Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4TM
  • 13 Jul 2010

You haters have been sounding like broken records. Dwelling on the death grip issue when it really isn't an issue because people buy protective cases for their touchscreen phones anyway. Why are you guys so affected by the iphone4? If you honestly believe it to be an inferior device, you guys wouldn't be wasting your time in here. Only explanation is, you guys could no longer contain your jealousy, and that jealousy has elevated to hate. Well too bad. The iphone4 is still sold out in stores. Preorders and reservations have been pushed back several times already. Your hateful efforts to discourage people from buying it is in vain. Why? Because when people go to the Apple Store, they realize that all the negative publicity that've been going around are nothing more than exaggerated issues.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 4TM
    • 13 Jul 2010

    DOUBTLESS !!, 13 Jul 2010STEVE has made a fool of everyone who have bought this wond... moreWhat's foolish are people like you who judge the iphone4's signal when you obviously don't own one.

    We all know that the iphone4 drops signal bars when that small black strip on the bottom left side of the phone is gripped. We also know that if that strip is not gripped, the iphone4 actually has better call quality and reception than previous iphones. We also know that a case eliminates this antenna issue. So I do not know how you can say that the iphone4 doesn't have a signal, when it obviously does.

    Stop hating. It makes you look silly :)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • kJX
      • 13 Jul 2010


        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • uHW
        • 13 Jul 2010

        Good try Apple but you really screwed up this time. You should stick to improving the Macs which are the best computer hardware and software in the world IMHO.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • uHW
          • 13 Jul 2010

          Lets just face it. IP4 is just an iPod Touch with the reception problems. Its not a phone at all. Why do people buy Mobile Phones? To make calls right? If you cant make calls or get really bad reception that calls get disconnected than its not even in the Mobile Phones category. Even a China Brand phone is better. Not that China brands are not good.

          Mobile phone is a telephone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network.

            • a
            • artim
            • puE
            • 13 Jul 2010

            Hi all,

            We have been waiting the update which we hope to fix the antenna problem. Do you have an idea when will it be?

              • j
              • joker
              • P$u
              • 13 Jul 2010

              All said and done why is the rating on gsmarena itself is 6.8 for the IP4. Can someone explain that? Are we to assume that there are more people who find the IP4 useless than those who do? Strange. IP4 buyers>>> no one says dont buy,,,stop harping on the superiority of the product over others. Samsung Nokia Apple,,,remember all the bloody parts and circuits get manufactured in china or taiwan.And tellus honestly how many people would actually buy an IP4 without contract,,across the world. Its only affordable with a contract.The IP4 is comparable to a VERTU,,just like designer cloths on a fat lady (on offence ladies..pls). Maybe Jobs shud also start a concierge service where people with no reception can call and send messages to people they want to connect abt that cudnt resist.

                • i
                • iphonefan
                • PZT
                • 13 Jul 2010

                On re-testing, Consumer Reports now Retracts iPhone 4 Negative Recommendation 1 hr ago.

                "It's not an issue, as if you hold it properly or using a case means this is ok, sorry to Apple for the bad report" Consumer ppl. "Sorry for the false bad news
                to upset many fans"

                up the votes

                  • i
                  • iphone
                  • PZT
                  • 13 Jul 2010

                  Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010call Consumer Reports to find for your self! thank u!Awesome, I knew they made a mistake about the antenna
                  in the review as itwasn't an issue.

                  Just hold it right, like you hold your hair drier.
                  If your dumb and hold the hot end and get burned that's your fault, hold the phone silly you loose calls,
                  hold it right, never an issue that's why iphone4 was voted best in the world.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 4Xv
                    • 13 Jul 2010

                    call Consumer Reports to find for your self! thank u!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 4Xv
                      • 13 Jul 2010

                      Hey all haters, I just review Consumer Reports ratings on iphone4 76 that highest of all the phone they test. htc evo ratings 74, nexus one 72, htc hd2 71. LONG LIVE THE KING IPHONE 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        • D
                        • DOUBTLESS !!
                        • t}6
                        • 13 Jul 2010

                        STEVE has made a fool of everyone who have bought this wonder-phone without signal.....It fails to deliver the most primary need of making a decent phone call.....
                        It's great isn't it , you can't call STEVE with a i-phone4.......LOL

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Mty
                          • 13 Jul 2010

                          Please keep voting 1 since you cant hold this phone normally without it affecting the reception bars.Everyone holds a cell phone from the bottom left or right.

                            • i
                            • iphonefan
                            • PZT
                            • 13 Jul 2010

                            Anonymous, 13 Jul 2010Catch up on what? On features that doesn't really make a d... moreConsumer Reports, America’s trusted source of product reviews, said it would not recommend the iPhone 4 because of a hardware flaw with its antenna that sometimes resulted in dropped calls.

                            Again people are not listening.
                            Stop holding it in the corner and use it like a normal phone.Marking out like Apple have a problem.

                            There is a firmware releasing soon for people that can't hold it right or follow simple instructions.

                            Michel R. forum mods for iphone4fansunited

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • jes
                              • 13 Jul 2010

                              xxxxxx , 13 Jul 2010you just can't face the fact that your iphone 4 could not c... moreCatch up on what? On features that doesn't really make a difference? Htc does not even have their own OS, and has to depend on google and microsoft for their OS. Nokia has pretty much lost their market share to Apple, RIM, and Android in the high end smartphone category. Samsung's bada did not really take off. Blackberry has very limited apps, inferior music player, inferior camera and inferior touchscreen. So I think you are wrong in saying that Apple couldn't catch up when Apple pretty much surpassed everyone, even Microsoft. So keep living in your world of denial.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 2Iq
                                • 13 Jul 2010

                                same old rubbish phone in a new shiny case. iphone users don't even noticed that mr. jobs sold them damaged goods.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 4Xv
                                  • 13 Jul 2010

                                  Long live the king iphone 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    • x
                                    • xxxxxx
                                    • k2n
                                    • 13 Jul 2010

                                    phones fan, 13 Jul 2010 done.