.
No one cared.
Along comes the iPhone 4 with exactly the same thing and people are all over it because it's Apple.
Other companies can't deny it doesn't happen because Apple was telling the truth.
All they can do is whine because Apple brought the truth out into the spotlight at the instigation of bottom feeding bloggers indulging in a feeding frenzy of misinformation.
- i
- iphone4fan
- u{a
- 20 Jul 2010
votes are dropping a bit guys, keep voting high
Hold it right , and you'll see its perfect.
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 20 Jul 2010
The point is apple are blaming other manufacturer's for a design fault of their own making. Then steve jobs has the indecency to use discrimination against his own customers with BIAS I might add. Then he disloyally tells his customers to find another way to use the phone. For the biggest piece of crap ever it sure makes guiness world record. This is what apple fans deserve. They don't understand he is the devil in desguise. He has the least eco frindly phone, yes did you know the iphone 4 is the most dangerous for radiation exposure sar ratings. The lies go on & on... If apple blame other man vendors they are going to quickly lose friends make more enemies & get left out in the cold. APPLE CRA!