Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • k
  • klonezeeh
  • iid
  • 12 Jul 2010

this phone is so perfect for me it just needs an amoled screen and plays more vid formate with free good games!
how much will the price be in australia?!its not even out yet tats just F!@#ED~!!

    • C
    • Cool Heart
    • PUs
    • 12 Jul 2010

    Dude, i dont hate iphone 4. I really love it very much coz it has too many problems and that why i dont waste my money with it. :)
    iPhone 4 = overprice + malfunctioned => the best phone
    OK, good luck ifans!!! :)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4Xv
      • 12 Jul 2010

      to me iphone 4 is the best phone right now I love it dont hated it cause you dont own one

        • C
        • Cool Heart
        • 9xJ
        • 12 Jul 2010

        Anonymous, 12 Jul 2010"Love it or hate it?" Ok, now all ifans plz stop... more" There has been over a million handsets sold, and this problem has only been reported by a handful of people hardly a crisis."
        Lol...... So I've got 2 ask u: a handful of people are not real people? Or bcause of a handful of people u think that problem (signal issue) can be omitted? :) Black is Black and White is White. No one can change its reality. Did u ever google 4 it? Users who paid a huge money 4 this phone were not happy n sued Apple for that problem:

        " Any phone with a big screen dropped that many times will shutter, and all manufacturer have made similar claims before."
        Yeah, that's a reality, but look at Steve's manner, he acted like his iphone 4 is from a paradise product ---- very very stiff 2 resist against damage. He said it was 30 time harder than normal glass. In fact, his words are nonsense. :)

        " That's why all phones get updates to iron out all these little issues and bugs, ask Nokia they still trying to sort the N97 one year on. this should be a very simple fix "
        Update what? proximity sensor of iron? LOL !!!:) Which planet r u from? :) I 1 2 visit ur planet and i also 1 2 c proximity sensor OF IRON :0
        " One incident and all Iphone haters are jumping for Joy lol. The phone sold over 1.7 million h/sets in 3 days. we get one incident and you wanna make it an issue. That problem could have easily been caused by a surge of power to the USB, such things happen all the time to other devices."
        OK, 1.7 millions people bought them, means 1.7 millions people loved them. So how about the rest ? And then more than thousands millions people in the world hated them. :)))
        NEED PEACE HERE!!! :)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4Xv
          • 12 Jul 2010

          iphone 4 is a good phone you dont know until you own one!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2Gx
            • 12 Jul 2010

            I basically agree with what someone else said, all the issues can be resolved.
            It's just those who hate it that wanna say shit about it.. If you think you can do a better job, then go produce an iPhone yourself. :)

            Waiting for it to be released in Australia!!!! :)

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Mtr
              • 12 Jul 2010

              Anonymous, 12 Jul 2010"Love it or hate it?" Ok, now all ifans plz stop... more"Ans: Any phone with a big screen dropped that many times will shutter, and all manufacturer have made similar claims before."

              Most manufacturers will put a wrist strap eyelet on their phone to help prevent this from happening...

                • A
                • Alman
                • 0Y0
                • 12 Jul 2010

                xxxxxx , 12 Jul 2010unlock phone= $70 * 24 =$1680+$600=$2280. It's still less ... moreWhere do you came up with your false amounts for a 2 year iPhone contract? When do you start using a phone? It seems you don't even know what you are talking about. I have been using top class phones for 20 years both with contract and without contract. Learn your math and know what you are talking about. I never pay to unlock my phones such as iPhone, Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericsson and few others.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mX$
                  • 12 Jul 2010

                  Cool Heart, 11 Jul 2010"Love it or hate it?" Ok, now all ifans plz stop... more"Love it or hate it?"
                  Ok, now all ifans plz stop ignoring how good iphone 4 is.
                  Here are the problems that have come out with the iphone 4:
                  1). Yellow spot on Retina Display. Apple claimed that it was the best display ever on a mobile device. :)

                  Ans: There has been over a million handsets sold, and this problem has only been reported by a handful of people hardly a crisis.

                  2). Poor signal when ur hand is touching at the left corner of the iphone 4. Steve said it was the best design ever and the steel frame functioned as antenna to ensure the BEST SIGNAL. :)

                  Ans: This maybe your best shot at trying to ridicule the iphone4.

                  3).Steve proclaimed the iphone 4 was covered with restistant glass which was 30 times harder than normal glass. But, as we can c in the video test by iFix n not to say about that, the iphon3 was like a junk. Or am i wrong? Maybe the guy who did the test dropped it in wrong way? :)

                  Ans: Any phone with a big screen dropped that many times will shutter, and all manufacturer have made similar claims before.

                  4). Proximity sensor doesn't work properly compared to the old 3gs, tested by gsmarenablog. :) Perhaps Steve was too hard on Foxconn employees, n then they made that 4 revenges :)

                  Ans: That's why all phones get updates to iron out all these little issues and bugs, ask Nokia they still trying to sort the N97 one year on. this should be a very simple fix
                  5).USB port got fired :
                  Wowwwwww! It's not just a problem, but a DANGEROUS game. Steve , what's wrong with u? U wanna kill us? NO, it's not a funny game, i'd say :)

                  Ans: One incident and all Iphone haters are jumping for Joy lol. The phone sold over 1.7 million h/sets in 3 days. we get one incident and you wanna make it an issue. That problem could have easily been caused by a surge of power to the USB, such things happen all the time to other devices.

