Apple iPhone 4
- b
- boy
- wur
- 05 Jul 2010
is the software hackable?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2x5
- 05 Jul 2010
Have 4 iPhone in family 1 iPhone 4 and 3 3Gs. now all have problem with photo sync. on iSO4. after sync. need to complete reset of iPhone to show all photo or any photo been deleted. I anticipate is a problem with iSO 4.
- D
- Dave
- 95H
- 05 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 05 Jul 2010Yup, this is exactly the thing that most people are unaware... moreIt is very simple there are many people who are not heavily into apps, and are just happy with only few, after all how many apps you want in your phone? more than 20 ? NO, that is why there are many phones out there which might not have the choice of apps as apple but they look better and even with better functions and capabilities, example of that is Samsung wave. I hope the penny drops now for you.
- n
- nick
- nxw
- 05 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 05 Jul 2010ye i like the way how they support the software. Hell! Even... moreyeah it's great how they support their portfolio of just FOUR phones
nokia support hundreds for years
- ?
- Anonymous
- ppP
- 05 Jul 2010
go apple gooooooooooo this is the best phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0X
- 05 Jul 2010
ye i like the way how they support the software. Hell! Even the old iphone 3g received a massive update from iOS! Goodluck 2 nokia user-your phone is old after 3weeks! Hahaha
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 05 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 05 Jul 2010Its sad that most reviwers miss out of the fact that appsto... moreYup, this is exactly the thing that most people are unaware of. It used to be that you would come to a site, compare features, and choose a phone. The App Store kind of changed that. Each iPhone is unique to its owner, because of the apps that he/she chooses to install, and each app adds to the iPhone's capabilities.
"Its sad that most reviwers miss out of the fact that appstore makes up for most of the lacks. Fex. Filetransfer via wifi that they complain about in this review. There are apps that lets you download and play divx and other mediaformats such as mp3 via wifi or ftp from any computer independent of itunes. The iphone is far more capable than most critics realise. And the way that Apple put up multitasking makes normal multitasking redundant. No need to slow the phone down."
- ?
- Anonymous
- p8y
- 05 Jul 2010
Its sad that most reviwers miss out of the fact that appstore makes up for most of the lacks. Fex. Filetransfer via wifi that they complain about in this review. There are apps that lets you download and play divx and other mediaformats such as mp3 via wifi or ftp from any computer independent of itunes. The iphone is far more capable than most critics realise. And the way that Apple put up multitasking makes normal multitasking redundant. No need to slow the phone down.
- p
- paul m
- pwf
- 05 Jul 2010
just got the new iphone 4 and i love it
- ?
- Anonymous
- 95j
- 05 Jul 2010
regardless of what company or what model of phone the consumers buys, when a new phone is manufactured it should have no problems at all. We pay good money for good working phone and these big companies are actually breaking the law by false advertisment and making claims that their new technology does this or that, they are all a con and they should be delt with legally
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 05 Jul 2010
Every phone has problems, big or small.
Now, if I was like some of the guys here, I could have gone "Omg, Samsung can't even get simple thing like this right! MwaAHAHAHAH and to think of all the loyal fans. Really sad and pathetic!"
But that wouldn't be classy now would it? lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 95j
- 05 Jul 2010
wait till they launch the iphone5 in the next couple of years they may have sorted the problems out.
- M
- Mike
- mP2
- 05 Jul 2010
I've just order a 5 bar signal iphone 4 stickers for my signal so now I always have 5 bars full signal! Apples launching the official 5 bar stickers soon. But you can get them here:
- J
- Jobs i-phlaw4d it
- 05 Jul 2010
Guess all the real i phone owners wouldn't even be here
hiding in Mac rumors finding out where they can buy the 5 bar stickers to feel happy.
- C
- Clerence at 3 hutchi
- vGF
- 05 Jul 2010
Hey Guys,
There is no problem with the netw on the h/s, its just dat there are certain batches that has the problem, Guys out there trust me this is da best phone money can buy.. I sold more dan 1000 h/s in one week alone.. n der is no problem..
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 05 Jul 2010
Dante, 05 Jul 2010ok its pretty sad that the reception drops off once you hol... moreIn tests it iPhone 4 connectivity in general, performs better than the iPhone 3GS (Source Anandtech). There is a problem to be sure, but its not affecting all 1.7m iPhones sold, so no need to get panties in a fix. Instead of a bumper case, they offered full refund or new iPhone 4 as a replacement. What could be better than that?
Even Nexus One had almost eerily similar problems in the beginning. Remember this anyone? Hardly hear anyone talking about it now.
Maybe I should post this every time someone brings up the signal issue.
- D
- Dante
- 95m
- 05 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 04 Jul 2010No one is moaning about the iphone except for a few kids wh... moreok its pretty sad that the reception drops off once you hold the iPhone 4 and the only way to fix it is to get a rubber casing and apple is not giving this out for free. Instead of fixing the problem, they want us to pay for more. You think they would test the phone before they release it. I think its a marketing ploy to pay for more rubber casings.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 05 Jul 2010
jackal, 05 Jul 2010I'm an apple fan an surely you are, but believe me I've got... moreI don't believe you.
I am an Android fan and surely you are, but believe me I got every single Android model and had problems with it being slow, my hair becoming greasy, and my neighbours wouldn't stop fighting etc. It is sometimes hard to agree about so many faults, if one is so passionate about something!
But believe me Android phones are flawed disastrously! And "Google" knows this! Why do screen protectors exist? They are misleading all their loyal customers!
Sad really!
*Hope you get the point of my reply, I am not against Android phones, that is just an example. My point is, anyone can come here, claim to be an Apple fan, and then proceed to bash it. What I don't understand is why?
"I'm an apple fan an surely you are, but believe me I've got one and seen and had the problems with signal. It is sometimes hard to agree about a fault if one is so passionate about something!
But believe me this iPhone is flawed disastrously! And "Apple" knows this! Why would they have designed the bumper cover?
They were misleading all their loyal customers!
Sad really!"
- T
- Troy
- S35
- 05 Jul 2010
Iphone4 is the best phone out there, Again to all you haters out there Your comments don't count.
Iphone 4 i'm loving it, works a treat for me and its a masterpiece.
Check your gadgets managines for example stuff and T3 the guys on there know what there talking about and check the ratings.
Iphone4 can't be beaten.
All other h/sets out there still need to beat the Iphone 3ds before even trying to challenge the iphone 4 so maybe in a few years there be a phone out there that can beat the 3gs.
By then the iphone 7 will be out and again there be no h/set out there that can beat the Iphone4.
- j
- jackal
- pKr
- 05 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 05 Jul 2010Spot on.
"No one is moaning about the iphone except... moreI'm an apple fan an surely you are, but believe me I've got one and seen and had the problems with signal. It is sometimes hard to agree about a fault if one is so passionate about something!
But believe me this iPhone is flawed disastrously! And "Apple" knows this! Why would they have designed the bumper cover?
They were misleading all their loyal customers!
Sad really!