Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • F
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  • 05 Jul 2010

Anonymous, 04 Jul 2010Did the call you were on drop or get worse or was it only t... more"Americans have been whining about it for years"
Yeah right, whining since Jun 2007, when first iPhone emerged on the market.
Did you ever wondering why no one complain on AT&T when using Motorola or RIM or Nokia? Maybe you should think about it. Or you gonna wait for Steve Jobs opinion for that matter?

    • M
    • Michael Madsen
    • 0aK
    • 05 Jul 2010

    The HTC HD2 is much better cell phone
    Bigger Screen

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • mX$
      • 05 Jul 2010

      Rumours flying around twitter: "Study: Nokia European share shrinks from 39% to 32.8% and in smartphones alone collapses from 57.1% to 40.8% in one year".
      And Europe is where Nokia have the largest share market. If this rumour is true then all you Nokia funboyz better pray Nokia get the fourth coming releases right otherwise it's all doom and gloom, so all you Nokia funboys beware.

        • x
        • xxx
        • k2n
        • 05 Jul 2010

        Troy, 05 Jul 2010This forum is about the Iphone4 not the nokia and motorola.... morethe iphone4 is not the slimest smartphone.
        check & you will find the slimest smartphone.

          • T
          • Troy
          • m5Z
          • 05 Jul 2010

          This forum is about the Iphone4 not the nokia and motorola.

          Didn't think Motorola were still doing h/sets to be honest.

          Lets talk about the slimmest and the best screen on any h/set out there the iphone4.

          It's the best h/set by miles nothing can touch it

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • P%n
            • 04 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 04 Jul 2010No, you are deadly wrong. I went in AT&T store planning... moreDid the call you were on drop or get worse or was it only the bars that changed?

            Besides AT&T has a really poor network, Americans have been whining about it for years.

              • x
              • xxx
              • k2n
              • 04 Jul 2010

              Anonymous, 04 Jul 2010No one is moaning about the iphone except for a few kids wh... moremy wifi & 3g connections have failure to connect.

                • B
                • BB_34
                • myC
                • 04 Jul 2010

                What's an iphone?

                  • B
                  • Bashar
                  • nCN
                  • 04 Jul 2010

                  Does anyone know why Apple refuses to have the ability to add memory?? I mean they are selling you the 32G at a higher price than the 16g unjustifiably charging for simple memory as if Apple invented or has a patent on memory!! Also depriving they user to add more cheap memory to the iPhone and even worse the iPad!!

                  Very greedy and short-sighted if you ask me!

                    • T
                    • Tom
                    • m5h
                    • 04 Jul 2010

                    [deleted post]I agree with that, but on the other hand I like this openness of GSM arena, in long run this would go to their credit, sadly there are some few which roine it for most, but then again people should be able to express their feelings and idea, and sadly this may make some group unhappy, this also geniunely showed the iphone 4 is not going to be as successful as some people thought and some people geniunely sharing their true feeling about this phone same as other phone. so sadly no matter what you do some group going to be unhappy.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • f3Y
                      • 04 Jul 2010

                      flyerdean, 04 Jul 2010There is too much hate in this comments, butt if all people... moreWhat is so great about that? Motorola sold 50 million V3's. that was just 1 model, and it was a plain old flip phone

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4$E
                        • 04 Jul 2010

                        Anonymous, 04 Jul 2010No one is moaning about the iphone except for a few kids wh... moreNo, you are deadly wrong. I went in AT&T store planning to buy it. I just grabbed it in my left had and the signal dropped to zero on screen. I moved it in my right hand and it came back. If you consider that it is a negligible detail you are brainless. It doesn't matter the reason why the signal dropped, no one would like such phone and will step back. Even if they'll fix the issue that is too late for who experienced the problem, you don't trust any more Apple as a serious phone maker.

                        Such issue with the antenna was well known by them before its release and they just bet on the naivete of their clients to pre-order even before to expose it in a showroom to people.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 43%
                          • 04 Jul 2010

                          Lesly, 04 Jul 2010Regarding the Iphone 4. Its an amazing hset and I've not h... moreNo one is moaning about the iphone except for a few kids who post on this forum. I find that anyone who keeps crying about the signal issue probably doesnt have the iphone. However if someone is complaining that they are having proximity sensor issue that tells me they probably have the iPhone 4. Because that is the only real issue with the unit.

                            • f
                            • flyerdean
                            • ptD
                            • 04 Jul 2010

                            There is too much hate in this comments, butt if all people hate iphone, why ar 50M sold till today?
                            Iphone is the best phone in the world and thats it, someone said Sony Erics, dude, ROFLMAO on that!

                              • M
                              • Mvj
                              • nIB
                              • 04 Jul 2010

                              I had the iphone4......
                              Sold it have the HTC Desire...
                              Say no more.
                              iphone 4 = For people who cant think for them selfs.
                              HTC Desire = for people who like to think, and use there phone to there likings.

                                • C
                                • Camry
                                • K1C
                                • 04 Jul 2010

                                It's a pity that more and more people are getting dumbed down phones as compared to years ago.

                                Last time people wanted phones that are smarter, does alot of things their way the users want it to and be able to mod it to the max. Exploiting the phone and discovering it was one of the best things a user can experience.

                                Now, alot want phones that are.. dumb. They want it big and easy to look, fancy to look at and to show off, and must be easy as crap to use. The features might be alot, but every one of them must be dumbed down to make it easily usable. Heck, if you can assemble a Playskool toy, you can use this.

                                Just look at the trend people are going nowadays, not just this, but others too. (eg. Touchwiz/Bada, Maemo) Just look at the way WP7 is going for example.

                                Its just sad...

                                  • A
                                  • Athos
                                  • Sgv
                                  • 04 Jul 2010

                                  Absoloutely fabulous phone, and when the software update relieves the reception issues then apple will finally have the best handheld device om the market! Dont worry about 'no flash' for online video as you can stream the videos from a pc/mac using one of several apps that tackle this issue. Dont be fooled by mixed reviews, for every issue disovered there is a simple solution from apple or the app developers. 10/10 camera, 10/10 screen, 10/10 style, well done apple!!

                                    • A
                                    • Athos
                                    • Sgv
                                    • 04 Jul 2010

                                    Absoloutely fabulous phone, and when the software update relieves the reception issues then apple will finally have the best handheld device om the market! Dont worry about 'no flash' for online video as you can stream the videos from a pc/mac using one of several apps that tackle this issue. Dont be fooled by mixed reviews, for every issue disovered there is a simple solution for

                                      • I
                                      • Ins
                                      • s8e
                                      • 04 Jul 2010

                                      Ins, 04 Jul 2010According to GSMArena Main disadvantages Hardware desig... moreI don't understand this 'MicroSIM card support only'. Are they trying to create a new standard for SIM cards. But seriously is Apple really capable of forcing a standard??? I mean of course most carriers will throw MicroSIM cards to potential iPhone buyers but what if Nokia still use the usual SIM for their phones??? Apple sells its phones mostly locked to a particular carrier whereas Nokia sell unlocked phones.

                                      Moral of story : Nokia is more likely to create a new standard for mobile phones.

                                      P.S. What was Apple guys thinking?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • vGF
                                        • 04 Jul 2010

                                        adeel, 04 Jul 2010could anyone tell me is this model capable of regular sim c... moreu need a micro sim card for this phn