Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • L
  • Lizard
  • Pbt
  • 12 Jul 2010

There are many, many phones better then this one!!

    • s
    • sourabh
    • TL5
    • 12 Jul 2010

    it has no must have radio.

      • s
      • sourabh
      • TL5
      • 12 Jul 2010

      it has no must have radio.

        • i
        • iPhone 4 user
        • Mx@
        • 12 Jul 2010


        Apple iPhone 4 - USER opinions and reviews

        its for iPhone users to comment and review not for sad people to come and slag the iphone off get a life!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • PQE
          • 12 Jul 2010

          Iphone the best phone in the world. I've a HTC legend, its battery life only has 8 hours a day. and the stupid Andriod system only can save these apps into phone memory. hate it......

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PQE
            • 12 Jul 2010

            Iphone is the best phone in the world. I have a HTC Legend, it's battery life only has 8 hours a day. And the stupid andriod system only can save these apps into phone memory.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • P%n
              • 12 Jul 2010

              Anonymous, 12 Jul 2010fail you like that word...... synonymous with iphone 4 rece... moreSo why don't you show something from some whiner regarding the iPhones reception issues that PREDATE the E71 clip, oh and all the phone manuals Nokia published which instructed users how to hold phones in order NOT to impact reception.

              You totally fail.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 0wV
                • 12 Jul 2010

                why there is no radio?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3pJ
                  • 12 Jul 2010

                  Anonymous, 12 Jul 2010The iPhone 4 was released on June 24, the E71 clip was rele... morefail you like that word...... synonymous with iphone 4 reception it seems,that word is second nature to you now! e71 is around along time my friend,since 2008 in fact and the video appears just as the iphone 4 is in the process of getting released hmmm. plus the e71 is a two year old technology phone and relatively low price,free on bill pay contracts (not even stupid 2 year long ones ),while Apples 'marketing techniques' persuade minds to think the iphone 4 is the best tech available and charge extraordinary high prices. Do you want to compare the iphone 4 screen to a screen lg or nokia phone screen released two or three years ago?! Im not a nokia fan dont own a nokia but its funny how the fanboys are panicking defending the reception faults.Its the sheer lack of repsect by apple (as highlighted by gsmarena) to its drones who pump out endless cash with its responses to the iphone 4 faults like reception which makes the whole situation worse and the funny 'mom' charactor in family guy eyephone episode all the more funny and realisitic!!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • P%n
                    • 12 Jul 2010

                    [deleted post]Cultural icon.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • P%n
                      • 12 Jul 2010

                      Anonymous, 12 Jul 2010interesting to see how these videos all appeared on youtube... moreThe iPhone 4 was released on June 24, the E71 clip was released in May...

             were saying?

                      Compounded fail.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • P%n
                        • 12 Jul 2010

                        Troy, 12 Jul 2010You sound like you've no technical knowledge when it comes ... moreHow to freeze a Symbian phone.

                        I just sent 50 text messages from my iPhone to a an N82, locked it up and it switched off.

                          • X
                          • XMAN
                          • 3xr
                          • 12 Jul 2010

                          Troy, 12 Jul 2010You sound like you've no technical knowledge when it comes ... moreiphone 4 will not be smartphone off the year..i would not even class it as a smartphone ,android handsets are going to be the leaders os is going to do to steve what microsoft did ....

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 95j
                            • 12 Jul 2010

                            Got a refund on my ip4, it is rubbish.

                            happy to get my money back. :-)

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 3pJ
                              • 12 Jul 2010

                              [deleted post]interesting to see how these videos all appeared on youtube from the exact time the iphone 4s was released and its appalling faults like no reception was revealed. hmmm not in any reviews over the last year or two has these signals bars lost been found or reported....hmmm seems like fanboys trying insanely hard to justify emptying thier bank accounts and deflect the attention off their flailing reception issues which apple will release a simple software solution to 'fix' despite it being a terrible hardware problem.....or maybe this is the solution


                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • nsG
                                • 12 Jul 2010

                                galaxy s is better.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3pJ
                                  • 12 Jul 2010

                                  Steve Jobs solution to the iphone 4s death grip reception problem


                                    • T
                                    • Troy
                                    • S35
                                    • 12 Jul 2010

                                    [deleted post]You sound like you've no technical knowledge when it comes to mobile phones.

                                    when it comes to phones and we all know Steve Jobs and his would never use a Nokia h/set when they have the besy phone on the planet the Iphone4.

                                    N8 resembles a brick and to make things ever worse it runs on sybbian the worst ever software on a phone you would of been better with andriod.

                                    Do you get your information from a guy you know from your local pub?

                                    Eell him to stop telling lies and lay off the beer.

                                      • j
                                      • joker
                                      • P$u
                                      • 12 Jul 2010

                                      Hahaha,,,all the brouhaha going on over holding of phones. I tried holding /covering/even putting my samsung, bb curve, stars inside my armpits,,,but was unable to deny a signal. No one here is arguing or judging and the fact remains that IP4 is one on most beautiful pieces of mobile technology available. But the fact also remains that IP4 has a problem. It is a natural reaction for humans to protect what they own.No IP4 user will ever admit that there is a flaw. How many phones used b4 have had this. I dont remember any. The IP4 issue is not just a flaw but a design error, an R&D error, a QA error, a testing error. Further this error shows that that IP4 will not be useful for places with low airwave connectivity.I have never used an IP and probably never will due to its absymally high cost at the cost of which u can buy one high end notebook or two netbooks. And talk about shatter proof glass, i threw my curve twice in anger and thank the engineers at BB , the handset did not as so much get a scratch on it. Talk about shatter proof. And i can sure say that people who buy an IP will definately spend on a screen protector, will they not ,, and stronger than glass will still be glass remember.Apple users will never admit this but they are almost like slaves to Jobs and co. who are certified control freaks. I can say comfortable that there are more windows users in the world than mac. There is a small faction who uses an ipod. When i wanted a music players i opted for a sony that was more convinient for me when i ran due to its dimensions. The itunes happens to be the most difficult to use s/w a fact that ipod users will theirselves agree to considering the hasseles involved in transfering music and using the itunes on someone else's pc.Nevertheless, all said and done, not being too judgemental, the fact remains that apple products remain overrated and certainly dont deserve an oscar. I could say that if it had some groundbreaking technology attached to it like for instance solar charging panels or greener batteries or if it featured a platform that could run universal applications. The IP4 only has a snob appeal to it, in my opinion. 1.7 mil phones is not much really, considering that Nokia will never ever reveal how many phones it has shipped for any one model.Thanks for reading this.

                                        • a
                                        • arni
                                        • MVg
                                        • 12 Jul 2010

                                        IM back i got blocked because i was abusive but my children im back