                  Well,...... all ifans , do u enjoy the stories? :)How will u say about that? Thanks!

                  Ans: This argument will never be won. It all boils down to preference, iphone 4 loses signal bars when held in a certain way but so does my HTC desire and a lot of other phones.
                  The whole smartphone experience is not complete with out third party developers and iphone has by far the best creative developers contributing to it therefore making the whole experience that wee bit better on the Iphone.

                    • x
                    • xxxxxx
                    • k2n
                    • 12 Jul 2010

                    Alman, 12 Jul 2010Learn the math when you buy an unlock phone like Samsung Ga... moreunlock phone= $70 * 24 =$1680+$600=$2280.
                    It's still less than $324 + $4700 = more money out of your pocket.

                      • A
                      • Alman
                      • 0Y0
                      • 12 Jul 2010

                      [deleted post]Samsung Galaxy S and iPhone 4 are the best phones to own presently. Don't say nothing negative about these two phones when you don't have none of them. I just ordered my unlock Samsung Galaxy S through Mobile City Online for $580 (8GB) despite I'm presently living in the United States. It going to work fine with AT&T network just like similar phones I have bought before.

                        • A
                        • Alman
                        • 0Y0
                        • 12 Jul 2010

                        xxxxxx , 12 Jul 2010and @ the end of you two year contract your cost of $299+ta... moreLearn the math when you buy an unlock phone like Samsung Galaxy S for $600 and choose your carrier for any type of monthly service plan, tell me the total cost for 2 years plus the cost of your unlock phone.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Mty
                          • 12 Jul 2010

                          iphone person, 12 Jul 2010Just got it.....has problems...very very very very disappoi... moreWhats happening with it?

                            • i
                            • iphone person
                            • 4CL
                            • 12 Jul 2010

                            Just got it.....has problems...very very very very disappointed....

                              • x
                              • xxxxxx
                              • k2n
                              • 12 Jul 2010

                              Alman, 11 Jul 2010Who told you U.S.A is selling the iPhone 4 for $600? I don'... moreand @ the end of you two year contract your cost of $299+tax = $324 will go to $5000.

                                • A
                                • Alman
                                • 0Y0
                                • 11 Jul 2010

                                z, 11 Jul 2010and how many of those people are really know/into technolog... moreWho told you U.S.A is selling the iPhone 4 for $600? I don't know where do you get that false story from. Many people in the United States bought their iPhone 4 for business by unlocking it and sell it between $699 to $1500 depends on the size of the memory. I bought my iPhone 4 32GB for $299 with a 2 year AT&T contract at the Apple store on June 24.

                                  • A
                                  • Adinoj
                                  • jF@
                                  • 11 Jul 2010

                                  iphone is one the worst device ever made. I work in the industry and have used almost every mobile phone made since 2000. The problem with iphone is that it is extremely boring, not user friendly and lacks hardware to process simple programs. This is the reason that you can only use applications on the iphone. Due to its limitation and shortcoming unless there is an app out there for price, you can not access anything. HTC is a much better choice. However, their OS lacks stability, speed and reliability. Hang ups freezing and slow-down is common problem even with their latest HD2 model. Nokia on the other hand missed the boat on the touch screen market because the us was protecting the us brand phones,when they released the N97 which worked great out of the box but when other programs where installed it began to have problems. The only Nokia that surpasses anything to date is the Nokia N900. N900 is not for average cell phone user but rather for those who are tech oriented and want more bang for their bucks. I’ve been using the N900 for 6 month and it is the only mobile phone with full web browser (this means that what ever you can open video, audio, flash files, java, etc) you can open it on the N900. The media player is bullet proof playing any type of media file, simply drag and drop. Then there’s the Internet radio which is Nokias trademark which allows you to enter the URL of the stream and listen to few thousand radio stations broadcasting on the net and more. Also N900 uses the open source software and in very short time there are more usefull programs available for N900 that useless apps for iphone. There was a study about the few thousand apps available on iphone and they found out that %50 were duplicates, %25-%30 were useless apps and only about %20 was worth a dime. Example; to get an ebook on iphone you have to download an app for every book thats availbale. On the N900 simply open the browser click on the book and begin reading. Ask yourself this question, how many apps do you have on your computer to access programs on the internet? If your computer was so poorly designed as iphone that you would need an app for everything that you have to do with it, you would then buy a computer that had hardware and OS which simply ran programs off the net and was able to execute them.
                                  On the upside there is only one good thing I can think of about the iphone. You can always find another idiot to buy the iphone for more than what you paid for it. BTW the “i” in the iphone stands for idiot.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • q{S
                                    • 11 Jul 2010

                                    [deleted post]He just gave facts with links.You're the loser.Whats your problem, goof?

                                      • A
                                      • Ap
                                      • nUA
                                      • 11 Jul 2010

                                      iPhone 4 ... have only big screen nothing more ...
                                      i think iPhone overpraised

                                        • C
                                        • Cool Heart
                                        • 9xJ
                                        • 11 Jul 2010

                                        [deleted post]Y not happy? U still ignore it? LOL !I just said what are true. If u don't believe , google it urself :)Do i need help? I am the one who should ask you that if u need any head examination or maybe ur wife kick u out of the house? And then eat ur TOXIC APPLE 4 breakfast! :)
                                        NEED PIECE HERE!